

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Thème agrégation janvier 2017

I know that as soon as you walked out of the exam room last week, you were desperate to know when I was going to send you some more passages to translate. Here are the next four. We will be studying them in class from the 4th of January.

Just click here to get the PDF of the next four passages.

On the 3rd January there is a feedback session on the mock exam, and  I will have half an hour to go over with you the main difficulties of the translation passage involved.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Préparation agrégation anglais civilisation britannique

Le Royaume-Uni à l'épreuve de la crise 1970-79

Quelques informations.

Dans un instant je mettrai en ligne l'enregistrement du sixième et dernier cours.
(PS si quelqu'un a laissé une écharpe dans la salle lors de ce cours, vous la retrouverez au secrétariat)

Il y aura quatre TD sur "Le Royaume-Uni à l'épreuve de la crise" à partir du 15 mars (les mercredi à 9h) pour préparer les épreuves orales.

Il y a deux publication importantes dans les semaines à venir

1) Britain and the Crisis in the 1970s: an  Annotated Chronology de John Mullen est un livre électronique qui sera publié par Starebooks la semaine prochaine, et disponible sur les différents plateformes (Amazon Kindle, Kobo, Itunes etc).

2) La Revue française de civilisation britannique publiera le 3 janvier 2017 son numéro spécial sur la question "Le Royaume-Uni à l'épreuve de la crise".

Par ailleurs je vous rappelle que le vendredi 13 janvier à l'Université de Paris 10 Nanterre, il y aura une journée d'étude sur le même sujet (j'y interviendrai d'ailleurs sur la question de la musique populaire).

Monday, December 12, 2016

Préparation agrégation anglais civilisation britannique 46

Le Royaume-Uni à l'épreuve de la crise 1970-1979

The closing down of industries in Britain caused much hardship and unemployment in the 1970s. Governments or political leaders had a series of responses - from nationalization to tax cuts depending on their political ideas. Trade unions sometimes organized strikes against redundancies. But this documentary is about another response from trade unionist: the alternative corporate plan. Workers in Lucas Aerospace wanted to persuade their company to make different, more socially useful products, instead of closing factories.

The documentary is here.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Plan de dissertation: agrégation

I know you are all very busy preparing your mock exams. If you send me detailed outlines of dissertations on the subject "Crisis, what crisis?" during the Xmas holidays, I will comment on them.

Préparation agrégation anglais civilisation britannique 45

Le Royaume-Uni à l'épreuve de la crise 1970-79

This documentary looks at the movement "Rock against racism" and its rise in the late 1970s. This very influential network brought together in a very innovative manner young Black and young White people in hundreds of gigs and other events across the country.

The spark which led to the rise of Rock against Racism was the reaction by a group of left wingers to Eric Clapton’s drunken racist tirade at a concert in Birmingham. A letter to the music press brought hundreds of replies, and the network became much more powerful than its initiators had thought possible. In the following months, dozens of local concerts were organized following the RAR recipe: black reggae groups and white punk groups playing on the same bill, the black group always top of the bill. The result was both the mixing of musics, as different influences met each other, and the mixing of different audiences which up to then had been subject to de facto unthinking racial segregation : reggae music had been for Blacks and punk music for Whites.[1]

[1] With a small number of notable exceptions such as mixed race woman singer Poly Styrene from the punk group X ray Spex.

Thursday, December 08, 2016

Master's seminar diversity and multiculturalism

This is the video we watched at this week's seminar.
Make sure you have understood all the key elements in it.


Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Devenir lecteur/lectrice en pays anglophone

Si vous êtes en master à Rouen et vous pensez à l'agrégaton, une année à l'étranger dans une université en tant que lecteur/lectrice pourrait beaucoup vous aider.
Réunion d'information vendredi 9 décembre en A608 à 15h 

Conseils pour le thème



Sunday, December 04, 2016

Thème: concours blanc agrégation

The agrégation mock exam will the same for all students.

Le concours blanc  de thème et de version sera le même pour les agrégations  internes et externes, selon le bon vieux principe "qui peut le plus peut le moins".

Thursday, December 01, 2016

Master 1 Research seminar on multiculturalism

I will be posting here a little reading to help you gain some perspective on the issues we have been looking at.

This article deals with antiracism in one of the main trade unions over a couple of décades.


Journée d'étude agrégation à Nanterre

The following event is open to everyone, but is of particular interest to students preparing the agrégation. As you can see it includes a series of brilliant speakers :=) From Rouen station, it will take you an hour and ten minutes to get to Paris, and from Saint Lazare about half an hour to get to Nanterre.

