

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Important : M2 thème

 Thème M2 (Also blog on master blog)

All M2 students, if I remember correctly, follow for 6 weeks the translation class which is also for agrégation students. Note that the dates of the classes have been slightly modified. You will have classes on 9 November, 16 November, 23 November, 30 November, 7 December and 14 December. The classes will be at 9 am, no doubt in A402.  The passages, which you should translate before the classes, can be found here http://www.jcmullen.fr/0922themeagregfinal.pdf . On the first page of the booklet you can find detailed information about handing in translations for personal feedback.On 9 November, we will be working on the passage by Ikor, which is on page 9 of the booklet. Other important information will regularly appear at http://johncmullen.blogspot.com/

I realize I should have put this message up a few days ago... JM

Important: M2 séminaire 1970s

(Si des agrégatifs peuvent signaler ce message à des M2, ce serait peut être utile

 M2 seminar 1970s

Many M2 students will be following my seminar on Britain in the 1970s ( Transformations sociales et culturelles au Royaume Uni dans les années 1970 ). Note that the dates of the classes have been slightly modified. You will have classes on 9 November, 16 November, 23 November, 30 November, 7 December and 14 December. The classes will be at 3.30pm in A402.

Before the class you should explore this journal


And read this article 


Sunday, October 23, 2022

M1 MEEF Civilisation britannique. Videos "Britain since 1945"



So far in class, we have had an overview of British history over the centuries. In this way I hope to have filled in some gaps and reminded you of key events and processes. Because some of you saw my overview of “Britain since 1945” only last year in L3, I decided not to do this in class this year. However, as luck would have it, a couple of years ago some pandemic or other obliged me to make videos of my classes. You will find here four half-hour videos outlining the main processes, events and contradictions in UK society since 1945. Although the aim of these videos was to introduce my course on popular culture, it will serve as an introduction to this period in British history. You just have to ignore the short introduction on administrative matters. 






L3 popular culture

 An article to think about concerning visual art


Saturday, October 22, 2022

M1 MEEF ... before the homework assignment

 The homework assignment will be available soon. In class we will look at some of the general background, and the methodology, which will help you both with the assignment and, later, with the CAPES. 

The assignment will be focussed around the theme "Rencontre avec d'autres cultures". I recommend you spend some time looking at this previous homework assignment which I gave a couple of years ago, and the detailed comments I made about students' work. This will hemp you to identify and avoid the classic major mistakes.

Just click here


Thursday, October 20, 2022

M1 MEEF changement de salle

Changement de dernière minute : L214! JM

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

M1 MEEF civilisation jeudi 11h

Dans la salle habituelle, A506.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

M1 séminaire Historiography and commemoration

 M1 Seminar Historiography and Memory: The British experience of the First World War.

Good news and bad news. I am ill [but not from Covid]. There will be no class on 19 October. The good news is that in previous years I recorded the corresponding classes. Students are therefore asked to look at the following videos, on my YouTube channel “the history fellow”. These videos are indispensable.

Commemoration 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWtFSLdPUFs 

Commemoration 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u6hicBWuck 

Commemoration 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF6V8qwf-Tg

Commemoration 4 


Note that the first one goes over what we saw in class, but the last two are completely new to you. You should also search around in the international press for other, newer examples of commemoration you will be able to use in the exam.

As you know, this seminar is evaluated by an exam in January. You will find, on the same YouTube channel, in a couple of weeks time, links to other videos which will help you revise, since they cover the same fields we have been looking at over the last five weeks.

L3 James Cook


Je suis souffrant et je serai absent mercredi 19 octobre. Puisqu’il y a deux ans j’ai enregistré des cours sur Cook, je vous demande de regarder ces videos (chacune dure 30 minutes):

Part one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DNBmnRPfok 

Part two https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvHJOQYMha4

Part three https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5Y8mZN-U-k

Il est important de regarder ces videos: elles font partie du programme.

Par ailleurs, comme annoncé, l’examen fin novembre prendra la forme d’un commentaire de texte. Vous trouverez ici l’enregistrement Mp3 de la partie du cours de mercredi dernier qui traitait du commentaire de texte. http://www.jcmullen.fr/1022cookcommentary.mp3 

I also recommend you read carefully this post, which I published a couple of years ago for a different class, buut which goes over the key points about he text commentary in civilisation. https://johncmullen.blogspot.com/2017/02/l3-dst-popular-culture.html

Thème agrégation

 Thème agrégation

I will not be in Rouen on Wednesday 19 October because I am ill (not covid :=)).

