Why teaching and learning about word stress is important.
Stressing words in spoken English | British Council Voices
Links and comments for university students of English, and of British Studies and British history. Study links connected with my classes, and general links on current affairs etc. There are sometimes indications as to what group might be particularly interested (L2 for Licence 2nd year, for example)

Sunday, October 27, 2013
Saturday, October 26, 2013
L3 Britain since 1945 Tony Benn -
A few days ago I posted a video about Enoch Powell, one of the most famous right wing politicians of the post-war period. Here is a shorter video of a talk by Tony Benn, one of the most important personalities of the Left.
▶ Tony Benn - 10 min History Lesson for Neoliberals - YouTube
▶ Tony Benn - 10 min History Lesson for Neoliberals - YouTube
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
L3 and CAPES▶ Enoch Powell Odd Man Out Documentary 1995 - YouTube
Enoch Powell is famous for his racist speech of 1968. This documentary, produced in 1995, shows the context and consquences .
▶ Enoch Powell Odd Man Out Documentary 1995 - YouTube
▶ Enoch Powell Odd Man Out Documentary 1995 - YouTube
Monday, October 21, 2013
M2 Enseignement préparation épreuve dossier de synthèse
For the set of documents on Conservatives, which Aurélie will be presenting tomorrow, the video link is here :
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Privatization in British Universities
See this article
Stefan Collini reviews ‘Everything for Sale’ by Roger Brown, with Helen Carasso and ‘The Great University Gamble’ by Andrew McGettigan · LRB 24 October 2013
Stefan Collini reviews ‘Everything for Sale’ by Roger Brown, with Helen Carasso and ‘The Great University Gamble’ by Andrew McGettigan · LRB 24 October 2013
Britain since 1945 ▶ Bloody Sunday Revisited - YouTube
Documentary on "Bloody Sunday" and the long campaign of the victims for a revision of the initial enquiry.
▶ Bloody Sunday Revisited - YouTube
▶ Bloody Sunday Revisited - YouTube
Vient de paraître
Prononciations du monde
Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux – 2013
Olivier Glain.
Ce livre vient combler un manque dans le domaine de la phonologie
et de la phonétique de l’anglais : peu d’ouvrages accessibles traitent en effet
des accents et de la variation dans le monde anglophone. L’auteur met à profit
sa passion pour les
dialectes, les résultats de sa recherche et son expérience pédagogique pour proposer un manuel clair, agréable à consulter, utilisable par les étudiants de licence, master et concours d’enseignement aussi bien que par tous ceux qui souhaitent se familiariser avec les multiples facettes de l’anglais parlé, et pas seulement l’anglais « standard », (la référence est souvent la variété britannique, sous-catégorie « BBC English » ou « Received Pronunciation », fi nalement parlée par une minorité de locuteurs). Olivier Glain a fait une collecte impressionnante de sources authentiques et offre ainsi une véritable mine d’informations. Il entraîne le lecteur dans un parcours très complet des grandes aires anglophones (Royaume Uni, États-Unis, Australie, Nouvelle Zélande, Afrique du Sud, Inde). La partie « britannique » est traitée de façon très détaillée (un chapitre spécifi que est consacré à Londres et le sud-est, au sud-ouest de l’Angleterre, à l’East Anglia, au Nord de l’Angleterre, au pays de Galles, à l’Ecosse et à l’Irlande). Le but didactique est clairement affi ché avec les « cas pratiques » qui permettent au lecteur d’écouter des enregistrements qui sont commentés par l’auteur et peuvent servir d’exercices soit en auto-formation, soit en TD de phonétique. L’auteur prend soin de rendre accessibles les développements théoriques en donnant des explications détaillées et en les illustrant abondamment à l’aide d’exemples et d’un corpus d’anglais actuel collecté sur internet.
