

Friday, July 28, 2017

Master LEA

One of the four topics we will be looking at during the year is India. A recent newspaper had this to say :



La terrible incendie à Londres continue à dominer les premières pages


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Agrégation anglais 2018 civilisation britannique: lecture essentielle

Préparation Agrégation 2018 civilisation britannique Britain in the 1970s. Le Royaume-Uni à l'épreuve de la crise

This is the second year that the topic on the programme is "Le Royaume-Uni à l'épreuve de la crise 1970-1979".

All through last year I posted on this blog links to video documentaries, available online, to help explore and prepare this topic.  I am not going to post them all again, since they are still available.

If you search in the search box above right for "à l'épreuve de la crise", you should find most of them.

Roman Roads in Britain

Some enthusiast put this map together of the roads in Britain in Roman times

What are British people's favourite art works?

A national newspaper did a poll.


Saturday, July 22, 2017



Thursday, July 13, 2017

Americanizatrion of English

This is a journalistic treatment, so I expect there to be plenty of exaggeration in there, but interesting nevertheless:


Monday, July 10, 2017

La gauche britannique et le Brexit

Maintenant en ligne : le video et le MP3 de mon intervention "La Gauche britannique et le brexit un an après le référendum".


Thursday, July 06, 2017

Préparation à l'agrégation : thème

My translation classes for preparing the agrégation will start again after the summer. Each week you will translate a passage at home and we will work on it in class. The following week I will post my own translation here on this blog. If I receive your translation by email more than a week before we work on the passage in class, I will send you a detailed correction of your work (also by email).

If occasionally you do not have time to translate the passage at home, do come to the class anyway. Do not do this often, however: watching other people translate does not move you forward much.

Here is the booklet of translation passages. None of them are passages we worked on last year or the year before (I run on a three-year cycle). Translate the first one before the first class (it is a little easier than the others).

What can political rock do ?

Summer is often the time for writing. Here is my new article "What can political rock do? A discussion based on the example of the Tom Robinson Band".


Wednesday, July 05, 2017

Master LEA

Using English in the business world is an experience fraught with pitfalls. This free online course from the University of Lorraine, about running meetings in English, can no doubt help you. 

To follow the course, you need to creat an account on FUN, but this is free.