I will, sooner or later, finish commenting and returning your translations of the passage from Aubry, and I will post here http://johncmullen.blogspot.com/  annotated translations of Aubry and of the previous passage.

As you know there is no class on the 26th, so I will see you on the 9th November, when we will work on the passage by Ikor.

M1 Essential reading on poppies and commemoration in the popular press

 In The Sun, here, a surprisingly broad selection of views


Saturday, October 15, 2022

Thème agrégation

 I am working on the correction of the translations you have sent me. I am on the move this weekend (Britanny!) and do not have the same software as at home. You will get the list of main errors, but without the numbers of points.

Visual art and elitism

 In thus article from this week’s newspaper, can you find the little elitist sentence somewhere in the middle?


Tuesday, October 11, 2022

British popular culture - History of British cinema

I will see you the day after tomorrow in class.

The following Thursday, however, I have been asked to chair a session in a conference here in Rouen on political polarization, so I will be absent.

Please watch these two videos on British cinema. Each one is around half an hour.

And please check again here on the blog this time next week.



And this video looks at one event in the UK contemporary art scene:


Saturday, October 08, 2022

Popular culture class: NB:corrected message

 NB corrected message

The Thursday classes in popular culture will be a little disrupted. 

There will be no class on 20th October nor on the 27th October.

However, there will be a class on 15th  December, and I will be putting some resources here on the blog which you must study.

Front page news and classic comedy

 One of today’s UK newspaper headlines will be very difficult for people elsewhere in the world to understand, and perhaps even for younger Brits.

The reference is to this classic sketch by the  Two Ronnies. https://youtu.be/CNTM9iM1eVw 

Friday, October 07, 2022

Podcast : Popular culture and high culture in Britain since 1945

You will find here a recording of the class on defining popular culture and high culture, and a presentation of the ideas of Theodor Adorno, as well as some criticism of his views.

Just click here

Ces enregistrements sont parfois mis en ligne de cette manière afin de vous aider. Il ne faut pas oublier, pourtant, que la présence est obligatoire à ces cours, à moins d'avoir obtenu une dispense.

Podcast British hisory: The Industrial Revolution/M1 MEEF class 4b

 Canals, banks, protestantism, enclosures, railways, telegraphs, factories, trade unions, chartism, suffragism: how they all fit together in the first country to undergo the industrial revolution: Britain.

Just click here

Podcast British history: the Civil War/ M1 MEEF class four part one

 You will find here a recording of the class on the Civil War in 17th century England. How it came about, the different forces and ideas around Cromwell, the reasons of the restoration of the monarchy on radically different terms from previously.

Just click here


France in the British press

 The Nobel prize in literature Annie Ernaux wins the 2022 Nobel prize in literature | Books | The Guardian 

The Nobel prize in Physics! Three scientists share physics Nobel prize for quantum mechanics work | Nobel prizes | The Guardian 

Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Contre la violence sexiste à l’université!

 voir le documentaire ici!


MEEF M1 rencontres avec d'autres cultures

In the MEEF class, once I have finished the overview of British history, we will be looking at the theme of other cultures - racism, antiracism, multiculturalism, diversity. I highy recommend this issue of the French Journal for British Studies, available free online https://journals.openedition.org/rfcb/655 

The series of lectures I am organizing in collaboration with the CRECIB and the Association France-Grande-Bretagne are particularly useful for preparing the CAPES. The first one is on 13th October at 6pm. Nathalie Duclos will be speaking about "The Four Nations" (in French).  The lecture  is available by zoom and is free. But you must send an email to moreau-anet@orange.fr before the 8th October, if you want to receive the link for the zoom meeting.

If you should be in Paris, you can go in person, lycée Henri IV, rue Clovis, arrive well before 6pm : but you also need to send a mail to the above adress to register (for security purposes).

L3 culture populaire: Evaluation

 L'EC "culture populaire" sera évalué par un devoir maison un peu conséquent, impliquant de la recherche personnelle et de la rédaction. Je vous en donnerai le sujet lors de la semaine qui commence le 17 octobre, et vous me rendrez le devoir par mail avant le 28 novembre. Fichier word ou odt, à l'exclusion de tout autre format. N'oubliez pas de passer  un correcteur orthographique/de grammaire, évidemment.

Etant désormais en L3, vous comprenez bien les règles du plagiat. Une phrase prise d'une autre source (sauf si elle est citée et référencée, bien sûr) constitue un problème grave.

Monday, October 03, 2022

Women''s suffrage!