Les variations dans la prononciation sont souvent grandes d’une région à l’autre ou d’un pays à l’autre. Le facteur social joue aussi un rôle mais n’est pas l’objectif de cette étude. Face à une telle diversité de réalisation, un francophone étudiant
l’anglais a besoin de clés pour comprendre les phénomènes et dépasser ses intuitions. Prononciations du monde anglophone donne de telles clés grâce à des études systématiques et l’utilisation de transcriptions phonétiques qui permettent de rendre compte de façon précise de la variation.
dialectes, les résultats de sa recherche et son expérience pédagogique pour proposer un manuel clair, agréable à consulter, utilisable par les étudiants de licence, master et concours d’enseignement aussi bien que par tous ceux qui souhaitent se familiariser avec les multiples facettes de l’anglais parlé, et pas seulement l’anglais « standard », (la référence est souvent la variété britannique, sous-catégorie « BBC English » ou « Received Pronunciation », fi nalement parlée par une minorité de locuteurs). Olivier Glain a fait une collecte impressionnante de sources authentiques et offre ainsi une véritable mine d’informations. Il entraîne le lecteur dans un parcours très complet des grandes aires anglophones (Royaume Uni, États-Unis, Australie, Nouvelle Zélande, Afrique du Sud, Inde). La partie « britannique » est traitée de façon très détaillée (un chapitre spécifi que est consacré à Londres et le sud-est, au sud-ouest de l’Angleterre, à l’East Anglia, au Nord de l’Angleterre, au pays de Galles, à l’Ecosse et à l’Irlande). Le but didactique est clairement affi ché avec les « cas pratiques » qui permettent au lecteur d’écouter des enregistrements qui sont commentés par l’auteur et peuvent servir d’exercices soit en auto-formation, soit en TD de phonétique. L’auteur prend soin de rendre accessibles les développements théoriques en donnant des explications détaillées et en les illustrant abondamment à l’aide d’exemples et d’un corpus d’anglais actuel collecté sur internet.
Les variations dans la prononciation sont souvent grandes d’une région à l’autre ou d’un pays à l’autre. Le facteur social joue aussi un rôle mais n’est pas l’objectif de cette étude. Face à une telle diversité de réalisation, un francophone étudiant
l’anglais a besoin de clés pour comprendre les phénomènes et dépasser ses intuitions. Prononciations du monde anglophone donne de telles clés grâce à des études systématiques et l’utilisation de transcriptions phonétiques qui permettent de rendre compte de façon précise de la variation.
Manuel Jobert
M2 Enseignement: préparation épreuve orale sur dossier
Tuesday, the day after tomorrow, our class will only last two hours (2pm to 4pm).
Two students will present a set of documents each - which everyone should have prepared.
If we have time we will move on to a third set.
Two students will present a set of documents each - which everyone should have prepared.
If we have time we will move on to a third set.
M2 enseignement ▶ Sinead O'Connor - This is a Rebel Song - YouTube
If we have time on Tuesday, we will move onto a set of documents about Ireland. The audio passage is this song by Sinead O Connor
▶ Sinead O'Connor - This is a Rebel Song - YouTube
▶ Sinead O'Connor - This is a Rebel Song - YouTube
L3 and L1 Bloc 2 Musique ethnique et identité culturelle en Angleterre depuis 50 ans
L'immigration et la société multiculturelle constituent des aspects fondamentaux de la Grande-Bretagne contemporaine. Cet article en français retrace le rôle de la musique populaire dans l'affirmation de l'identité immigrée en Angleterre.
Cliquez ici
Cliquez ici
Friday, October 18, 2013
L3 Britain since 1945: Heath vs Wilson - The 10 Year Duel - BBC - YouTube
Harold Wilson and Edward Heath were the two politicans who dominated pre-Thatcher Britain. This documentary no doubt puts too much emphasis on personal questions, personality etc. But if you watch it, you will learn plenty about the seventies.
▶ Heath vs Wilson - The 10 Year Duel - BBC - YouTube
▶ Heath vs Wilson - The 10 Year Duel - BBC - YouTube
M1 enseignement épreuve composition
We had our first "exposé" last week. When students have done an exposé, they then write up an improved version of their comparative commentary, taking into account the comments I made in class. This written version must be sent to me by email, in RTF or PDF. I will put these improved versions on Eprel for everyone to read.
We may not have time for every student to do an "exposé". In this case, the other students will do a written comparative commentary at home and send it to me by email. In that way everyone will have a mark for this subject for their Master's degree.
Meanwhile, work on your general knowledge of British history - read books, go to the London museums for the day, listen to BBC radio documentaries, read newspapers, listen to my classes on MP3.
We may not have time for every student to do an "exposé". In this case, the other students will do a written comparative commentary at home and send it to me by email. In that way everyone will have a mark for this subject for their Master's degree.
Meanwhile, work on your general knowledge of British history - read books, go to the London museums for the day, listen to BBC radio documentaries, read newspapers, listen to my classes on MP3.