Université de Nanterre

 « Observatoire de l’aire britannique »

Journée d’études

Société, culture, communauté au Royaume-Uni, 1970-79

Vendredi 13 janvier  2017

Salle R14, Bâtiment V (UFR LCE)
Station de RER : Nanterre Université 

8.45 : Accueil des participants

9h00 –  Discours d’ouverture  :   Caroline Rolland-Diamond, directrice du CREA EA 370

9h15 – Marc Lenormand, Université de Paul  Valéry- Montpellier 3, EA 741, EMMA

“The new unionism ? Community mobilisation and working-class creativity in the UK in the 1970s”

9h45 – Mathilde Bertrand, Université de Bordeaux II-Michel Montaigne, EA 4196 CLIMAS

“The Community Development Projects in the United Kingdom in the 1970s”

10h15 – Adrian Park, Université de Reims, Champagne-Ardennes, EA  4299 CIRLEP

“Miners, Community and the 1970s”

10.45 – Pause

 11h00 – Sharon Baptiste, Université Paris 13-Villetaneuse,  EA 7338 PLEIADE

“The African Caribbean diaspora in 1970’s Britain : the beginnings of social, cultural and political activism”

 11h30 – Stephen Rowley, Université d’Artois, Arras, EA 4028 Textes et Cultures 

“Belfast, 1970s, the view from the frontline”

 12h00 – Keith Dixon, Université Lumière, Lyon 2

“The red and the blue : working-class insubordination and nascent nationalism in Scotland in the seventies”

12.45 – Déjeuner

  14h15 – Richard Hyman, LSE,  Emeritus Professor of Industrial Relations  

“Britain in the 1970s: Was There No Alternative?

 15h15 – John Mullen, Université de Rouen-Normandie, ERIAC EA  4705

Whose crisis ? Whose decline ? The flourishing of popular music in 1970s Britain”

15h45 Pause

16.00 – Serge Chauvin, Université Paris Nanterre, CREA EA 370

“Le cinéma britannique des années 1970’

16.30 – Bernard Cros,  Université Paris Nanterre, CREA EA 370

La « maladie anglaise » : réflexions sur le hooliganisme et la société britannique des années 70

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Préparation agrégation anglais civilisation britannique 44

Le Royaume-Uni à l'épreuve de la crise 1970-79

The question of racism and anti-racism is an important part of public debate in the 1970s. The decade saw, for practically the first time, victims of racism organizing themselves to respond. This documentary retraces the history of organizations in Southall, London .

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Master 1 LEA suite

Our next class is on the third of January. Good look with exams, and with your search for placements.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Préparation agrégation anglais civilisation britannique 43

A university lecture this time: Professor Bogdanor on the IMF Crisis.

I have already described the approach of this very well informed commentator as "solidly establishment, but fair-minded."

The video is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es7tbo8L3us&t=87s

Here is a tool which will allow you to convert the video to Mp3 so you can listen to it while decorating the Christmas tree or wrapping présents.


Agrégation thème

Someone said they were a bit lost. Wednesday morning we will be looking at the passage about a river. On the first  Wednesday in December, we will be looking at the passage written by Boris Vian. On Wednesday 14th December, there is no thème class, because all week you will be doing mock exams.

I will be providing, via this blog, around Christmas time, some new passages for our classes which begin again on the 4th of January

Note however that the civilization class on Tuesday 13th December is not cancelled, and will take place as usual. This means you may have to do a mock exam in the morning and then come to the class which is at 3.30pm.

Petite question pour le cours de civilisation agrégation

En quelques mots quelles étaient les points communs et les différences principaux entre la vague de grèves de 1972-74 et celle de 1978-79?

On commencera le cours demain sur cette brève question.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Ma thèse en 180 secondes

Un défi pour les doctorantes et les doctorants !
Le concours Ma thèse en 180 secondes permet aux doctorant(e)s de présenter leur sujet de recherche, en français et en termes simples, à un auditoire profane et diversifié.
Chaque candidat doit faire, en trois minutes, un exposé clair, concis et néanmoins convaincant sur son projet de recherche. Le tout avec l'appui d'une seule diapositive !
Le concours normand 2017
Après trois éditions de Ma thèse en 180 secondes, la CPU et le CNRS lance l’édition 2017. Elle est proposée en région par Normandie Université et la Délégation Normandie du CNRS.
Le concours normand aura lieu en mars 2017 à Caen. Le lauréat normand participera ensuite à la finale nationale qui se déroulera en juin.
A cette occasion, seront désignés les 3 lauréats qui représenteront la France lors de la finale internationale.
Nous vous remercions par avance de bien vouloir relayer l’information auprès des doctorant-e-s de votre unité.
Les doctorant(e)s  intéressé(e)s peuvent s’inscrire au concours Ma thèse en 180 secondes en Normandie avant le vendredi 6 janvier 2017.
Une formation sera proposée aux candidats qui le souhaitent pour se préparer au concours.
Retrouvez toutes les informations et le formulaire d’inscription sur www.normandie-univ.fr/MT1802017

Racist crime in the UK

A documentary (the first part speaks of racist crime in Britain)


Race Relations Acts

This three minute report looks at the effect of the first Race Relations Act


This short piece looks at the follow up act

And this one presents the 2010 synthesis very briefly

And this gives a little more detail

Master's seminar on multiculturalism and diversity: Being a muslim woman in Britain today

From today's newspaper


Devoir maison agrégation civilisation

I asked you to prepare a "dissertation" outline - full introduction, detailed outline and full conclusion. I am myself running behind schedule, so I will accept these a week or two late.

