Links and comments for university students of English, and of British Studies and British history. Study links connected with my classes, and general links on current affairs etc. There are sometimes indications as to what group might be particularly interested (L2 for Licence 2nd year, for example)

Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Absence 1 au 4 mars
Next week I have been invited to the University of Jaen in the South of Spain (under the Erasmus Lecturer Exchange Programme) to teach a couple of master's seminars on the History of Popular Culture. So my classes will not take place that week.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Civi L3 Commentaire de texte
Remember if you want to practise your text commentaries, write a commentary on one of the texts in the booket and send it me by mail. I will correct it and return it by mail.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
CAPES Epreuve dossier de synthèse précision
On nous a informé que lors de cette épreuve, les candidats pourront, pendant la préparation, écouter le document sonore autant de fois qu'ils le souhaitent.
Monday, February 14, 2011
The King’s Speech: Good Movie, Bad History - The Daily Beast
The King’s Speech: Good Movie, Bad History - The Daily Beast
Le film très populaire "Le discours du roi" ouvre beaucoup de questions concernant la représentation du pouvoir à l'écran. Cet article (cliquez sur le lien ci-dessus) conclut qu'il s'agit d'un bon film, mais d'une représentation fausse de l'histoire.
Le film très populaire "Le discours du roi" ouvre beaucoup de questions concernant la représentation du pouvoir à l'écran. Cet article (cliquez sur le lien ci-dessus) conclut qu'il s'agit d'un bon film, mais d'une représentation fausse de l'histoire.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Option transversale YouTube - 'Arf a pint of ale - Gus Elen
YouTube - 'Arf a pint of ale - Gus Elen
Une vedette anglaise du début du 20ème siècle.
C'est une chanson à la gloire de la bière.
Une vedette anglaise du début du 20ème siècle.
C'est une chanson à la gloire de la bière.
Friday, February 11, 2011
YouTube - Harold Wilson, Prime Minister, 1964-1970
YouTube - Harold Wilson, Prime Minister, 1964-1970
A very positive portrait on video of Harold Wilson.
A very positive portrait on video of Harold Wilson.
Britain since 1945 - Clause four
Several times in the history of the Labour Party in the twentieth century, the deate about "Clause Four of the Labour Party Constitution" will be important. Here is the clause in question. It was added to the Labour Party constitution in 1918.
"To secure for the workers by hand or by brain the full fruits of their industry and the most equitable distribution thereof that may be possible upon the basis of the common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange, and the best obtainable system of popular administration and control of each industry or service."
"To secure for the workers by hand or by brain the full fruits of their industry and the most equitable distribution thereof that may be possible upon the basis of the common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange, and the best obtainable system of popular administration and control of each industry or service."
Britain since 1945 - Harold Wilson
What wikipedia says about the man is not bad :
Harold Wilson first served as Prime Minister in the 1960s, during a period of low unemployment and relative economic prosperity (though also of significant problems with the UK's external balance of payments). His second term in office began in 1974, when a period of economic crisis was beginning to hit most Western countries. On both occasions, economic concerns were to prove a significant constraint on his governments' ambitions. Wilson's own approach to socialism placed emphasis on efforts to increase opportunity within society, for example through change and expansion within the education system, allied to the technocratic aim of taking better advantage of rapid scientific progress, rather than on the left's traditional goal of promoting wider public ownership of industry. While he did not challenge the Party constitution's stated dedication to nationalisation head-on, he took little action to pursue it.
Though generally not at the top of Wilson's personal areas of priority, his first period in office was notable for substantial legal changes in a number of social areas, including the liberalisation of censorship, divorce, homosexuality, immigration and abortion (see Social issues, below), as well as the abolition of capital punishment, due in part to the initiatives of backbench MPs who had the support of Roy Jenkins during his time as Home Secretary.
Overall, Wilson is seen to have managed a number of difficult political issues with considerable tactical skill, including such potentially divisive issues for his party as the role of public ownership, British membership of the European Community, and the Vietnam War. Nonetheless, his stated ambition of substantially improving Britain's long-term economic performance remained largely unfulfilled.
