Links and comments for university students of English, and of British Studies and British history. Study links connected with my classes, and general links on current affairs etc. There are sometimes indications as to what group might be particularly interested (L2 for Licence 2nd year, for example)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012
M2 Pro
Here are most of the marks for the homework assignment.
Your translations are very good.
Negative point: a professional level of re-reading is required.
That is to say, zero "little mistakes". If you spell an everyday word wrong, in a professional context, the client will simply throw your document away, because they will assume you are not reliable.
Fatoumata 16
Margault 15
Adeline 13
Priscilla 11
Mathieu Nicod 15
Mathieu F 14
Kelly 14,5
Alicia 15
Sunday, January 22, 2012
M2 Enseignement marks
Here are your marks for the master. I did tell you that if theya re good enough to get you a master's, the CAPES is another kettle of fish, and obviously more difficult. I wish you the best of luck, and do keep me posted.
Don't forget to do some practice presentations, record them and listen to them (if you can listen to them with an anglophone friend, that's even better).
Alexandre 13
Hai-Lee 11
Kim 13
Soukeyna 14
Jeremy 12,5
Maelle 11,5
Romain 14,5
Friday, January 20, 2012
M2 pro marks
Here are the marks on 20 for the final, translation exams. I am still working on the homework assignments.
Alicia 16
Mathieu F 15
Adeline 11.5
Margault 17
Kelly 16
Pauline 15
Mathieu N 16
Fatoumata 16
Priscilla 11
It would be good if you could get the scripts back. I am about to head for Blighty for ten days or so. I'll be back in early February. Can someone send me an email to let me know a date when you have classes, sometime after 6th Feb. Then I can come in and give you the scripts back.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
M2 master pro
I am making some progress with the marking, and I should be able to put up marks at least for the final test here tomorrow. I should say that the documents I chose for the final test were very difficult and that I was generally impressed by your often imaginative translations. Imaginative is essential in the business.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Friday, January 13, 2012
M2 Master pro
Vous n'êtes pas obligés, mais si vous m'envoyez également par mail votre brochure sur le musée de la Renaissance (comme certaines sont déjà fait), je vous renvois une version avec correction détaillée. JM
L1 Bloc 2 Final classroom test marks
Sauf erreur ou omission, here are your marks for the final classroom test. The weighting information is in the L1 booklet.
Adrien L . 10
Aicha D 4.5
Alyzée V 11
Angie M 10
Anne-Marie 14.5
Bertrand K 11
Camelia P 12
Camille M 11
Chloé F . 14
Christelle C 10
Claire B 13
David F . 2.5
Edouard N 11.5
Elsa F 17.5
Emily. 15
Erwan . 7.5
Etienne P 6.5
Filiz 10
Hana F . 10
Hélène A 14
Hélène M 15.5
Héloïse 12.5
Jana . 10
Jennifer M 4
Julia B . 15.5
Kehinde S.10
Khai Hoon T 10
Launy N. 12
Laura B 4
Laura C 17
Laura P 14
Laure-Hélène R 8.5
Lionel D . 14
Lisa B 12.5
Loussiné S 16
Lucie M . 5
Lynda M . 15.5
Macky 12.5
Marcin W 15.5
Marine B . 7.5
Mathieu B . 11
Max B. 13.5
Mickael S 10
Moira B 11
Morgane V 13
Riana A 10
Siham C 9
Vanessa Ti. 15.5
Vanessa Tr. 13
Victoria 7.5
Zuzana . 13.5
M2 professionnel
I intend to get your homework assignment and your classroom test marked within one week. Good luck with finding industrial placements and so on. Do send me an email to let me know how you are getting on. It was a pleasure to work with you.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
M2 Pro rédaction/traduction
Just to repeat - the test is tomorrow, at 15h30, in the room we normally use.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Mon article dans le Numéro 6 (2011) : "Discours autoritaires et résistances aux XXe et XXIe siècles" - articles - Propaganda and Dissent in British Popular Song during the Great War -
Revue Interdisciplinaire "Textes & contextes"
Numéro 6 (2011) : "Discours autoritaires et résistances aux XXe et XXIe siècles" - articles - Propaganda and Dissent in British Popular Song during the Great War - <br></br>Revue Interdisciplinaire "Textes & contextes"
L'Université de Bourgogne a publié mon article sur les chansons populaire et la contestation dans le music hall britannique.