Racism and anti-racism in the UK in 2016

Here is today's news on the questions


Préparation agrégation anglais civilisation britannique 42

Le Royaume-Uni à l'épreuve de la crise

Margaret Thatcher, as you know, was Education Secretary in the Heath government. Here she is at that period answering questions from schoolchildren.


Saturday, November 26, 2016


To help you revise for Tuesday's  exam, here is the powerpoint I used in class.

Just click here

Friday, November 25, 2016


Sorry for the delay. You will find here the powerpoint on Ireland. I am having some problems with the powerpoint on multiculturalism, but Saturday I should be able to fix the problems.


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Master recherche Séminaire multiculturalisme: la suite

Malheureusement, un méchant virus m'a empêché de venir à l'université aujourd'hui.

Mercredi prochain nous essaierons de couvrir les commentaires de texte qui étaient prévus pour aujourd'hui et aussi ceux qui étaient prévus pour la semaine prochaine. 

Voici une partie de ce que je voulais traiter aujourd'hui. J'aurais voulu en discuter avec vous, mais tant pis.

Ici un article sur le Notting Hill carnival et ses effets politiques.

Et ici une conférence sur musique populaire et antiracisme au Royaume-Uni depuis 1960.


Absence mercredi 23

Souffrant, je ne pourrai venir à l'université aujourd'hui.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

LEA Master 1 examen

The test, for the course "Economic and Social Questions in the English speaking world"  is next week in room A 401 on Tuesday at 12.30, at the same time as the weekly classes.
The day after tomorrow I will put on this blog the powerpoints.

Préparation agrégation anglais civilisation britannique 41

Le Royaume-Uni à l'épreuve de la crise 1970-79

The winter of discontent

The "winter of discontent" as journalists dubbed the wave of strikes in 1978-79  is an important segment of 1970s social history, and has been much debated since.  Here looking back on this period, in this one hour symposium, are some key figures from the time, in an atmosphere generally sympathetic to trade union aims.

You will find the video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSDh9NzTams&t=198s

You can always of course convert it to Mp3 and study while pretending to listen to your children.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Thème agrégation

There will be a delay in the correction of your translations this week
They will be corrected,  but not before WedWednesday 's class.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Multiculturalism and diversity

This article on the visibility of sikhs and muslims in the UK will help explain a number of aspects of multicultural policy and activity in the UK today


Dissertation en français, agrégation anglais civilisation britannique

Le temps est venu de vous entrâiner à la dissertation. Je vous invite donc à rendre (par mail)  sur la questions suivante, un plan détaillé accompagné d'une introduction  et d'une conclusion rédigée.

"Crisis: what crisis?"

Si vous pouvez le rendre pour le 1er décembre, c'est l'idéal, mais je commenterai également les travaux rendus plus tard.

Relisez avant de commencer le texte de cadrage du programme.

PS Just a couple of pointers
1) It would be a mistake to write about only one part of the decade.
2) A good answer would include references to events, to perceptions, and also to later analyses.
3) Give brief but specific examples. Do not write "See for example Punk rock", write "the very high sales of 'God Save the Queen' by the Sex Pistols' may serve as an illustration"

Monday, November 14, 2016

Préparation de l'agrégation anglais civilisation britannique 40

Le Royaume-Uni à l'épreuve de la crise 1970-79

Women's Liberation

It is impossible to point to a “typical” 1970s activist for women’s liberation, such was the richness and variety of the activity involved. Some worked in trade unions organizing women workers (See Grunwick above), others organized inside the Labour party for policy change; some concentrated on “consciousness raising groups”, underlining that “the personal is political”, others were in revolutionary anticapitalist organizations like the International Socialists; some concentrated on publishing books or newspapers, others on “Reclaim the Night” marches or pressuring for funding for rape crisis centres; some raised the slogan “wages for housework” others tried to reduce the influence of body image on women’s perceptions of themselves, and  to encourage clothing and shoes which respected women more than the high heels and skirts which were often being imposed.[1]

[1] If one remembers that this BBC documentary is not about a typical group of 1970s feminists,  but about one kind of feminism among many, it is useful to understand some of the debates which were around. You can find it here 

Don't hesitate to convert the video to  MP3 on a site like this one 
so you can listen to it while riding your Chopper bike.