"Book Club" Droit de vote des femmes


Dans le cadre de la préparation à l’agrégation, une série de conférences en ligne sera dédiée à la question du droit de vote des femmes aux Etats-Unis (1776-1965). Si vous souhaitez assister à ces conférences, veuillez cliquer sur le lien correspondant à chaque séance pour vous inscrire à l’avance. Les conférences ont lieu de 17h à 18h30 (heure Paris). Elles sont ouvertes à toutes et tous. Les présentations seront suivies d'une discussion avec l’auditoire. 

Hélène Quanquin, Claire Delahaye, Claire Sorin, Anne Stefani

Wendy Rouse (San Jose State University), Public Faces, Secret Lives: A Queer History of the Women's Suffrage Movement (NYU Press, 2022)
lien d'inscription: https://univ-lille-fr.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_dh5OMiGNRyWXwA4sGLrEIQ 

Liette Gidlow (Wayne State University), The Big Vote: Gender, Consumer Culture, and the Politics of Exclusion, 1890s-1920s, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004.
lien d'inscription: https://univ-lille-fr.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8-uhtPymQLSt4zUEgznQEg 

Rosemarie Zagarri (George Mason University), Revolutionary Backlash, Women and Politics in the Early American Republic, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007. 
lien d'inscription: https://univ-lille-fr.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_f-1hxbb0Tlyije9vDV6ciw 

Katherine Marino (UCLA), Feminism for the Americas: The Making of an International Human Rights Movement, University of North Carolina Press, 2019.
lien d'inscription: https://univ-lille-fr.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_S2YmlyBzQ2WsWfFgK81wXg

Lori D. Ginzberg (Penn State University), Untidy Origins: A Story of Woman’s Rights in Antebellum New York, Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press, 2005.
lien d'inscription: https://univ-lille-fr.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lbEWPr1VRKmQABUQStZW5Q

Marjorie Spruill (University of South Carolina), New Women of the New South: The Leaders of the Woman Suffrage Movement in the Southern States (Oxford University Press, 1993)
lien d'inscription: https://univ-lille-fr.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_P8rf4IBeRD-ZYnvjw48wBQ

Saturday, October 01, 2022



Séminaires d'agrégation en ligne

par Claire Gheeraert-Graffeuille, lundi 26 septembre 2022, 20:55
Nombre de réponses : 0

Dans le cadre de la préparation de la question de civilisation britannique à l’agrégation d’anglais 2023, trois séminaires en ligne sur le puritanisme anglais des XVIe et XVIIe siècles sont organisés en octobre, décembre et février par Sandrine Parageau (Sorbonne Université) et Anne Page (AMU):

 Des directeurs et directrices d’ouvrages de référence sur le sujet y présenteront leur travail. Voici le calendrier :

14 octobre 2022, 17h00-18h30 : Francis Bremer autour de Puritans and Puritanism in Europe and America: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia (Santa Barbara: ABC Clio, 2006) 

16 décembre 2022, 17h00-18h30 :  John Coffey et Paul Lim autour de The Cambridge Companion to Puritanism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008) 

10 février 2023, 17h00-18h30 : Ann Hughes et Greg Salazar autour de The Oxford Handbook of Puritanism, à paraître en 2023 (coédité avec Francis Bremer également).

La participation requiert une inscription, qui se fait sur Eventbrite en suivant les liens ci-dessous.  

Puritanisme webinaire 1, vendredi 14 octobre 2022, avec Francis Bremer.  

Inscription: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/webminaire-puritanisme-1-tickets-378564836617

Puritanisme webinaire 2, vendredi 16 décembre 2022, avec John Coffey et Paul Lim.

Inscription: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/billets-webimaire-puritanisme-2-380307699567

Puritanisme webinaire 3, vendredi 10 février 2023, avec Ann Hughes et Greg Salazar.

Inscription: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/billets-webminaire-puritanisme-3-379092494857 

Thème - le prétérit en anglais

 You need this book! It explains in 128 pages very clearly the difficulties with Be + ING, Have + EN  and even the difference  in meaning between "Someone has smoked" and "someone has been smoking". Don't miss it: free on line here: Le prétérit en anglais de Anne Trevise.


British history podcast 1968 to 2020/ Class 2 L3 civi GB

 You will find here a recording of the class on British history 1968 to 2020. It sketches out the main currents of British history, in particular around governments and trade unions, around racism and anti-racism, and around the conflict in Northern Ireland.

Just click here 

Britain in the French press


British history podcast 1384 to 1625, 14th to 17th century / MEEF M1 civi GB class 3

 You will find here a recording of the class which went from the Black Death and the Peasants' revolt of the 14th century, through the religious, economic and political reasons for the Reformation, and the different policies of monarchs between Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, to the conflict between parliament and King under James I.

Just click here