

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Remaining L2 oral presentations on UK media topics

 Update : j'ai modifié les paramètres et maintenant il est normalement possible de rajouter son nom au document google en question.

Amélie J

The Voice

Naomie K

Socialist Worker

Rachel L

UK Film Review

Zahra E

Victorian Pharmacy

Angie F

Keeping up Appearances

Louis F


Sarah G

Irish World

Mélysande D

A House through Time

Sarah C

Punk Britannia


Above is the list of students who still have to do an exposé concerning UK media (in addition to the 5 people who will do theirs in class on 3 May). Send me an email if I have forgotten you. You will remember that the presentation should be around 7 minutes long. Naturally, there are some marks for the quality of your spoken English and some marks for the content of your talk.

The plan is to do all of these on the mornings of 4 May or 12 May. They will be done in the video classroom which is at


You may come and watch the presentations of your friends presentations or presentations on a subject which interests you, if you wish, but this is entirely up to you.

The people involved should click on the link below and fill their names in for a particular time. If there is a problem, send me an email john.mullen  at the usual unversity email adresses.  If you have a powerpoint, send it to me before your talk, by email.


On 3rd May I will give you back your classroom test.

The marks of your oral presentations will be available here as soon as the last presentation has been given.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

L2 Ens cult ang. oral presentations

These 19 people did their oral  presentation in class

Amelia D

Secrets of Size

Anaelle D

Great British Sewing Bee

Angelique W



Girls Talk

Clémentine H

The Edwardian Farm



Izabel M

Church Times

Jose Maria R


Men’s Health


Joseph T

The Economist

Jules D


Julienne U


New Statesman

Léa  M


New Scientist

Léa F

Red Pepper

Lee Lou P


Maeva M



Meriem B

Absolutely Mama

Morgane P

LGBT sports broadcast

Naomi B

How earth made us

Rachelle D

The Ecologist

Solène C

The History Hour

Theo D

Inside science


These 5 people will do their oral presentation in class on 3rd May


Faustine Aligny

Lives less ordinary

Cherifa A

Muslim news

Lila B

Back in time for dinner

Cassilia B

The Frankenstein chronicles

Jade H

Woman’s hour


These 10 people have organized with me, or will do their talk by videocall at a date which I will announce here very soon, and will tell you in class on 3rd May

Amélie J

The Voice

Naomie K

Socialist Worker

Rachel L

UK film review

Zahra E

Victorian Pharmacy

Angie F

Keeping up appearances

Louis F


Sarah G

Irish World

Mélysande D

A House through time

Sarah C

Punk Britannia

Elisa LC

Strictly come dancing

 I think that is everyone. If I have forgotten you, or made a mistake, please send me an email as soon as possible. (john dot mullen à univ hyphen rouen point fr]


The aim of your exposé is to say everything which is interesting about your subject. Just explain what kind of magazine/podcast/show it is,  who reads or listens to it and why, in your opinion? What do they talk about? What are its strong points? How successful is it?  Is it  typically British?  Is anything surprising about it? etc etc  Give some typical examples of front pages, of articles,  of letters, of illustrations,  of adverts etc.

Saturday, April 08, 2023

L2 Ens. Cult. Ang. Classroom test 12 April

 The classroom test is next Wednesday. It will consist of a series of multiple choice questions (25 or 30) and a “Write two or three paragraphs about” question.


 The test  will last one hour (longer for the "tiers temps" people).

Questions may refer to the parts of the "brochure" we looked at in class, my talk on the UK press, my talk on key concepts n media studies, or my talks on the BBC.

If you are absent for any reason ( illness etc), you will take the “second chance” exam in a few weeks’ time.

L2 Ens. Cult. Ang. History of the BBC part three

You will fnd here the third and final part of talks on the history of the BBC.

Just click here.

Tuesday, April 04, 2023

L2 Ens. Cult. Ang. History of the BBC part two

 You will find here part two of the talks on the history of the BBC.

Just click here 

L3 orals podcast Roosevelt fourth annual message, and slides to date

 You will find here in three parts the Mp3 recording of the class on Theodore Roosevelt

Part one

Part two

Part three

And here are the slides we saw in class, from the class on Pankhurst to the class on Roosevelt.

Just click here.

Saturday, April 01, 2023

Conférence zoom sur la monarchie britannique aujourd'hui. 17 avril


Le Centre de recherche en civilisation britannique et l’Association France-Grande-Bretagne sont ravis d’annoncer

1)   1)  une conférence sur l’avenir de la monarchie britannique.

2)    et 2)  La mise en ligne de la conférence précédente, de Vincent Latour, sur le multiculturalisme au Royaume-Uni.

( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhrw5PDygCg )

La conférence sur la monarchie sera donnée par Philippe Chassaigne.

Le titre : « Après Elisabeth II, quelle monarchie pour le Royaume-Uni ? ».

Elle aura lieu lundi 17 avril, à Paris et sur zoom, à 18h précises (accueil du public sur place à partir de 17h30).

Conférence en français, ouverte au public, inscription obligatoire

N'hésitez pas à en informer vos étudiant e s.

Dans la salle des conférences du lycée Henri IV, 23 Rue Clovis, Paris, et également sur zoom.


S’inscrire gratuitement en envoyant un mail à afgb.resa-conf@orange.fr . N’oubliez pas de préciser si vous voulez assister sur place ou recevoir le lien zoom.

Conférences suivantes de la série :

Jeudi 25 mai 2023 Agnès Alexandre-Collier « L’Avenir du parti conservateur britannique. »


Conférences passées disponibles en ligne :


Nathalie Duclos « Le Royaume désuni ? Les Quatre nations au XXIe siècle »



John Mullen «La BBC : cent ans de service public?»



Roger Brown « Inequality in the UK »



Vincent Latour « Multiculturalisme, diversité et immigration au Royaume-Uni, de 1945 à la nomination de Rishi Sunak ».



John Mullen

Président du CRECIB