Un nouveau livre intéressant dont j'ai écrit un des chapitres.
Racialisations Dans l'Aire Anglophone: Amazon.fr: Prum Michel: Livres
Links and comments for university students of English, and of British Studies and British history. Study links connected with my classes, and general links on current affairs etc. There are sometimes indications as to what group might be particularly interested (L2 for Licence 2nd year, for example)

Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
CAPES students especially BBC - Podcasts and Downloads - What the Papers Say
Do you have an MP3 player? Download this radio programme every week from the BBC to hear how the British newspapers are dealing with this week's news.
BBC - Podcasts and Downloads - What the Papers Say
BBC - Podcasts and Downloads - What the Papers Say
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
M1 Enseignement devoir maison sur Burke
Please read very carefully the comments I put up on Eprel
Marks :
Marks :
Devoir Maison sur Burke
Miassa 11,5
Miassa 11,5
Sarah 12
Mélanie 12
Chloé 11
Samy 13
Rose Laure 12
Ferdaws 11,5
Imene 12,5
Claire 9
Wendy 10
Charlene 7,5
Charline 8,5
Aurélie 11
Cosette 13
Albert 12,5
Nina 11,5
Mélanie 12
Chloé 11
Samy 13
Rose Laure 12
Ferdaws 11,5
Imene 12,5
Claire 9
Wendy 10
Charlene 7,5
Charline 8,5
Aurélie 11
Cosette 13
Albert 12,5
Nina 11,5
Sunday, November 25, 2012
M1 Enseignement Mark Steel: Thomas Paine 1 of 6 - YouTube
Mark Steel is a comedian, but also very interested in explaining history. The history is serious in his videos, but be careful not to mix up the history and the jokes!
Mark Steel: Thomas Paine 1 of 6 - YouTube
Mark Steel: Thomas Paine 1 of 6 - YouTube
Absence lundi 26 novembre
A l'attention des étudiants de L1 Bloc 2 "Social and ethnic identities and conflicts" et aux étudiants de L3 "Civilisation britannique : Britain since 1945". Puisque je suis souffrant, je serai absent demain lundi. N'hésitez pas à faire passer l'information aux étudiants que vous connaissez.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
L3 Britain since 1945 - History of British Art
The latest lecture, an Introduction to the history of British Art since 1945, can be found here. It is an MP3 file which is quite large : it is probably best to do a right click and choose "enregistrer la cible sous".
keywords : British history, history of art, podcast, lecture.
keywords : British history, history of art, podcast, lecture.
M1 Enseignement CM liberties listen to the lectures again here.
Here are the two latest lectures from the series "liberties in the UK", dealing generally with the slow rise of democracy and the long campaigns for women's suffrage, and their opponents. The lecture from the 15th November is here, and the one from the 22nd is here. It may well be that the best thing is to do a right click and choose "enregistrer la cible sous" since the MP3 files are quite large.
Keywords : British history, podcasts, university lectures, democracy, women's history UK
Keywords : British history, podcasts, university lectures, democracy, women's history UK
M1 Enseignement commentaire dirigé Nov/Dec 2012
As you know, on the 3rd of December we have a replacement class. This will change the dates of several exposés!
On 29 November, Antoneta and Ferdaws will present their exposés.
On 3rd December (not the 6th) Imen and Nina will present theirs
On 6th December (not the 13th) Samy and Aurélie
On 13th December (not the 20th) Aurélie and Miassa
On 20th December (not in January) Albert, Rose-Laure and Eloise (three students in this class).
In January you will have the exam - I am not yet sure if there is also a last class or not.
On 29 November, Antoneta and Ferdaws will present their exposés.
On 3rd December (not the 6th) Imen and Nina will present theirs
On 6th December (not the 13th) Samy and Aurélie
On 13th December (not the 20th) Aurélie and Miassa
On 20th December (not in January) Albert, Rose-Laure and Eloise (three students in this class).
In January you will have the exam - I am not yet sure if there is also a last class or not.
Friday, November 23, 2012
DST marks L3 Britain since 1945
Here are the marks for the DST text commentary you did ten days or so ago. The marks are generous : for quite a number of students the DST was a disaster! Several students said nothing at all about anything which Margaret Thatcher did when she was prime minister. Paraphrase was very much present. I probably made, during my classes, twenty or so points which could have been mentioned in connection to this text. Otfen only one or two were mentioned. As for information taken from history books : there was not much of that to be seen.
But for a few exceptions, you have the research paper, the exposé and the January exam to read up and make progress .
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
(Especially L3) text commentaries in British civilization
Here are some extracts from a website about how to do a text commentary in British civilization, produced by Nantes university :
The entire document can be found here:
commentaire doit prouver qu'on a compris quel est le sujet essentiel
abordé par le document. Le thème, et surtout la position prise par
l'auteur, qu'on connaît les dates, événements, personnes, faits de
société, mentalités, idéologies, allusions diverses etc. qu'il mentionne
et qu'on sait les mettre en perspective, quels en ont été les
précédents et les suites, qu'on a su identifier le point de vue de
1'auteur (d'un texte, d'un tableau, d'une caricature) et qu'on peut
décrire, apprécier et critiquer son argumentation.
faut soutenir votre argumentation, ce que vous cherchez à établir, par
des exemples nombreux et précis qui justifient votre point de vue sur le
document et vous pouvez, naturellement, citer d'autres auteurs, ou
d'autres oeuvres de celui qui a créé le document.