L3 Britain since 1945 - The Beatles in Canada in 1964
Click here for a short documentary on The Beatles
Here you will find a short documentary on Harold Wilson
Here you will find a short documentary on Harold Wilson
L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts: Welsh rock
You can see here on youtube the Welsh rock group, Catatonia
And here they are with another song, with the lyrics.
And here they are with another song, with the lyrics.
L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts
There is no class next week. Our next class is after the holidays, and it will be in amphi gris (4)
The first classroom test will be two weeks after our next class. There will no doubt be two parts to it - the first part a multiple choice test (a QCM, you say in French) and the second part a longer written question in English.
You need to revise the classes, especially if it is difficult for you to understand everything. I have put on Eprel today recordings of two classes, in Mp3. These classes are the first class (introduction) and the class on Scotland. They are in fact recordings from previous years, but as you can imagine, 95% has not changed.
I will put more classes up next week.
The first classroom test will be two weeks after our next class. There will no doubt be two parts to it - the first part a multiple choice test (a QCM, you say in French) and the second part a longer written question in English.
You need to revise the classes, especially if it is difficult for you to understand everything. I have put on Eprel today recordings of two classes, in Mp3. These classes are the first class (introduction) and the class on Scotland. They are in fact recordings from previous years, but as you can imagine, 95% has not changed.
I will put more classes up next week.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
CAPES Composition
- There is no class next week, but the class will be replaced later in the semester.
- I got a little confused in class; of course the épreuve composition is a *written* test, not one taken in front of a jury. I will still be commenting on your oral English a little, because that is always useful, but I shouldn't have limited you to exactly twenty minutes.
- There is no class next week, but the class will be replaced later in the semester.
- I got a little confused in class; of course the épreuve composition is a *written* test, not one taken in front of a jury. I will still be commenting on your oral English a little, because that is always useful, but I shouldn't have limited you to exactly twenty minutes.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Monday, October 14, 2013
La clé des langues - Anglais - Les tubes de la Grande Guerre en Angleterre
(Partie 1)
Mon article "Les Tubes de la Grande Guerre en Angleterre" vient d'être publié en ligne ici. Il comprend des liens vers des enregistrements originaux des chansons :
La clé des langues - Anglais - Les tubes de la Grande Guerre en Angleterre<br />(Partie 1)
La clé des langues - Anglais - Les tubes de la Grande Guerre en Angleterre<br />(Partie 1)
Friday, October 11, 2013
L3 Britain since 1945 Decolonization and Kenya
Dozens of Britain's colonies became independent in the 1950s and 1960s. The decolonization was carried out without a major all-out war such as the Algerian war. This does not mean there was not violent conflict. In Kenya, in particular, there was a fierce armed struggle. This BBC documentary talks to Kenyan people who fought for independence. It includes many interviews, and also the British news programmes of the time, which were very strongly in favour of the empire.
In 2013, some Kenyans won, at the High Court in London, compensation for torture they had suffered under British rule. See the article here.
In 2013, some Kenyans won, at the High Court in London, compensation for torture they had suffered under British rule. See the article here.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
L3 Britain since 1945: The case of Derek Bentley
The case of Derek Bentley, who was hanged, in controversial circumstances, was one of the key steps in the development of a national debate which ended with the abolition of the death penalty in Britain. This short documentary looks at some aspects of the case. Bentley was pardoned posthumously in 1998.
L3 Britain since 1945 : the Notting Hill Carnival
The Notting Hill Festival, every August in London, is a symbol of West Indian cultural influence in Britain. But throughout its history it has reflected many changes in British attitudes, and in immigrant identities and strategies. This article, in French, retraces that history.
Attention all students
On the 24th and the 25th October, I have to be in Dijon for a conference on "Artistic Commitments". My classes will not take place on these days. They will be replaced later if rooms are available.
L1 Bloc 2
Demain le 11 octobre nous serons comme prévu dans l'amphi gris ( amphi 4)
La semaine prochaine, le 18 octobre, nous serons dans l'amphi 6 (amphi orange)
La semaine prochaine, le 18 octobre, nous serons dans l'amphi 6 (amphi orange)
Wednesday, October 09, 2013
L3 Britain since 1945▶ 1955 - Conservative PPB (Macmillan) - YouTube
Conservative party political broadcast, General elections 1955
▶ 1955 - Conservative PPB (Macmillan) - YouTube
▶ 1955 - Conservative PPB (Macmillan) - YouTube
Remember you have to prepare the two documents in section C of the booklet, on the subject of chartism.