Harold Wilson first served as Prime Minister in the 1960s, during a period of low unemployment and relative economic prosperity (though also of significant problems with the UK's external balance of payments). His second term in office began in 1974, when a period of economic crisis was beginning to hit most Western countries. On both occasions, economic concerns were to prove a significant constraint on his governments' ambitions. Wilson's own approach to socialism placed emphasis on efforts to increase opportunity within society, for example through change and expansion within the education system, allied to the technocratic aim of taking better advantage of rapid scientific progress, rather than on the left's traditional goal of promoting wider public ownership of industry. While he did not challenge the Party constitution's stated dedication to nationalisation head-on, he took little action to pursue it.
Though generally not at the top of Wilson's personal areas of priority, his first period in office was notable for substantial legal changes in a number of social areas, including the liberalisation of censorship, divorce, homosexuality, immigration and abortion (see Social issues, below), as well as the abolition of capital punishment, due in part to the initiatives of backbench MPs who had the support of Roy Jenkins during his time as Home Secretary.
Overall, Wilson is seen to have managed a number of difficult political issues with considerable tactical skill, including such potentially divisive issues for his party as the role of public ownership, British membership of the European Community, and the Vietnam War. Nonetheless, his stated ambition of substantially improving Britain's long-term economic performance remained largely unfulfilled.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
M2 Rédaction-traduction
I have almost finished marking your scripts.
I hear that it is not easy to find work placements, so I wish you luck with that.
I was surprised to see that in US English "broadcasted" now exists as a past participle to "broadcast". You learn something every day.
I have put some of your encylcopedia articles up on wikipedia, under my name, before correction. You can visit the pages and correct the mistakes (I put them up without my corrections). If you don't correct them, someone else will eventually. Or someone who thinks the subject is not important enough to go on wikipedia will propose it be deleted...
I do recommend wikipedia for practising writing and watching it being corrected.
I hear that it is not easy to find work placements, so I wish you luck with that.
I was surprised to see that in US English "broadcasted" now exists as a past participle to "broadcast". You learn something every day.
I have put some of your encylcopedia articles up on wikipedia, under my name, before correction. You can visit the pages and correct the mistakes (I put them up without my corrections). If you don't correct them, someone else will eventually. Or someone who thinks the subject is not important enough to go on wikipedia will propose it be deleted...
I do recommend wikipedia for practising writing and watching it being corrected.
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
M2 Enseignement - préparation épreuve "Dossier de synthèse"
Voici les notes de votre devoir.
Attention! Ce sont des notes en lien au niveau que nous demandons pour un master. Vous aurez bien compris que la notation pour le CAPES est beaucoup plus sévère.
J'ai envoyé par mail une correction assez détaillée, aux étudiants qui m'avaient envoyé leur travail en format électronique.
Les défauts les plus courants et graves des devoirs étaient
1) ne pas mettre suffisamment au centre de l'analyse les objectifs des auteurs des documents.
2) ne pas montrer une large connaissance de l'histoire récente du Royaume Uni.
Bon courage pour la suite et à bientôt.
John Mullen
Maelle P 12,5
Chana B 12
Nassira M 11
Coralie M 12
Claire G 11
Dominique B 10
Elizabeth D 13
Sarah A 12
Jessica S 11.5
Christelle P 12,5
Cecile F 11,5
Erika P 14
Marie P 12
Remi C 10
Edwige H 11,5
Julienne G 11
Ha-Lee S 11
Sabrina C 7,5
Nathalie N 12,5
Attention! Ce sont des notes en lien au niveau que nous demandons pour un master. Vous aurez bien compris que la notation pour le CAPES est beaucoup plus sévère.
J'ai envoyé par mail une correction assez détaillée, aux étudiants qui m'avaient envoyé leur travail en format électronique.
Les défauts les plus courants et graves des devoirs étaient
1) ne pas mettre suffisamment au centre de l'analyse les objectifs des auteurs des documents.
2) ne pas montrer une large connaissance de l'histoire récente du Royaume Uni.
Bon courage pour la suite et à bientôt.
