

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Christmas, Hannukah etc

For those of you who celebrate Christmas, Happy Christmas to you. Happy hannukah to them what celebrates that.
And a happy New Year to the lot of you.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

LEA civilisation britannique L1 cours magistral

Here are all the audio files (the last class was not recorded).http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif


L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts

All the audio files are here

First file
second file
third file
fourth file
fifth file
sixth file
seventh file
eighth file
ninth file
tenth file
eleventh file
twelfth file

LEA civilisation britannique L1 cours magistral

Here are all the powerpoints I have used this semester.
Of course, often there are only pictures, so remember you also need to revise what I said about the pictures! I will post a message about audio files later today.

powerpoints one and two
powerpoint three
powerpoint four
powerpoint five

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tiger Rag played by Winifred Atwell - YouTube

Tiger Rag played by Winifred Atwell - YouTube

L1 LLCE British Civilization : From the Reform to the Great Exhibition

If you weren't in class yesterday, or you've lost the sheet of paper, here is the Homework assignment :

Université Paris Est Créteil, UFR de Lettres et de Sciences Humaines, Département d’anglais
décembre 2011

L1 civilisation. From the Reformation to the Great Exhibition.
Devoir maison basé sur les documents de la brochure. La brochure est disponible sur Eprel ou à l’adresse http://www.jcmullen.fr/2011brochurereform.doc

NB : Utiliser même une phrase copiée d’une autre source sans citation précise est absolument interdite et pourrait entraîner une procédure disciplinaire

Section A
Read carefully the documents on pages 16-18 (The Liverpool and Manchester Railway Prospectus ; the Crystal Palace Exhibition ; A Luddite declaration) and answer the following questions. Some of the answers are in the documents, for other you need to research.

1. Give two reasons the writers defend the introduction of a railway.
2. What did Victoria find impressive about the Crystal Palace Exhibition?
3. Why do the Luddites want to break the machines?

4 What were the similarities and differences between the Luddite movement and the Captain Swing movement of 1830?

Section B

Read carefully the two documents on pages 22 and 23 (The need for Electoral Reform, and The National Petition of the Chartists) and answer the following questions. Do not quote from the document.

1. What does Russell mean when he says that sometimes a “stone wall” elects a member of parliament, whereas a large and flourishing town sometimes does not ?
2. What do chartists mean when they say “we demand the ballot”?

3 What were the most important changes made in the two years after Russell’s speech?

Le devoir doit être rendu le 3 janvier, qui est également la date du contrôle final.
Students who do not get a pass mark will retake an exam in June.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts

You will have noticed that one of the questions in your homework is:

If you had to choose two historical events for Scotland, and two historical events for Wales, which had very strongly marked their national identities, which events would you choose, and why ?

Il y a pas mal d'évènements que vous pourriez choisir (il n' y a pas seulment 4 bonnes réponses possibles). L'essentiel est comment vous expliquez leur importance.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Franco-British History Seminars (External) podcast | Institute of Historical Research

Franco-British History Seminars (External) podcast | Institute of Historical Research

L1 LLCE Civilisation "From the Reformation to the Great Exhibition"

Régime dérogatoire : nouvelle information.

Les étudiants du régime général auront un devoir maison à faire pendant les vacances, et un contrôle final le 3 janvier. Le contrôle final traitera de l'histoire depuis 1660.

Les quelques étudiants du régime dérogatoire (contrairement à l'information que j'avais donnée) auront un autre examen, un autre jour, et l'examen traitera de l'ensemble du programme.

Friday, December 09, 2011

Cheap classics boom as rest of book trade struggles | Books | guardian.co.uk

Cheap classics boom as rest of book trade struggles | Books | guardian.co.uk

L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts

Here is the powerpoint on Jewish immigration to Britain.
Here is the one on Irish immigration.
Here is the one on West Indian and South Asian immigration.
And here is the powerpoint on the history of women in Britain.

L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts

Listen again to the class on women's history in Britain

LEA civilisation britannique L1 cours magistral

Listen again to the class on devolution and Northern Ireland.

L1 LLCE British Civilization : From the Reform to the Great Exhibition

Listen again to the class about chartism here.

Préparation CAPES Politics UK: Amazon.fr: Bill Jones, Philip Norton: Livres anglais et étrangers

Politics UK: Amazon.fr: Bill Jones, Philip Norton: Livres anglais et étrangers

If you want to be sure of being able to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the British political sytem, this is the book for you. On Amazon, you can leaf through it and see the table of contents.

Armistice Day and a mythologised, distant version of the first world war | Andrew Frayn | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Armistice Day and a mythologised, distant version of the first world war | Andrew Frayn | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

BBC News - Today - Royal wedding 'should be low key'

BBC News - Today - Royal wedding 'should be low key'

The computer technology being beyond me, any capes M2 students reading this, please go listen now to this interview. (From minute 4 to minute 8).
One of your classmates will be analyzing it today.

Poll finds substantial support for Scottish independence | Westminster blog | Jim Pickard and Kiran Stacey share their views on the UK’s political scene for the Financial Times – FT.com

Poll finds substantial support for Scottish independence | Westminster blog | Jim Pickard and Kiran Stacey share their views on the UK’s political scene for the Financial Times – FT.com

Opinion is Scotland is changing. A few years ago not many Scottish people actually wanted independece, although most of them supported autonomy.
Today support for independence is running at its highest level for a long time. IT is still a minority, but a very substantial one - over 30% according to some opinion polls. Opinion polls are difficult to interpret, but this is interesting news.

L1 LLCE Civilisation GB From the Reformation to the Glorious Revolution


Next week, I will give you your homework, and I will post it here. It will be based on the "brochure de documents" which is on Eprel.

On the 3rd January, you will have the final test. Anyone who is absent for any reason may take the retake in June. The retake is also available, of course, to students who do not get a pass mark in the first session.

One student is in régime dérogatoire. Their test will be at the same time as everybody else's, but it will not be the same test - it will cover the whole period studied.


Monday, November 28, 2011

Friday, November 25, 2011

M2 Master Professionnel Rédaction-traduction

Ok, so there will be a class as usual on the 8th december and on the 15th December at 15h30.
There will be no class on the 5th January, and the final test will be on the 12th January at 2pm in a room which will be announced soonish.

Marks and Spencer returns to Paris - and so does the orderly queue | Business | The Guardian

Marks and Spencer returns to Paris - and so does the orderly queue | Business | The Guardian

Monday, November 21, 2011

Rendezvous Enseignant référent

Chaque étudiant de première année a un enseignant référent. L'enseignant rencontre l'étudiant après quelques semaines de sa première année pour faire le point sur ses études. C'est le moment d'en parler si vous pensez vous réorienter, et aussi de faire part de toute question ou difficulté. Je voudrais donc prendre rendezvous avec les étudiants suivants, dans mon bureau (208) aux horaires suivants. J'ai demandé à votre enseignante Mme Head de vous permettre de sortir, si votre rendezvous tombe pendant son cours le jeudi après midi.

Si vous avez un empêchement, envoyez-moi un courrier électronique. john [point] mullen [arobase] wanadoo.fr


jeudi 24 novembre
11h15 Filiz Kahraman
13h Preston Adetou
13h15 Nicole Atse

jeudi 1 décembre
11h15 Pauline Barbot
11h30 Lisa Bardot
14h Stéphanie Bataille
14h15 Imane Belmrabet
14h30 Marion Benard
15h Marine Bidard
15h30 Mathieu Billard
15h45 Laura Chollet

mer 7 décembre
13h15 Diallo Kadiatou
13h30 Launy Nattes-Peraste
13h45 Hélène Mene
14h Christopher Maga

jeu 8 décembre
11h30 Erwan David
11h45 Dialla Ramata
13h45 Diols Lyndsay
14h Duval Clémence
14h15 Esmailian Flora
14h45 Fassier Hélène
15h Frot Chloé
15h15 Lopez Garcia Tiffany

M2 Master Professionnel Rédaction-traduction

For Thursday, please prepare the translation concerning Gemplus.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

First World War music hall - myths and realities

Click on the link below to listen to an MP3 version of my talk at the Imperial war museum seminar on November 15th.

click here

L2 Thème Classroom test November

Below are the suggested answers. The next big test, which will have the same structure, will be on Tuesday 3rd January. If you are absent on the 3rd January, even for a very good reason like illness, you will take the retake exam in June.