Monday, January 09, 2012
New Yorkers beat a path to Birmingham (B1, not Alabama) - Features - Food & Drink - The Independent
New Yorkers beat a path to Birmingham (B1, not Alabama) - Features - Food & Drink - The Independent
Dans quelle ville anglais on mange le mieux? - Birmingham!
Dans quelle ville anglais on mange le mieux? - Birmingham!
L1 Bloc 2 Homework assignment
There will still be a few homework assignments waiting for me in my "casier", and I will mark these soon. Remember you must give it in on paper - don't send it by mail.
Nevertheless, below already are the marks of your homework assignments, which were generally good. The final mark for this UE is made up of three elements - the test you did in class in November, the final test you did in January, and the Homework assignment below. The final test is worth more than each of the other elements (details may be in the year booklet). Students who don't get a pass mark have an exam in June in the retake session.
I hope you survived the rest of your exams, and are taking a well-deserved rest.
Zuzana 11,5
Héloïse 13
Macky 14
Filiz 17,5
Mathieu B 12,5
David F 10
Jana 10,5
Emily 8
Erwan 11,25
Anne-Marie 13
Victoria 11
Vanessa T 11
Laura P 16
Lynda M 11,5
Hélène A 10
Lucie M 10
Riana A 8,5
Angie M 10
Bertrand K 8
Fofana H 8,5
Jennifer M 4
Lionel D 13
Alyzée V 14
Hélène M 13
Edouard N 13
Christelle C 11
Lisa B 17
Julia B 17
Elsa F 18
Camelia P 17
Moira B 13
Chloé F 15,5
Adrien L 13,5
Claire B 17
Siham C 13
Laura C 17
Loussiné S 18
Sunday, January 08, 2012
Saturday, January 07, 2012
Congé de recherche
Je n'ai pas de cours au deuxième semestre - suis en congé de recherche (voir ici )
Mais je reste disponible pour les étudiants qui ont des questions concernant Erasmus etc.
Je n'ai pas de cours au deuxième semestre - suis en congé de recherche (voir ici )
Mais je reste disponible pour les étudiants qui ont des questions concernant Erasmus etc.
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
LEA civilisation britannique L1 cours magistral
Le dernier fichier audio, le cours sur la république d'Irlande se trouve ici.
And the last powerpoint is here (I apologize for the poor visibility in class).
And the last powerpoint is here (I apologize for the poor visibility in class).
Partir pour son L3 en Erasmus
Nous n'avons pas beaucoup de places cette année, à Birmingham, mais si vous voulez déposer votre candidature pour passer votre L3 à la fac en Angleterre, vous devez m'envoyer un mail dans les 15 jours à venir.
John Mullen
John Mullen
LEA civilisation GB CM L1
Your exam is next Thursday; I will post here this afternoon the last audio file and powerpoint.
Bonne continuation.
Bonne continuation.
L1 Civilisation GB From the Reformation to the Glorious Revolution
Just to repeat some key information:
It was a pleasure to work with you all, an attentive group. I hope the history was interesting.
If you haven't yet handed in your homework assignment, please put it in my pigeon hole on the first floor. Don't send it by email; thank you.
When I have marked your work, the marks will be posted here (but only with your first names).
In the second semester, I am on research leave, writing my book
( )
Bonne continuation.
It was a pleasure to work with you all, an attentive group. I hope the history was interesting.
If you haven't yet handed in your homework assignment, please put it in my pigeon hole on the first floor. Don't send it by email; thank you.
When I have marked your work, the marks will be posted here (but only with your first names).
In the second semester, I am on research leave, writing my book
( )
Bonne continuation.
Monday, January 02, 2012
L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts
The last powerpoint we used in class - the history of gay identities in Britain.
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