We are preparing you for an exam which lasts five hours : the documents are too difficult for you to understand if you do not prepare them beforehand. read them several times, look up the most important references, revise what you learned years ago about chartism...
Someone volunteered to present the documents on women's rights next week. I will be asking on Thursday for volunteers for the following weeks.
We are preparing you for an exam which lasts five hours : the documents are too difficult for you to understand if you do not prepare them beforehand. read them several times, look up the most important references, revise what you learned years ago about chartism...
Someone volunteered to present the documents on women's rights next week. I will be asking on Thursday for volunteers for the following weeks.
Tuesday, October 08, 2013
Conference : Film and TV in Anglophone countries
(Ouvert à tous, mais intéresserait particulièrement des étudiants en master, et des personnes qui préparent le capes).
Film and
Television Policies in English-speaking Countries
CinEcoSA International Conference
Friday 25 October 2013
Université Paris 8, Saint-Denis, G
Building, Room G-2
10.00 Conference registration
10.20 Welcome address – Joël AUGROS (Université
Paris 8)
10.30 FILM POLICY ISSUES – Chairs: Nathalie DUPONT (Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale) and Joël
AUGROS (Université Paris 8)
Daniel PELTZMAN (Université de Franche-Comté)
The film and television tax credit and its impact on the California motion
picture industry
Sian BARBER (Queen’s
University, Belfast)
Power and
responsibility: The British Board of Film Classification, the Video Recordings
Act and government control over the film industry
Frédéric GIMELLO (Université
The meaning of ‘quality’ in feature film policy
selective aid scheme: A French/UK cross-cultural perspective
12.15 Lunch break
14.00 CASE STUDY 1: AUTRALIA – Chair: Nolwenn MINGANT (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris
Julia HAMMETT-JAMART (Wollongong University; former Manager of Governance, Screen Australia)
Trading(-)in National Cinema: The case for re-thinking Australian film policy
14.45 CASE
Cecilia TIRTAINE (Université Sorbonne
Nouvelle- Paris 3)
Roger SHANNON (Edge Hill University; former head of production for the BFI)
Film Forever? The British Film Institute and the unraveling of the UK
Film Council
15.30 Break
15.45 WORKSHOP: SCOTLAND – Chairs: Cecilia TIRTAINE (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3) and Joël
AUGROS (Université
Paris 8)
Michael FRANKLIN (University
of St Andrews)
Investing in digital innovation, marketing and distribution: A public funder’s
new role in film market construction
Fabiola ALVAREZ (University
of St Andrews)
The role of the Scottish National
Screen Agency: Justifications of worth
Concluding remarks – Nolwenn
MINGANT (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3)
conference is organised by CinEcoSA (Cinéma, Economie & Sociétés
Anglophones), thanks to the support of the Centre for Research on the
English-speaking World (CREW – EA4399),
the Institut
de Recherche sur le Cinéma et l’Audiovisuel (IRCAV – EA185) and the Laboratoire Esthétique, Sciences et
Technologies du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel (ESTCA – EA2302).
It is open to all. No registration fees.
For more information, please visit our
website: http://www.cinecosa.com
Partir à l'étranger - réunion d'information
Une réunion d'information sur l'assistanat et le lectorat, et sur les possibilité d'études en programme d'échange (Erasmus, CREPUQ, MICEFA) dans les pays anglophones (îles Britanniques, Amérique du Nord, Océanie) aura lieu jeudi 24 octobre à 17h30 en salle i1-125.
Monday, October 07, 2013
L3 Britain since 1945: Exposés and marking
L3 exposés
Each student will do an “exposé” in class in the form of a commentary on a passage from your booklet. All students should prepare each text, so that they will be able to ask intelligent questions after the exposé.
Students who were absent last week must also sign up for a date and a document.
To remind you about some questions of methodology, read this document.
To remind you about some questions of methodology, read this document.
17.10 Lucie “Bevan on NATO” p 1
24.10 Julia “Wind of change” p 5
7.11 Zuzana “Race relations” p7
Nika: “River Tiber” p 8
14.11 Claire: “Bernadette Devlin” p9
Fatma: “The thatcherite vision” p11
21.11 Mallory “Punk England”p 12
Audrey “The Left attacks thatcherism”p 14
05.12 Elsa “New Labour” p17
In all, this module will have four marks
- the exposé
- the mid-term test
- the research paper (handed in at the beginning of January)
- the final exam
I will give you more information about the research paper soon.
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