Suggested answers, classroom test L2, November 2011

Section A

1 Régine looked at me in silent disapproval.
2 I thanked him for his thoughtfulness but pointed out that I had no money.
3 He had no children. Noone knew of any family.
4 The conversation they had had on this subject, two weeks earlier, had been the first one they had had since they started working shifts.

Section B
Les emplois temporels du prétérit (« I went to York when I was in England » (et les emplois non temporels (« If only I could fly. » or « If I bought a car… ») ont en commun le fait de souligner le décrochage de l’évènement par rapport au moment présent. Pour les emplois temporels, nous parlons d’une période révolue ; pour les emplois non-temporels, nous parlons d’évènements non-réalisés.

Section C (NB il faut traduire au prétérit)

Willy Berg, more dead than alive, phoned the Saussaies ; his report filled them with panic. Pannwitz immediately set in motion a gigantic police operation. The area around Saint Lazare station was blocked off ; dozens of passers-by were arrested ; the Bailly Building was gone over with a fine toothcomb. But there was no sign of Trepper. At the end of the afternoon, Pannwitz closed down the security set-up, which was no longer of any use. And that’s when the big boss walked into Saint Lazare station from the Rue d’Amsterdam and jumped into a train heading for Saint-Germain-En Laye.

He had realized that the Gestapo would be swarming into the area. Coming out of the chemist’s, he had run into a metro entrance, jumped onto the first train that arrived and stayed hidden there until it got to the terminus. From there, he came back gradually towards the centre of Paris ; at the end, a bus dropped him off at Saint Lazare station. He didn’t know if Georgie still lived in their house. She might have been short of money to pay the rent. The lease was soon to run out, if it hadn’t already done so.

Katz ! He must know about his boss’s escape plan ; He probably even knows where he is hiding.

From the Orchestre Rouge by Gilles Perrault

Thursday, November 17, 2011

L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts

The test you did today counts for 25% of your final mark.
Another 25% will be for your homework assignment which I will give you soon, and which will be based on the documents in the document booklet.

The final 50% will be for your last test on Thursday January 5th

Student who do not get ten out of twenty at least, or are absent for any reason, will be able to take an exam again, in June.

The classes we have left are
24 November - immigration 2
1 December - immigration 3
8 December - Women's social position and identity
15 December - History of gay identities in Britain

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

M2 Master Professionnel Rédaction-traduction

Remember that tomorrow's class starts, exceptionally, at 2 pm.
I will be giving you your first marked assignment, for you to do at home. Isn't that exciting?

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Monday, November 07, 2011

L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts

I have put some of the powerpoints online to help you revise. These three powerpoints made up the first class :

Part A of the first class is here
Part B of the first class is here
Part C of the first class is here

Click here for the second class powerpoint on work before 1945
Click here for the third class powerpoint on work after 1945
Click here for the powerpoint on Scotland and Wales
Click here for the powerpoint on Ireland

L1 LLCE Civilisation "From the Reformation to the Great Exhibition"

Tomorrow's test includes

Part one (14 points)
Choose FIVE of EIGHT subjects given and explain what they are, the context, and the link with the great historical changes I have been talking about.

Part two (6 points)
A longer question about a great historical change.

L2 thème - tomorrow's test

Tomorrow's test includes

- four sentences to translate, which you have already seen

- a short question on the reading I have put online here, about tenses in English

- a passage from a novel to translate into English

The most important thing to revise is no doubt the grammar points we have looked at while translating.


Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Ride on the Tramcar through Belfast (1901) - YouTube

Ride on the Tramcar through Belfast (1901) - YouTube

A quoi ressemblait une ville irlandaise en 1901. Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessus pour un video de deux minutes qui vous montre Belfast en 1901

L1 LLCE Civilisation GB From the Reformation to the Glorious Revolution

As you know, your first test is on the 8th November. To help you plan in advance, I can tell you already that the final test will be on Tuesday 3rd January. This test cannot be moved, and anyone who is absent for illness or any other reason will only be able to pass the module by retaking an exam at the "second session" in June.

L2 Thème - planning in advance

As you know, your first test will be on the 8th of November.
The final test of the semester will be on Tuesday 3rd January. There is no way of putting this test on another day. So plan in advance to be back from any trip to see family etc by the 3rd of January!

Anyone who is absent on the 3rd of January for any reason will be able to retake an exam in order to pass the module at the "deuxième session" in June.

Open days put universities under the microscope | Education | The Guardian

Open days put universities under the microscope | Education | The Guardian

Maxed-out Britain - Home News - UK - The Independent

Maxed-out Britain - Home News - UK - The Independent

Monday, October 31, 2011

LEA civilisation britannique L1 cours magistral

You can find here the powerpoint about education.
Do remember that not all the class is on the powerpoint, and that you can also listen to the MP3 version.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

LEA civilisation britannique L1 cours magistral

Listen again to class five, about British Universities, by clicking here. These recordings may not be available every week.

L1 LLCE British Civilization : From the Reform to the Great Exhibition

Listen again to class 5 about the eighteenth century in Britain by clicking here.These recordings may not be available every week.

L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts

Listen again to class five, about Wales and Welsh identity by clicking here. These recordings may not be available every time.

Monday, October 24, 2011

UK university applicants drop by 12% before tuition fee rise | Education | The Guardian

UK university applicants drop by 12% before tuition fee rise | Education | The Guardian

L2 thème - first test

Warning! Your first test will be on Tuesday November 8th.
It will include

- one or two questions on the reading which is on Eprel
- two or three sentences from passages we have already translated
- A short passage to translate.

L2 Thème testing

Each week I will be putting on Eprel some reading about tenses. Questions about this reading will be included in all tests, in addition to passages to translate!

L1 civilisation GB Isaac Newton - Wikipédia

Isaac Newton - Wikipédia
En français

L1 Civilisation GB Isaac Newton - Sixty Symbols - YouTube

Isaac Newton - Sixty Symbols - YouTube

This eight minute video explains something about the ideas of Isaac Newton, one of the greatest British scientists in history.
He was born in 1642 and died in 1727. Click on the heading above.

L1 Civilisation GB From the Reformation to the Glorious Revolution

Le calendrier va être un peu perturbé.

Le mardi 1er novembre est férié.

Le mardi 8 novembre vous aurez votre premier test qui portera sur les thèmes traités pendant les 5 premiers cours. Il est aussi fortement recommandé de lire les chapitres correspondant à cette période dans The Oxford History of Britain de Kenneth Morgan et dans L'histoire de la Grande Bretagne de Roland Marx. Ces deux livres sont disponibles en plusieurs exemplaires chacun à la bibliothèque universitaire.

Le mardi 15 novembre il n'y aura pas cours (je suis invité à un musée à Londres pour parler de ma recherche).

Après cela, tout reviendra à la normale.

NewsBiscuit | UK News Satire, Parody and Spoof News

NewsBiscuit | UK News Satire, Parody and Spoof News

Actualité britannique - mais attention, c'est de l'humour, un peu dans le style des guignols de l'info. Le slogan du site: "The news before it happens".

Saturday, October 22, 2011

LEA civilisation britannique L1 cours magistral

You can find the week four lecture online in Mp3 format, in two parts.

Part one is here and
Part two is here.

