

Sunday, November 18, 2012

L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts, devoir maison

Université Paris Est Créteil, UFR de Lettres et de Sciences Humaines, Département d’anglais novembre 2012

L1 Bloc 2 Social and Ethnic identities and conflicts
Devoir maison basé sur les textes dans la brochure ( qui est également disponible sur Eprel)

You have to hand this assignment in on the 17th of December, which is also the day of your final test in class.

Note : copying even one sentence from another source without precise references may have disciplinary consequences.

Read carefully the documents on pages 5 to 10 (on Welsh, Scottish and Irish issues) and answer the following questions. Some of the answers are in the documents, others require research in the library. Do not quote from the documents ; use your own words.

A : Understanding the documents (two to four sentences for each answer ; 6 points)

1.      What do the people interviewed by the  Western Mail feel is typically Welsh ?
2.      What is the difference between devolution and independence ?
3.      What does the SNP think about the war in Iraq ?
4.      What do you think the « equality agenda » of the Good Friday agreement is ?
5.      Why are some parts of the Sinn Fein document  not in English ?
6.      What areas of the economy are already organized for the whole of Ireland, and not separately for the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland ?

B : Understanding the background (these questions need research ; Around six sentences – one paragraph -for each answer ; 6 points)

a)      What has the SNP done these last two years concerning Scottish independence ?
b)     Who are Sinn Fein and how much influence do they have in Northern Ireland today ?
c)      Who are the DUP and what political opinions do they represent ?

C : Putting it in context (8 points)

If you had to choose two  historical events for Scotland, and two historical events for Wales, which had very strongly marked their national identities, which events would you choose, and why ?

The whole assessment for this UE is based on the first DST, this homework, and the final test in December.. Students who do not get a pass mark can retake in June.

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