Eviter la paraphrase.
ne faut pas raconter le document ou se contenter de le décrire, mais il
faut, en le gardant toujours a l’esprit:. en le citant (Judicieusement,
mais avec modération!), l’enrichir, le nourrir, l’illustrer, 1'évaluer,
le discuter (sans porter de jugement "moral") à 1'aide de vos
connaissances, c'est-à-dire d'exemples précis. Des mots comme "then the
author", "afterwards" etc. placés en tête de vos paragraphes annoncent
souvent une paraphrase.
The entire document can be found here:
L3 exposés and DST
I am in the middle of marking your classroom test, and I hope to be finished in a few days time. I will be posting about this here soon.
In the meantime, here are the marks for the exposés we have seen so far.
Audrey, "The wind of change" 14,5
Benita "In place of strife" 11
Edouard "The white heat of technology" 8
Clémence "Race relations" 8
Souhila "The River Tiber" 13
Nadia "Bernadette Devlin" 13
Details of weighting are in the administrative booklet for L3.
In the meantime, here are the marks for the exposés we have seen so far.
Audrey, "The wind of change" 14,5
Benita "In place of strife" 11
Edouard "The white heat of technology" 8
Clémence "Race relations" 8
Souhila "The River Tiber" 13
Nadia "Bernadette Devlin" 13
Details of weighting are in the administrative booklet for L3.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
BBC - Your Paintings
Almost all the publicly owned paintings in the UK can be seen on BBC - Your Paintings
Sunday, November 18, 2012
L1 Bloc 2 Goodness Gracious Me - Going for an English - YouTube
Goodness Gracious Me - Going for an English - YouTube
A scene from a Sitcom, in which they make fun of traditional British people with racist attitudes
A scene from a Sitcom, in which they make fun of traditional British people with racist attitudes
L1 Bloc 2 Musique ethnique et identité culturelle
Voici un article en français concernant les festivals de musique "ethnique" en Grande-Bretagne depuis une quarantaine d'années.
Musique ethnique et identité culturelle
Musique ethnique et identité culturelle
M1 enseignement CM libertés
you will find lecture five here in Mp3 form. It might be best to do a right click and choose "enregistrer la cible du lien sous".
keywords : British history, podcast, university lecture, Rights and liberties in Britain part five
keywords : British history, podcast, university lecture, Rights and liberties in Britain part five
Bon courage
Bon courage aux étudiants en M2 enseignement, qui passeront mardi leur épreuve de commentaire dirigé, et mercredi leur épreuve de traduction.
L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts, devoir maison
Université Paris
Est Créteil, UFR de Lettres et de Sciences Humaines, Département d’anglais
novembre 2012
L1 Bloc 2 Social and Ethnic identities and
Devoir maison basé sur les textes dans la brochure (
qui est également disponible sur Eprel)
You have to hand
this assignment in on the 17th of December, which is also the day of your final
test in class.
Note :
copying even one sentence from another source without precise references may
have disciplinary consequences.
Read carefully the documents
on pages 5 to 10 (on Welsh, Scottish and Irish issues) and answer the following
questions. Some of the answers are in the documents, others require research in
the library. Do not quote from the documents ; use your own words.
A : Understanding
the documents (two to four sentences for each answer ; 6 points)
What do the people interviewed by the Western Mail feel is typically Welsh ?
What is the difference between devolution and
independence ?
What does the SNP think about the war in Iraq ?
What do you think the « equality agenda » of
the Good Friday agreement is ?
Why are some parts of the Sinn Fein document not in English ?
What areas of the economy are already organized for the
whole of Ireland, and not separately for the Irish Republic and Northern
Ireland ?
B : Understanding
the background (these questions need research ; Around six
sentences – one paragraph -for each answer ; 6 points)
What has the SNP done these last two years concerning
Scottish independence ?
b) Who are Sinn
Fein and how much influence do they have in Northern Ireland today ?
Who are the DUP and what political opinions do they
represent ?
C : Putting
it in context (8 points)
If you had to choose two historical
events for Scotland, and two historical events for Wales, which had very
strongly marked their national identities, which events would you choose, and
why ?
The whole assessment for this UE is based on the first DST, this homework,
and the final test in December.. Students who do not get a pass mark can retake
in June.
L1 Bloc 2 DST novembre notes
Alice A
Marine B
Cindy B
Hadrien B
Manon B
Marine B
Farid B
Charlotte B
Tracy B
Laura C
Marie D
Laure D
Lara D
Djintéa D
Aicha D
Vincent F
Camille F
Christopher F
Antony H
Dobhiatou K
Victor L
Alexia L
Marie-France M
Laurent M
Marina M
Pelagie N
Romane O
Fanny P
Mélanie P
Louise P
Manda R
Shanon R
Ana R
Charlélie R
Mickaël S
Jules S
Bartolomé S
Eszter S
Alexandre S
Cécilia T
Sylvie T
Angeline T
Je serai dans mon bureau (228) à 11h lundi, après le cours, si vous avez des questions.
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