These recordings may not be available every week.

L1 LLCE British Civilization : From the Reform to the Great Exhibition

You can find the week four class here, about the restoration of the monarchy and the crisis of 168..

L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts

You can find the week 4 class in Mp3 format here. Do a right click and choose "enregistrer la cible du lien sous". These recordings may not be available every week.

Actualité GB Curry workers turn up heat for better conditions - Home News, UK - The Independent

Curry workers turn up heat for better conditions - Home News, UK - The Independent

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

LEA civilisation britannique L1 cours magistral

Vous pouvez trouvez sur eprel le powerpoint des trois premiers cours.

L1 Bloc 2 Runrig - Live in Loch Lomond - Loch Lomond - YouTube

Runrig - Live in Loch Lomond - Loch Lomond - YouTube

Follow the link above to listen to Runrig, a Scottish rock band, singing a traditional Scottish song.

L1 Bloc 2 Road Rage by Catatonia - YouTube

Road Rage by Catatonia - YouTube

Follow the link above to listen to the welsh rock band Catatonia.

L1 Bloc 2 A History Of Scotland - Episode 1 - The Last Of The Free (1/6) - YouTube

A History Of Scotland - Episode 1 - The Last Of The Free (1/6) - YouTube

If you are interested in the History of Scotland, there is a BBC documentary available on Youtube.

L1 BLOC 2 Scottish National Anthem ~ Flower Of Scotland (Lyrics) - YouTube

Scottish National Anthem ~ Flower Of Scotland (Lyrics) - YouTube

Click on the heading above to listen to "Flower of Scotland" and to see the lyrics.

Monday, October 17, 2011

L2 Thème Genealogy.com: What is a First Cousin, Twice Removed?

Genealogy.com: What is a First Cousin, Twice Removed?

"Un arrière petit cousin" ?

On this pages you can see an explanation of the English terms. Many English people make mistakes with these all the time.

L2 Thème Flats to rent & Houses to rent

Flats to rent & Houses to rent

In this week's translation, we see a small ad to help sell a flat. Click on the link above to see some such ads.

Friday, October 14, 2011

L2 thème

I have now opened up the Eprel space for L2 Thème - this means you can access it easily. I have put a reading on there for this week concerning the preterite. I will put a few more pages up each week. I highly recommend this text which is an extremely clear explanation of when to use the preterite, and when you need to ue other options.

L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts

You can listen again to class three by downloading the MP3 version here. These recordings may not be available every week.

L1 LLCE British Civilization : From the Reform to the Great Exhibition

You can download from here a recording of the third class, in MP3 format. These recordings may not be available every week.

LEA civilisation britannique L1 cours magistral

You can find here the recording of the third class, in MP3 format. It may be better to do a right click and choose "enregistrer la cible du lien sous". The file may take several minutes to download.

These recordings will be made available as often as possible, but there is no guarantee that I will make one every week.

British current affairs : Elderly: The age old story - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

Elderly: The age old story - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

GB CURRENT AFFAIRS Government to launch work academies - Home News, UK - The Independent

Government to launch work academies - Home News, UK - The Independent

L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts

Ken Loach 1969 Kes school - YouTube

Another, shorter clip from the same film.

L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts

Billy Casper plays football (Kes) - YouTube

Working class identities in the 1960s : watch a film clip.

Click on the title above to watch a ten minute extract from "Kes", a successful film by Ken Loach. It is about a working class boy in the 1960s, and his experience in the rough school he went to.

The 1960s was a period of a general rise in living standards for the working class, but not everyone benefited, and there were still many pockets of severe poverty.

Le 1er tour des primaires socialistes à travers la presse britannique - Le blog de Bernard Gensane

Le 1er tour des primaires socialistes à travers la presse britannique - Le blog de Bernard Gensane

Monday, October 10, 2011

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Argument Clinic - YouTube

Argument Clinic - YouTube

British humour - the argument sketch, a classic sketch from Monty Python.

Friday, October 07, 2011

L1 LLCE British Civilization : From the Reformation to the Great Exhibition

You can find the second week's class here, in Mp3 format, in two parts :

Part one is here. It's about forty minutes long.

Part two is here. It's about forty five minutes long.

M2 Master Professionnel Rédaction-traduction

The booklet you need is now available on Eprel.
For next week I would like everyone to do pages 3 (the letter) and 5 (the translation).

L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts

You can find here the second week's class on Mp3. These recordings may not be available every week.

LEA civilisation britannique L1 cours magistral

Vous trouverez ici en Mp3 le deuxième cours. Ces enregistrements ne seront pas forcément disponibles toutes les semaines.

L1 From the Reformation to the Great Exhibition Oliver Cromwell (part 1) - YouTube

Oliver Cromwell (part 1) - YouTube

This 8 minute extract from a film about the life of Oliver Cromwell gives a simplified, but fundamentally correct account of the reasons for the English Civil War.

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

L1 LLCE British Civilization : From the Reform to the Great Exhibition

HORRIBLE HISTORIES - The Wives of Henry VIII (Terrible Tudors) - YouTube

An amusing song about Henry VIII and his six wives. click on the title above.

L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts: L S Lowry

Matchstalk men and matchstalk cats and dogs (with lyrics) - YouTube

This week we will be looking at social identities and conflicts before 1945. We will be looking , among other things, at the work of the artist L S Lowry. Look at this song about him on youtube (click on the title above)

Monday, October 03, 2011

L1 LLCE British Civilization : From the Reform to the Great Exhibition

Changement d'horaire du cours.
Le cours aura lieu chaque mardi à 13 heures, dans la salle PF901 (c'est une des préfabriquées).
Si vous lisez ce message, s'il vous plaît dites au groupe entier demain matin lors de votre cours à 10h30 avce M Gillardeaux.

British current affairs: Young women now earn more than men - Home News, UK - The Independent

Young women now earn more than men - Home News, UK - The Independent

L1 LLCE British Civilization : From the Reform to the Great Exhibition

Elizabethan Age

We will be beginning to look this week at England in the time of Elizabeth the First. If you want to browse this website, you will find some interesting elements.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts

You can listen to the first class again on your Mp3 player by clicking on this link. Do a right click and choose "enregistrer la cible du lien sous". It may take some minutes.

LEA civilisation britannique L1 cours magistral

You can listen again to the first class by clicking on this link. Do a right click and choose "enregistrer le lien sous". It may take a few minutes.

L1 LLCE British Civilization : From the Reformation to the Great Exhibition

You can listen to the first class again, in MP3, by clicking on this link. Do a right click and choose "enregistrer la cible sous". The download may take a few minutes.

L1 LLCE British Civilization : From the Reform to the Great Exhibition

The administration is still looking for a room for our Tuesday class. I will announce it here as soon as I have it; I will also put a note on the door of my office, which is room 208, on the second floor, a couple of hours before.

Heat is on to break mercury record - Home News, UK - The Independent

Heat is on to break mercury record - Home News, UK - The Independent

Il fait chaud en Angleterre aussi.

Current affairs : English universities still failing poor students, says government watchdog | Education | The Guardian

English universities still failing poor students, says government watchdog | Education | The Guardian

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

L1 LLCE British Civilization : From the Reform to the Great Exhibition

1) The first class was recorded, and will be available here in MP3 format in a day or two.

2) The booklet of documents ("la brochure") is available on Eprel.

3) Remember to read something about the Reformation in England (from Henry to Elizabeth) before the next class.

4) See below for a short video about the Reformation.

LEA civilisation britannique L1 cours magistral

0) Apologies for the last-minute change of room, and of course noone likes classes at 5:30 in the evening. The change was inevitable because in the morning there was no suitable room available in the whole of the university.

1) The first lecture was recorded and will be available here in a few days in MP3 format.

2) Those groups who do not have a TD group will have some exercises to do at home. These exercises will be online here later today.

