

Friday, January 29, 2021

M2 seminar: Social and cultural change in the UK in the 1970s

[attention il y aura un autre message pour ce même séminaire dans deux ou trois jours) 

As promised, this seminar is made up of three elements

1) Live online classes

2) Videos I make at home about the 1970s, which you may watch when you wish, and 

3) Links to online videos and articles, given here on this blog.

The first video I made at home is here. It is half an hour long.


As I explained in live class, the seminar is marked based on a piece of work you will do about the 1970s, based on online archives

You may work on one of the archives below, or one you have found yourself (but in the latter case you must ask me first).






Here is a Marxist one (the whole of the 1970s are available online)



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