John Mullen
Maelle P 12,5
Chana B 12
Nassira M 11
Coralie M 12
Claire G 11
Dominique B 10
Elizabeth D 13
Sarah A 12
Jessica S 11.5
Christelle P 12,5
Cecile F 11,5
Erika P 14
Marie P 12
Remi C 10
Edwige H 11,5
Julienne G 11
Ha-Lee S 11
Sabrina C 7,5
Nathalie N 12,5
M1 commentaire dirigé -Revision of British history
As well as the specific course taught by Mr Lasalle on Rights in Britain, I think a general revision of British history is urgently needed. There are many general books in the University Library and you should read some of them. But also, here, in six hours of Mp3 files, is a revision course on British history. listen to it in the metro.
Class one
Class two
Class three
Class four
Class five
Class six
Do a right click and choose "enregistrer la cible sous"; this can take some time.
See you tomorrow.
Class one
Class two
Class three
Class four
Class five
Class six
Do a right click and choose "enregistrer la cible sous"; this can take some time.
See you tomorrow.
Prince Charles's visit to Brussels will come straight out of royal farce | UK news | The Guardian
Prince Charles's visit to Brussels will come straight out of royal farce | UK news | The Guardian: "– Envoyé à l'aide de la barre d'outils Google"
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Monday, February 07, 2011
Sunday, February 06, 2011
Saturday, February 05, 2011
Tony Cragg Louvre - Tony Cragg Exposition Paris 2011
Tony Cragg Louvre - Tony Cragg Exposition Paris 2011
Au Louvre, une exposition d'un des grands artistes contemporains anglais, Tony Cragg.
Au Louvre, une exposition d'un des grands artistes contemporains anglais, Tony Cragg.
BBC - History - British History in depth: Beneath the Surface: A Country of Two Nations
BBC - History - British History in depth: Beneath the Surface: A Country of Two Nations
Although the BBC website often gives an "official" view of history, where conflict is minimized and "automatic progress" is suggested, it is a site where you can learn a lot. In general it is considerably better written than wikipedia.
Although the BBC website often gives an "official" view of history, where conflict is minimized and "automatic progress" is suggested, it is a site where you can learn a lot. In general it is considerably better written than wikipedia.
BBC - BBC Radio 2 Programmes - Phil Ochs: Still Marching
BBC - BBC Radio 2 Programmes - Phil Ochs: Still Marching
A Radio Documentary on the prominent American folk singer, Phil Ochs
A Radio Documentary on the prominent American folk singer, Phil Ochs
Britain since 1945 YouTube - Harold Macmillan: The Wind of Change
YouTube - Harold Macmillan: The Wind of Change
A short extract from the "Winds of Change" speech.
A short extract from the "Winds of Change" speech.
Current affairs : Cameron: My war on multiculturalism - UK Politics, UK - The Independent
Cameron: My war on multiculturalism - UK Politics, UK - The Independent
Le premier ministre conservateur s'attaque au multiculturalisme.
Le premier ministre conservateur s'attaque au multiculturalisme.
Friday, February 04, 2011
Current affairs : Unite to stop racists in Luton|5Feb11|Socialist Worker
Unite to stop racists in Luton|5Feb11|Socialist Worker: "– Envoyé à l'aide de la barre d'outils Google"
Et la réaction des antiracistes.
Et la réaction des antiracistes.
British current affairs : EDL protest attracts European far-right activists | UK news | The Guardian
EDL protest attracts European far-right activists | UK news | The Guardian: "– Envoyé à l'aide de la barre d'outils Google"
De mauvaises nouvelles dans l'actualité anglaise.
De mauvaises nouvelles dans l'actualité anglaise.
option transversale YouTube - The Dubliners - Molly Malone
YouTube - The Dubliners - Molly Malone
The Dubliners, one of the leading irish folk groups until ten years ago.
The Dubliners, one of the leading irish folk groups until ten years ago.
Britain since 1945 YouTube - Gracemount high flats demolition Tamcuk
YouTube - Gracemount high flats demolition Tamcuk
This is a video of the demolition of a block of high-rise flats in Edinburgh.
This is a video of the demolition of a block of high-rise flats in Edinburgh.
Thursday, February 03, 2011
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
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