3) The recommended book for this course is John Oakland's "British Civilization". Be careful - he changes this book nearly every year. Try to get the 2010 edition.

4) This CM is marked by a final exam in January. Part of the final exam is a multiple choice test, and part of it is an essay.

5) For your TD classes, you will need the booklet ("brochure") which you can find on Eprel (ask your teacher how).

You can ask questions here by leaving a comment.

Actualité britannique : Will Christmas come early for the book trade? - News, Books - The Independent

Will Christmas come early for the book trade? - News, Books - The Independent

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Protestant Reformation - Part 2 - YouTube

The Protestant Reformation - Part 2 - YouTube

Voici la deuxième et dernière partie du même documentaire.

The Protestant Reformation - Part 1 - YouTube

The Protestant Reformation - Part 1 - YouTube

Voici la première partie d'un petit documentaire sur Youtube sur la Réforme. La première partie dure dix minutes.

Monday, September 26, 2011

I lately lost a preposition;
It hid, I thought, beneath my chair
And angrily I cried, "Perdition!
Up from out of in under there."
Correctness is my vade mecum,
And straggling phrases I abhor,
And yet I wondered, "What should he come
Up from out of in under for?"

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

inscriptions en Master

Les inscriptions pédagogiques pour les étudiants inscrits en Master LCE auront lieu le lundi 26 septembre 2011, salle 325 comme suit :

1- Etudiants inscrits en Parcours Enseignement : de 10h à 12h

2 -Etudiants inscrits en Recherche : de 14h à 16h

Grammar Girl :: Quick and Dirty Tips ™

Grammar Girl :: Quick and Dirty Tips ™

Monday, September 05, 2011

La rentrée c'est pour bientôt

A l'Université de Paris-Est Créteil, nous préparons la réntrée. Au premier semestre, j'enseigne les matières suivantes :

Première année
Le mardi Cours d'histoire britannique (Bloc 3) "From the Reformation to the Great Exhibition" (1500-1851 donc)

Le jeudi matin : Cours de Bloc 2 en anglais, ouvert à l'ensemble des étudiants de la Faculté des Lettres et de Sciences Humaines, mais enseigné et évalué en anglais : Social and Ethnic Identies and Conflicts in Britain since 1918.

Voici l'explication :
Who are the British, and how do they see themselves? This course aims to clarify the reality behind the image of British society, which is often presented as terribly divided by class, and the home of a rather strange “multiculturalism”. During the classes we will look at the history of conflicts at work, in particular the general strike of 1926, the wave of strikes in the 1970s, and the conflict between Margaret Thatcher and the miners’ union. We will look at the history of the main groups of immigrants (Jewish, Irish, Caribbean, South Asian and east European). We will look at their lives in Britain, questions of racism and of maintaining cultural identity (music, food etc). We will also examine the story of Irish, Welsh and Scottish nationalism, and the resulting reforms over the last fifteen years. Finally we will look at other social identities – homosexual identity and youth identity in particular--‐ to see how they have marked British life in the last hundred years.
We will be looking at directly political events (strikes, riots, or campaigns) but also at other forms of the expression of identity (religious practices, clothes, music, food, leisure and so on).
A booklet of documents will be available at the beginning of the semester
Didier Lassalle, Les minorités ethniques en Grande-Bretagne
Francois-Charles Mougel, L'Angleterre au XXe siècle
Alkarim Jivani, It's Not Unusual : A History of Lesbian and Gay Britain in the Twentieth Century
Françoise Barret‐ Ducrocq , Le mouvement féministe anglais d'hier à aujourd'hui

(Ae Fond Kiss) Just a Kiss de Ken Loach
The Navigators de Ken Loach
The Naked Civil Servant de Quentin Crisp
Fish and Chips de Damien O’Donnell
Bend it like Beckham, de Gurinder Chadha

Deuxième année

Le mardi après-midi : Cours de thème littéraire Vous aurez un texte à traduire chaque semaine. Une brochure de textes sera disponible bientôt.

Master professionnel rédaction/traduction
Le jeudi après-midi Approfondissement de l'anglais Une brochure sera disponible bientôt.

Master enseignement

Préparation de l'épreuve "Dossier de Synthèse" (à partir de novembre).

Et dans le département de Langues Etrangères Appliquées

Introduction à la civilisation britannique et irlandaise. Une brochure sera disponible bientôt.

Language Log

Language Log

Monday, June 27, 2011

Roman glory: Hadrian's Wall

Roman glory: Hadrian's Wall

Nouvelle exhibition concernant l'Angleterre sous l'empire romaine.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Où sont les femmes? Pas dans les universités françaises en tout cas - Libération

Où sont les femmes? Pas dans les universités françaises en tout cas - Libération

Reasons to visit London

Expositions temporaires d'art britannique en cours ou à venir cet été à Londres (par ordre chronologique de fermeture)

V&A :
The Cult of Beauty: The Aesthetic Movement 1860-1900
2 April 2011 - 17 July 2011
Admission : £12
CR dans La tribune de l'art :

Tate Britain :
9 August 2010 - 31 July 2011
Admission free
CR dans La tribune de l'art :

National Portrait Gallery :
Camden Town and Beyond
27 November 2010 - 31 August 2011
Admission free

Tate Britain :
The Vorticists: Manifesto for a Modern World
14 June - 4 September 2011
Admission : £12.70

National Gallery :
Art for the Nation: Sir Charles Eastlake at the National Gallery
27 July - 30 October 2011
Admission free

Imperial War Museum
Women War Artists
9 April 2011 - 8 January 2012
Admission free

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Thursday, June 02, 2011

L3 Civilisation britannique - Britain since 1945

Private Eye | Official Site
A cartoon about the contemporary artist Tracy Emin.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Making pasties in Cornwall - video | Life and style | guardian.co.uk

Making pasties in Cornwall - video | Life and style | guardian.co.uk

Some of the best food in Britain.

L2 Thème - groupes de M Turner

Pour reprendre vos copies de L2 Thème, il faut venir voir M. Mullen mercredi 8 juin (10h à 12h, 14h à 16h) dans mon bureau 208.

Ceci vaut aussi pour les étudiants de M Mullen dans l'ensemble des UE.

Friday, May 27, 2011

To-day's news, comments and reviews from The Manchester Guardian 1821 Edition

To-day's news, comments and reviews from The Manchester Guardian 1821 Edition

To celebrate its 190th birthday, The Guardian newspaper has produced a paper for today's news in the style of 1821. Click on the heading above.

L3 Civilisation britannique

Voici vos moyennes du semestre.
Vous pouvez récupérer vos copies, connaître le détail de vos notes ou discuter des la suite des évènements le mercredi 8 juin. Je serai dans mon bureau (208) de 10h à 13h et de 14h à 16h.
Si vous devez passer la deuxième session des examens, il s’agit d’un oral. D’ici là donc, lisez deux livres d’histoire concernant le Royaume Uni depuis 1945, et vous avez de bonnes chances. Don’t just cross your fingers – it won’t work.

I haven’t put your full names, in case you don’t want your marks to be available on the internet forever.

Miassa C 11,2
Amélie R 14
Anne-lise D 10
Joelle C 10,3
Estelle D 12,4
Sadia M 13,2
Audrey M 9
Douglas G 13
Céline N 11,4
Francisca E 7,1
Cécile E 10
Amutha R 10
Laura P 10
Bashkrim L 9
Justine G 10
Cécile S 11,1
Kamel C 5,5
Vanessa M 11
Sabrina Y 6
Julie G 10,5
Adam B 8,8
Halimatou D 10,3
Cécile R 11,5
Mariam S 11,2
Barbara V 7,5
Valentin P 9
Lucie K 12,4
Flora B 11
Florine R 9
Chloé R 6
Brunelle T 11,2
Jessica C 10
Abdelkhaled B 8
Timothée S 8
Reda B 5

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Theatre in English

If you’re looking for a good night out now your exams are over,and you want to see a play in English, go see a friend of mine in Educating Rita at the Théâtre de Nesle 0146346104.
It’s on on Thursday 26, Friday 27 and Sunday 29 at 18:45 and on Saturday 28 at 16:00

L3 Civilisation britannique

I have marked all of the final exams, and half of the homework assignments. So I am practically certain that I will be able to put your whole-semester marks up here tomorrow at the latest.

