

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Remaining L2 oral presentations on UK media topics

 Update : j'ai modifié les paramètres et maintenant il est normalement possible de rajouter son nom au document google en question.

Amélie J

The Voice

Naomie K

Socialist Worker

Rachel L

UK Film Review

Zahra E

Victorian Pharmacy

Angie F

Keeping up Appearances

Louis F


Sarah G

Irish World

Mélysande D

A House through Time

Sarah C

Punk Britannia


Above is the list of students who still have to do an exposé concerning UK media (in addition to the 5 people who will do theirs in class on 3 May). Send me an email if I have forgotten you. You will remember that the presentation should be around 7 minutes long. Naturally, there are some marks for the quality of your spoken English and some marks for the content of your talk.

The plan is to do all of these on the mornings of 4 May or 12 May. They will be done in the video classroom which is at


You may come and watch the presentations of your friends presentations or presentations on a subject which interests you, if you wish, but this is entirely up to you.

The people involved should click on the link below and fill their names in for a particular time. If there is a problem, send me an email john.mullen  at the usual unversity email adresses.  If you have a powerpoint, send it to me before your talk, by email.


On 3rd May I will give you back your classroom test.

The marks of your oral presentations will be available here as soon as the last presentation has been given.

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