When you've got your marks some of you will be freed,and others will have a little more work to do for the resits in June.

Those students who do a master in the department will see me again next year. I will be teaching in the Master pro rédaction/traduction and the master enseignement. *Maybe* also in the master recherche.

Etudiants en M2

Si vous voulez faire un doctorat en civilisation britannique à Tours

Université François-Rabelais, Tours

École doctorale SHS-Filière "Pratiques Culturelles"

Appel à candidatures pour un contrat doctoral fléché

La filière « Pratiques culturelles » de l’Ecole doctorale SHS à Tours propose des contrats doctoraux qui débuteront à la rentrée 2011-2012. Parmi les sujets proposés celui-ci en études anglophones :

"Culture politique en Grande-Bretagne de 1876 à 1931: l’extrême-droite marginalisée"

Domaines scientifiques et disciplines concernés : culture politique britannique, histoire intellectuelle, histoire culturelle

Descriptif complet et thématique proposée :


Calendrier/informations/contacts/dossier téléchargeable :


Les demandes de renseignements concernant le sujet sont à envoyer à :


L3 Civilisation britannique

But to strike a positive note, the homework assignments are quite good so far.

Belfast: The praising of the Titanic - UK, Travel - The Independent

Belfast: The praising of the Titanic - UK, Travel - The Independent

Oldham: A town still divided? - This Britain, UK - The Independent

Oldham: A town still divided? - This Britain, UK - The Independent

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

L3 Civilisation britannique

Question of the day : How many students said who Robert Owen was, one of the people mentioned by Blair in his speech?

a) 27
b) 11
c) 0


L3 British Civilization

Breaking news : I have received the last two homework assignments and am hard at work marking the L3 final exams.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Music hall and respectability


If you click on the above heading, you can find (in an MP3 file) the talk I gave last week at the SAES conference, on Respectability and the Music Hall 1900-1920.

Panorama de la civilisation britannique notes

Voici vos notes sur 20. Je n'ai mis que vos prénoms, mais les notes sont dans l'ordre alphabétique des *noms de famille*.
La moyenne sera faite entre les 4 notes - celle-ci, et vos notes pour panorama de la civilisation américaine, de la littérature britannique et de la littérature américaine.

Si vous devez repasser à la deuxième session (examen le 23 juin), vous aurez sans doute besoin de réviser mes cours. Ils sont ici.

Odon Forel-12
Meghetie -0
- Audrey RD-3
Lydia RD-0
- Cédric-9
- Farah-0
Alissa -2
Gabrielle -0

Monday, May 23, 2011

L2 Thème moyennes du semestre

Dans l'ordre alphabétique des noms de famille
Charlotte 8,75
Svetlana 8,5
Caroline 5,75
Soraya 8,25
Mélodie 10,75
Sebastien 5,5
Anaël 9,25
Mathias 10,75
Margot 8,5
Mireille 10
Pierre-yves 12,5
nAdia 13,5
Florian 7,25
Léa 10,25
Daisy 9
Asma 8,5
Aurore 14
Cosette 10,5
Eizaz 5,5
Diedi 6,5
Kim 8,5
Rodolphe 8,75
Camille 11,75
Jessica 10
Julien 13,25
Marylène 9
Thomas 8,75
Mélanie 6,25
Charline 10,5

M1 enseignement - commentaire dirigé

J'espère que vos stages se passent bien dans les collèges.
Voici vos notes. La première note pour le devoir de mars (ou devoir de remplacement). La deuxième pour le devoir d’avril (ou devoir de remplacement), la troisième note pour l’épreuve finale, et enfin la moyenne du semestre. Je serai, le mercredi 8 juin de 10h à 12h et de 14h à 16h dans mon bureau (208) pour vous rendre vos copies de l’épreuve finale.

J’attends un dernier devoir d'un autre étudiant, sinon je vais devoir écrire un sujet d'examen pour lui tout seul :=(

Carole 12, 12, 10, 11
Romain 13,12,11.5, 12
Soukeyna 11.5, 13, 9, 10,6
Kim 10, 9, 11, 10,25
Jérémy 16, 14,7.5, 11,25
Nelson 12,12,8, 10

Polly Morgan, Sarah Lucas and the rise of the female sculptor | Art and design | The Guardian

Polly Morgan, Sarah Lucas and the rise of the female sculptor | Art and design | The Guardian

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Nous avons perdu un collègue.

Extrait de l'Hebdo de l'UPEC :

M. Nigel Turner, maître de conférences au département d'anglais et ancien vice-doyen de l'UFR de Lettres, nous a quittés.

L'annonce du décès de Nigel Turner le samedi 7 mai à l'hôpital Saint-Louis des suites d'une longue maladie a suscité dans toute la Faculté des Lettres une vive émotion. Arrivé à Paris 12 comme lecteur en 1977, Nigel Turner y a mené toute sa carrière. Il a occupé différents postes au sein de l’UFR de Lettres, Langues et Sciences humaines : assistant associé, ATER, et PRAG aux départements de Langues étrangères appliquées et d’anglais, il était depuis 1993 Maître de conférences en linguistique anglaise, après une thèse de doctorat portant sur une étude contrastive de l’infinitif en anglais et en français. Par ailleurs, il était traducteur et co-auteur de deux dictionnaires bilingues anglais-français.

Pendant toutes ces années, ses activités d’enseignant se sont déroulées à tous les niveaux des cursus d’anglais, et des générations d’étudiants ont bénéficié de l’efficacité et de l’engagement de ce collègue dont la compétence, la gentillesse, la disponibilité pour ses étudiants, mais aussi l’humour très britannique dont il faisait preuve sont pour eux inoubliables. Alors que la maladie avait déjà frappé, il avait tenu à assurer ses enseignements de préparation aux concours du CAPES et de l’Agrégation avant que débute son congé. Les responsabilités collectives assumées par Nigel Turner au service de l’université ont permis à de très nombreux collègues de l’UPEC d’apprécier ce collègue au plan professionnel tout autant qu’au plan humain : directeur du département d’anglais de 2003 à 2005, vice doyen de la Faculté de Lettres, langues et Sciences humaines en charge de la pédagogie de 2005 à 2010, il a pendant de nombreuses années participé aux réunions du Conseil des Etudes et de la Vie Universitaire de l’UPEC, ainsi qu’aux travaux préparatoires à ces réunions, d’abord comme vice-doyen de sa Faculté, puis, depuis 2008 comme membre élu de ce Conseil.

Tous ceux qui ont côtoyé Nigel Turner et eu le privilège de travailler avec lui savent qu’ils ont perdu un collègue au dévouement et à l’engagement exemplaires. Pour beaucoup d’entre eux, c’était aussi un ami. Nous pensons à sa famille, à ses proches et à ses amis endeuillés.

Les obsèques de Nigel Turner auront lieu vendredi 20 mai au crématorium du Père Lachaise. A 10h20 une cérémonie d'hommage et d'adieu se tiendra dans la salle de la Coupole. Les cendres seront dispersées à 14h30 au Jardin du Souvenir.

La Faculté enverra des fleurs, mais vous pouvez aussi manifester votre affection à Nigel en faisant un don à l'EMSSI (Association pour l'Étude des Maladies du Sang et du Système Immunitaire). Ce don pourra être déposé au cours de la cérémonie ou envoyé (par chèque à l'ordre de l'EMSSI) à l'adresse suivante :

Association EMSSI
Service d'Immuno-Hématologie-M4
Hôpital Saint Louis
1 avenue Claude Vellefaux
75475 Paris cedex 10

Queen gives Ireland closest royals have come to apology for Britain's actions | UK news | The Guardian

Queen gives Ireland closest royals have come to apology for Britain's actions | UK news | The Guardian

Monday, May 16, 2011

M1 Enseignement : Death by paraphrase

M1 épreuve finale : Death by paraphrase.

The main difficulty students had was wasting time paraphrasing. Again, remember one of the main aims is to *show* you have a good working knowledge of British history, in particular recent British history. This document gave you the opportunity to show your knowledge of the following subjects :

• The Freedom of Information Act (one of a series of important constitutional reforms carried out by Tony Blair’s governments).
• The economic and social crisis of the 1970s (the rise in unemployment, destruction of industry, the fall of the Heath government after serious conflicts with trade unions).
• The present economic crisis of 2011 and its handling by the new coalition government.
• The history of the domination of Scotland by England
• The history of Irish terrorist organizations and Welsh terrorist organizations
• The central role in foreign policy of the alliance with the United States
• The history of Scottish nationalism, in the 1970s, and today.
• The prospects for the new Scottish government elected in May 2011.

In each case, two to four *precise* and *informed* sentences explaining the reference in the text or linking to events mentioned in the text would be the ideal.
I have listed eight topics above. Quite naturally, if you only spoke about five of them that would be quite acceptable. Several students only mentioned one or two. Ifthis is because you knew nothing about the others, then reading newspapers and general histories of Britain is going to be essential this Summer. If you knew about them but didn’t fit them in, this will be because of dangerous paraphrasing.

Tracey Emin: Her life in art - Features, Art - The Independent

Tracey Emin: Her life in art - Features, Art - The Independent

Sunday, May 15, 2011

L2S4 Thème marks

L2S4 Thème
Here are the marks for your final test.

To calculate your general mark for the semester for this module, you will have to look up the weightings in the admin booklet (don’t email me about this).
If the mark is not up to scratch then of course there are the resits in June (don't ask me the dates, they will be on the university website and I am too busy to answer that kind of question). To be sure to succeed in these, you need to look over all the translations we have done this year to make sure you understand the reasons for the grammatical structures we chose. And you need to read two or three grammar books from cover to cover. Don’t just cross your fingers instead!

In any case, even if your mark is fine, don't ignore your grammar book over the Summer, and be sure to read a lot in English. As I explained to you, the level of grammar is not sufficient in the group.

I will be in my office (208) on wednesday 8th June from 10 to 12 and from 2 till 4 in the afternoon, and that is the time you can come and look at your exam scripts. I recommend you do if you are taking the resits. If I have a moment I will continue putting useful resources up on this blog.

Thomas T 10
Svetlana B 9
Soraya C 8
Sébastien G 5
Rodolphe R 9,5
Pierre Yves G 14,5
Natacha SR 13
Nadia H 13,5
Mireille G 9,5
Mélodie D 11
Mélanie V 7
Matthias G 11,5
Marylène T 11
Margot G 8
Léa J 11
Kim R 9
Julien T 15
Jessica S 11
Florian I 11,5
Eizaz M 5
Diedi N 7,5
Daisy J 9
Cosette L 9
Charlotte B 10
Charline Y 12,5
Caroline B 6
Camille 13
Aurore L 14,5
Asma K 9
Anaël G 7,5

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Option transversale "150 ans de musique populaire britannique - les notes

Voici les notes sur 20 pour l’option transversale « 150 ans de musique populaire britannique », en mai 2011, dans l’ensemble très satisfaisantes.
C’était un plaisir de travailler avec vous.
J’ai indiqué ici les notes avec le prénom et la première lettre du nom de famille, pour ne pas laisser disponible sur internet l’information sur vous pendant des décennies !
Comme pour l'ensemble des UE, si vous n'avez pas réussi à avoir la moyenne, vous pouvez repasser un examen lors de la deuxième session en juin.

Bonne continuation
John Mullen

Alexandre T (SVT) 15
Elsa G (STAPS) 17
Bastien M (Droit) 11
Jackson H (LEA) 5
Quentin S 8
Mathilde P (Droit) 12.5
Laura A (Eco) 8
Vincent B 15
Jonathan B (Droit) 13.5
Pauline B (Droit) 14
Joffrey T (SVT) 12
Cassandra S (AEI) 12
Jonathan B (AEI) 15
Sampieru S (AeI) 16
Caroline G 14
Céline R (Economie) 13
Lisa A (Droit) 15
Margaux M (LEA) 13
Melissa B (Droit) 8
Laura B 6
Guylène B (Droit) 15
Camille R (Droit) 16
Ema S 6
Alexandre R (Lettres Modernes) 17
Anna K (LEA) 15
Tristan CdL (STAPS) 16
Rafael T 13
Luis R (Droit) 14.5
Sara C 12
Jason V P (Maths) 11
Iris L (Droit) 10
Jean-Charles L 8
Alexandra I (Droit) 6
Pierre L (SVT) 10
Fatou B (Droit) 8
Corissa C (LEA) 8
Léa K (Droit ) 13
Tania V (Droit) 15.5

Current affairs GB Much for the Lib Dems to lose in Manchester | Andrew Bowman | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Much for the Lib Dems to lose in Manchester | Andrew Bowman | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Monty Python, sacrés gars- Ecrans

Monty Python, sacrés gars- Ecrans

Sud Radio, la nouvelle radio généraliste :: Réécoutez

Sud Radio, la nouvelle radio généraliste :: Réécoutez

Click on the title to hear me being interviewed on the radio in French about the monarchy, on the day of the royal wedding!

L1 Panorama - Britain since the Romans

John Mullen- Teaching blog: Listen again to "Britain since the Romans"

Si vous avez envie de réécouter certains des cours, cliquez sur le titre ci-dessus.
Vous trouverez la liste des cours. Faites un clique droit et choisissez "enregistrer la cible sous" pour enregistrer le cours en MP3.

Bon courage pour la préparation de l'examen.

L'examen sera de quatre heures pour l'ensemble des cours panorama (Littérature et civilisation, britannique et américaine).
Donc, vous aurez une heur pour répondre à une question sur mes cours.

Monday, May 02, 2011

L3 devoir maison

As you can imagine, I would rather read quality assignments than assignments which have been written too quickly and are full of silliness. So you can have some more time for the assignment based on the documents connected to the Four Nations.
I will accept them until midday, Tuesday 17th May.
Students may hand their assignment in the previous Friday when there is the final exam if they wish; otherwise by midday Tuesday 17 May in my pigeonhole on the first floor (be careful, the teachers' room has moved further down the corridor).

Do not send your work by email; do not tell me on the 18th that your printer is broken. Thank you, and good luck.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Interview Sud Radio

En cliquant sur ce lien, vous pouvez écouter l'interview de votre serviteur sur Sud Radio le matin du mariage royal!

M1 enseignement commentaire dirigé

Next Thursday's class will be in room 201.

Friday, April 29, 2011

L3 civilisation devoir maison

I had said that I wanted you to give me your assignments one month after I gave them to you - that is the 8th May. Today, some nice students asked if they could have more time. Yes, everyone can have *a little* more time. I will put up in a couple of days on this blog the new deadline (I have to check out with the administration, so that I have time to mark the assignements before their deadline for the giving in of the marks).

So this weekend I will give you a new deadline, a bit later than the previous one.


L3 L'histoire des immigrés en Angleterre et de leurs musiques

Clique ici pour lire un excellent article, en français, sur les immigrés, le racisme, et les festivals de musique en Angleterre.

Cliquez ici pour lire, en anglais, une histoire de l'antiracisme dans un des syndicats anglais les plus importants.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

M1 enseignement commentaire dirigé

Your exam will be on Monday 9th of May at 2pm in room 258.
It will last three hours.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

L3 Houses of shame | Life and style | The Guardian

Houses of shame | Life and style | The Guardian

What was life like for single mothers in the 1950s? Read this article.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Good Friday agreement thirteen years later


Friday, April 22, 2011

L3 YouTube - Gerry Adams - Opening Speech in the Dáil

YouTube - Gerry Adams - Opening Speech in the Dáil
2011 speech by one of the historic leaders of Sinn Fein

L3 Wales and devolution

Welsh Devolution Referendum, 1979

Notes etc

Je mettra ici les notes de certaines épreuves, lorsque j'ai annoncé en cours que c'est ici que vous les trouverez. Mais il faudra parfois être patients, car il y a beaucoup d'épreuves à corriger, et du travail administratif et de recherche. ne m'envoyez plus, svp des mails pour me demander si vos notes sont prêtes!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

L2 Thème - Gordon Brown and "Bigoted Woman" IN FULL - Rochdale 28 April 2010

YouTube - Gordon Brown and "Bigoted Woman" IN FULL - Rochdale 28 April 2010

Here is a video of the incident which this week's translation is based on. Many news channels used only a small extract of this video, but this full video is clearer.

Monday, April 11, 2011

L3 Scottish Parliament general election, 2011 - Wikipedia

Scottish Parliament general election, 2011 - Wikipedia

L3 Video: Peace march in Omagh - Home News, UK - The Independent

Video: Peace march in Omagh - Home News, UK - The Independent

M1 commentaire dirigé

I apologize for the delay in giving you marks on this assignment. Here they are. Note of course that these are marks for the Master module, not predictions of your mark at the CAPES. the other two students will need to do a replacement work after the break.

Have a good break, and stay close to your grammar books.

Carole 12
Nelson 12
Romain 13
Soukeyna 11,5

Organiser scrubs only royal wedding street party in Glasgow due to lack of demand - The Daily Record

Organiser scrubs only royal wedding street party in Glasgow due to lack of demand - The Daily Record

Sunday, April 10, 2011

YouTube - The Ulster Troubles (Part 1 of 24)

YouTube - The Ulster Troubles (Part 1 of 24)

Video documentary on the History of Northern Ireland.

L3 Civilisation britannique Britain since 1945 -Research assignment

I gave out the documents last Friday.

If you do not have the documents you need for this assignment (three passages plus instructions), you need to get them immediately from a classmate. If this is difficult for you, send me an email - john dot mullen at wanadoo dot fr


Women's sport in London : Roller derbies: When women collide - Others, More Sports - The Independent

Roller derbies: When women collide - Others, More Sports - The Independent

Saturday, April 09, 2011

L3 Civilisation britannique - Britain since 1945

If you want to see again the art we looked at last Friday, you can watch the slide show by clicking on this link. It's probably best to do a right click and choose "enregistrer la cible du lien sous..." It's quite a big file and may take some time to download.

M1 Commentaire dirigé

I will post here your marks for the first assignment very soon.
You are working on the second assignment now.
There will no doubt be one more mark to make up the whole module.

L3 Civilisation britannique - Britain since 1945

I hope you have a good Spring Break.
After the break, there will be two more classes - on the 29th April and the 6th of May. Most likely I will cover "Immigration, racism and antiracism since 1945" and "Debates and issues in Britain in 2011"

On May 13th there is the "épreuve finale de contrôle continu".

The total mark for the module will therefore be made up of three marks

1) The classroom test you took two weeks ago.
2) The research assignment I gave you yesterday, which must be handed in one month from now.
3) The final exam on the 13th May.

Concerning the research assignment, I will post here the instructions for the two or three students who were absent Friday. If you know who they are, let them know, because it will be very hard for them if they are going to start the work only after the break.

I will put online here some links to help you with the research assignment, but the library is the most important source of help.

Concerning the Classroom test, I will put up here your marks as soon as I have got through with the marking. I apologize for the delay.

Friday, April 08, 2011

Monday, April 04, 2011

YouTube - Matchstalk cats and dogs

YouTube - Matchstalk cats and dogs

A popular song about a popular artist - L S Lowry.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

L2 Thème DST

C'était un catastrophe.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

M2 Master pro moyennes 1er semestre

Ingrid 12.6
Oumar 14.2
Vianney 15.5
Steveline 13.1
Alexia 13.6
Clelia 11.9
Stéphanie 11.5
Salomé 13.4

L3 Civilisation - Britain since 1945

You will have to be a little patient, as I won't be able to mark your test straight away.

The rest of the semester's mark will be
a)Quite a long homework assignment to hand in after the Easter break
b)The final test in week fourteen

Friday, March 25, 2011

Postes de lecteur

Chaque année le département d'anglais envois quelques étudiant(e)s en tant que lecteur dans des universités dans de pays anglophones. Cette année, l'essentiel des postes est pourvu, mais nous sollicitons des candidatures (d'étudiants de M1 M2 ou L3 pour un poste de lecteur à Coleraine, en Irlande du Nord).

Voici une description de la ville.

Si vous voulez postuler, contactez-moi tout de suite.
John Mullen

This Sceptred Isle: Volumes 1-10 BBC Radio Collection: Amazon.co.uk: Christopher Lee, Peter Jeffrey, Anna Massey, Paul Eddington: Books

This Sceptred Isle: Volumes 1-10 BBC Radio Collection: Amazon.co.uk: Christopher Lee, Peter Jeffrey, Anna Massey, Paul Eddington: Books

Ce n'est pas donné, mais c'est un excellent produit - réviser, sur votr electeur MP3, l'histoire anglaise de 55BC à 1900!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The four Irish Home Rule bills introduced in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, were intended to grant self-government and national autonomy to the whole of Ireland within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and reverse parts of the Acts of Union 1800. Of the two that passed the Parliament of the United Kingdom the Third Bill, enacted as the Government of Ireland Act 1914 and then suspended, while the Fourth Bill, enacted as the Government of Ireland Act 1920 established two separate Home Rule territories in Ireland, of which the one was implemented by the Parliament of Northern Ireland, but the second Parliament of Southern Ireland was not implemented in the rest of Ireland. The bills were:

1886: First Irish Home Rule Bill defeated in the House of Commons and never introduced in the House of Lords.
1893: Second Irish Home Rule Bill passed the House of Commons, but defeated in the House of Lords.
1914: Third Irish Home Rule Act passed with Royal Assent never came into force, due to the intervention of World War I (1914–18) and of the Easter Rising in Dublin (1916).
1920: Fourth Irish Home Rule Act (replaced Third Act, passed and implemented as the Government of Ireland Act 1920) which established Northern Ireland as a Home Rule entity within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and simultaneously resulted in the partition of Ireland.

British cinema - Chaîne de KenLoachFilms

YouTube - Chaîne de KenLoachFilms

Ken Loach's latest film, this month, is about British mercenary soldiers in Iraq. Som eof his films can be seen in full on Youtube, free. Click on the heading above.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

L2 Thème group

Two things:

You will have to be a little patient - it will take me some time to mark your test, since research deadlines are tying me down.

This week we will be working on the passage "Le sinistre air de l'intérieur". Next week we will skip one passage and we will be working on "Le très haut débit pour tous..."

Option transversale - 150 ans de musique populaire britannique


Pour vous aider à réviser pour votre examen, j'ai mis en ligne des extraits des cours.
Les extraits sont au format MP3 : il suffit de faire un clic droit et choisir "enregistrer la cible sous...". Cliquez sur le titre ci-dessus.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

M1 commentary - the Winter of Discontent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Winter of Discontent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I got a little confused about the Winter of Discontent in class - it was indeed 1978-79 and not the following year! See link.

Friday, March 18, 2011

L3 Britains since 1945 : BBC NEWS | UK | Politics | 'Challenge Labour' call to unions

BBC NEWS | UK | Politics | 'Challenge Labour' call to unions

This article by the BBC from 2003 talks of trade union anger against Tony Blair.

L3 Britain since 1945; video : YouTube - Anti War March - London, Feb 2003

YouTube - Anti War March - London, Feb 2003

The biggest demonstration in Britain for many years was the 2003 demonstration against the Iraq war. See the video here.

Britain since 1945 BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Timeline: The Blair Years

BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Timeline: The Blair Years

Revise what you know about the Blair years here. Follow the link for a timeline and a series of short videos.

BBC - Podcasts - Making History

BBC - Podcasts - Making History

This BBc radio programme talks about history. It can be downloaded free in MP3 format.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

L2 Thème DST mercredi prochain!

Next Wednesday you will have a test. The main part of the test will be a passage to translate, but there will also be some questions on vocabulary which we have seen so far this semester.

Panorama - Britain since the Romans

Mercredi prochain les deux demi-promotions s'échangent : les étudiants qui ont suivi six semaines de CM sur l'Amérique viennent pendant six semaines aux cours sur la Grande-Bretagne et vicé versa.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Surtout pour les etudiants de L3

There is a post available to be a teaching assistant at a University in the United States. If you are interested, you need to contact urgently Nathalie Caron. This kind of post is a marvellous opportunity to travel and discover the States, and the work is not so hard!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

CURRENT AFFAIRS / Campaign for voting reform turns nasty - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Campaign for voting reform turns nasty - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Absence 1 au 4 mars

Next week I have been invited to the University of Jaen in the South of Spain (under the Erasmus Lecturer Exchange Programme) to teach a couple of master's seminars on the History of Popular Culture. So my classes will not take place that week.

Monday, February 21, 2011

America, Colonies and slaves

America, Colonies and slaves

A blog about the history of the slave trade.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Option transversale YouTube - Flanagan & Allen Medley - 1945

YouTube - Flanagan & Allen Medley - 1945

Option transversale YouTube - George Formby - Leaning On A Lamp Post

YouTube - George Formby - Leaning On A Lamp Post

Option transversale YouTube - Gracie Fields 'Shipyard Sally' Oh Danny Boy

YouTube - Gracie Fields 'Shipyard Sally' Oh Danny Boy

Option transversale 1930s YouTube - Gracie Fields 'Sing As We Go!' final scene

YouTube - Gracie Fields 'Sing As We Go!' final scene

Option transversale 1929 YouTube - Bessie Smith (Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out, 1929) Jazz Legend

YouTube - Bessie Smith (Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out, 1929) Jazz Legend

Civi L3 Commentaire de texte

Remember if you want to practise your text commentaries, write a commentary on one of the texts in the booket and send it me by mail. I will correct it and return it by mail.

Méthodologie du commentaire de texte de civilisation

Méthodologie du commentaire de texte de civilisation

Lecture et réflexion indispensable

Current affairs : Boycott the UK census over links to Lockheed Martin, protesters say | UK news | guardian.co.uk

Boycott the UK census over links to Lockheed Martin, protesters say | UK news | guardian.co.uk

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

CAPES Epreuve dossier de synthèse précision

On nous a informé que lors de cette épreuve, les candidats pourront, pendant la préparation, écouter le document sonore autant de fois qu'ils le souhaitent.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Actualité britannique Grande-Bretagne : l'union gay bientôt autorisée à l'Eglise - Monde - Nouvelobs.com

Grande-Bretagne : l'union gay bientôt autorisée à l'Eglise - Monde - Nouvelobs.com

The King’s Speech: Good Movie, Bad History - The Daily Beast

The King’s Speech: Good Movie, Bad History - The Daily Beast

Le film très populaire "Le discours du roi" ouvre beaucoup de questions concernant la représentation du pouvoir à l'écran. Cet article (cliquez sur le lien ci-dessus) conclut qu'il s'agit d'un bon film, mais d'une représentation fausse de l'histoire.

Friday, February 11, 2011

YouTube - Harold Wilson resigns

YouTube - Harold Wilson resigns

This is a better quality video of Wilson when he resigned.

YouTube - Harold Wilson, Prime Minister, 1964-1970

YouTube - Harold Wilson, Prime Minister, 1964-1970

A very positive portrait on video of Harold Wilson.

Britain since 1945 - Clause four

Several times in the history of the Labour Party in the twentieth century, the deate about "Clause Four of the Labour Party Constitution" will be important. Here is the clause in question. It was added to the Labour Party constitution in 1918.

"To secure for the workers by hand or by brain the full fruits of their industry and the most equitable distribution thereof that may be possible upon the basis of the common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange, and the best obtainable system of popular administration and control of each industry or service."

Britain since 1945 - Harold Wilson

What wikipedia says about the man is not bad :
Harold Wilson first served as Prime Minister in the 1960s, during a period of low unemployment and relative economic prosperity (though also of significant problems with the UK's external balance of payments). His second term in office began in 1974, when a period of economic crisis was beginning to hit most Western countries. On both occasions, economic concerns were to prove a significant constraint on his governments' ambitions. Wilson's own approach to socialism placed emphasis on efforts to increase opportunity within society, for example through change and expansion within the education system, allied to the technocratic aim of taking better advantage of rapid scientific progress, rather than on the left's traditional goal of promoting wider public ownership of industry. While he did not challenge the Party constitution's stated dedication to nationalisation head-on, he took little action to pursue it.

Though generally not at the top of Wilson's personal areas of priority, his first period in office was notable for substantial legal changes in a number of social areas, including the liberalisation of censorship, divorce, homosexuality, immigration and abortion (see Social issues, below), as well as the abolition of capital punishment, due in part to the initiatives of backbench MPs who had the support of Roy Jenkins during his time as Home Secretary.

Overall, Wilson is seen to have managed a number of difficult political issues with considerable tactical skill, including such potentially divisive issues for his party as the role of public ownership, British membership of the European Community, and the Vietnam War. Nonetheless, his stated ambition of substantially improving Britain's long-term economic performance remained largely unfulfilled.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

M2 Rédaction-traduction

I have almost finished marking your scripts.
I hear that it is not easy to find work placements, so I wish you luck with that.

I was surprised to see that in US English "broadcasted" now exists as a past participle to "broadcast". You learn something every day.

I have put some of your encylcopedia articles up on wikipedia, under my name, before correction. You can visit the pages and correct the mistakes (I put them up without my corrections). If you don't correct them, someone else will eventually. Or someone who thinks the subject is not important enough to go on wikipedia will propose it be deleted...

I do recommend wikipedia for practising writing and watching it being corrected.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

M2 Enseignement - préparation épreuve "Dossier de synthèse"

Voici les notes de votre devoir.
Attention! Ce sont des notes en lien au niveau que nous demandons pour un master. Vous aurez bien compris que la notation pour le CAPES est beaucoup plus sévère.
J'ai envoyé par mail une correction assez détaillée, aux étudiants qui m'avaient envoyé leur travail en format électronique.

Les défauts les plus courants et graves des devoirs étaient

1) ne pas mettre suffisamment au centre de l'analyse les objectifs des auteurs des documents.

2) ne pas montrer une large connaissance de l'histoire récente du Royaume Uni.

Bon courage pour la suite et à bientôt.
John Mullen

Maelle P 12,5

Chana B 12

Nassira M 11

Coralie M 12

Claire G 11

Dominique B 10

Elizabeth D 13

Sarah A 12

Jessica S 11.5

Christelle P 12,5

Cecile F 11,5

Erika P 14

Marie P 12

Remi C 10

Edwige H 11,5

Julienne G 11

Ha-Lee S 11

Sabrina C 7,5

Nathalie N 12,5