

Monday, February 26, 2018

Agrégation préparation civilisation

Remember  you need to choose one of the documents in the booklet and send me an email saying that you are going to do a commentary on that document.

Milk in Britain


L3 popular culture dates

This week on Tuesday, I will be going through a little more on visual art, and beginning to talk about television.

After the break, on Tuesday 13th March, there will be a classroom test (DST). This is the one that counts for 15%. It will be in the form of a general essay question.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

L3 the Turner Prize

The most prestigious contemporary art prize in Britain, which is worth  £25 000, is the Turner Prize. Here is an article about the 2017 winner:


Spare Rib archives

Simple video explanation for Spare Rib archive


salles de la semaine

mardi M1 LEA L101
mardi M2 seminar L311
mardi L3 civilisation T007

mercredi Thème F101

Agreg interne A506
Capes interne A506

Friday, February 23, 2018

L3 orals

All students taking the L3 civilisation course must take the L3 oral exam, which is based on a booklet of documents. This includes all erasmus students.

Cours de Thème agrégation

In this week's class we will be looking at the passage by Carole Martinez. You may send me your translations until Sunday evening.


Thursday, February 22, 2018

L3: Popular Culture and Visual Art

You will find here the recording in Mp3 of the first class on British visual art since 1945.

Just click here.

keywords: podcast, British history, history of art, British art since 1945, Lowry, Emin, moore, Hepworth, Goldsworthy, fourth plinth, university lecture, mp3

L3 Powerpoint on cultural studies theory

You will find here the powerpoint we saw in class concerning Adorno, Hoggart, Williams, Hebdige etc.

Just click here

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

L3 civilisation

La composition de la note:

15% Controle continu civi GB
15% Controle continu civi US
70% examen de fin de semestre  (US ou GB, vous ne le savez que le jour de l'examen).

Ces 100% valent 60% de la note finale de l'UE, les autres 40% étant basés sur l'oral à base d'une série de textes à étudier.

L3 Popular Culture

Here is an article on Young British Artists from 2017


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Pop songs about artists

L3 people, here is the pop song about Lowry

And here is the only other pop song I know about a painter, Van


Monday, February 19, 2018

M2 seminar research paper

We will talk about this in class, but here is the basic information:

M2 seminar

Evaluation of this module is by research paper (« mini-dossier »)

The research paper will be 1500 - 1700 words in length, in addition to the bibliography and appendices.

The subject must be approved by your teacher.
It must be based on archival research, online or otherwise.

An essential resource is http://scholar.google.fr/schhp?hl=en which allows you to search university articles, some of which are available free online.

Don’t forget the University Library database which you can access through your University Virtual Deskstop (ENT).
This also includes many articles you can download even when you are at home.

- Handwritten work is not allowed. The research paper must be sent by email in RTF format, and must use correctly the normal rules of layout for university work (footnotes, italics etc).  My email adress is prenom.nom @univ-rouen.fr (John Mullen).

There will be no spelling or typing mistakes, as students will use automatic spellcheck programmes.

Extreme care must be used to avoid plagiarism. If you use more than five words together from another source without saying where it comes from, this counts as copying.

The research paper may be illustrated, if the illustrations add something to the argument.

It must be handed in by the 15th of May.

Panorama des approches historiques

Si vous êtes en train de devenir historien/ne, il vous faut lire ce livre:


M2 1970s seminar

Here is an article about popular culture in the 1970s, which goes into TV and cinema as well as music

Just click here

Here is a piece on the women's movement in the 1970s.

Just click here

And here another article on the same subject with a different opinion

Just click here

Saturday, February 17, 2018

salles de la semaine 19-23 février


M1 LEA L101




Thème agrégation F101

CAPES interne L312

M1 LEA the next class on women in the US

On Tuesday I will have some more to say on women in the US in the 20th century. This week or next week we will be watching extracts of this video in class, with questions.. If these videos are not too easy for you to understand, you can watch it before the class so as to have a head start.


M1 LEA Homework March 2018

Your second semester marked assignment is to watch this US video and write :
a) A summary in English in 500 words
b) Your opinion of the video in English in 250 words (its neutrality or lack of neutrality, or anything else you would like to comment on: all opinions are welcome, you do not get marks for agreeing with me!).

This will count for your semester mark, the other part of which will be from the classroom test on the 20th March.

Here is the video:

India Rising
You will need to watch the video more than once. It is excellent practice in listening to different accents.

You must use only your own words and not quote the exact words which are said in the video. It goes without saying that any sentence used from another source, unless it is quoted and referenced, is plagiarism and strictly forbidden.
It must be written to professional standards: that is to say you must re-read very carefully and eliminate all spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes etc. Learning to use automatic spelling checkers in English (that is learning how to install such software on your computer) is an evident part of taking business English seriously.

Hand the work in by email (rtf format) before the end of March. My email address is prenom.nom@univ-rouen.fr . (And my name is John Mullen).

Civilisation britannique agrégation

There are three two-hour sessions left, which aim at helping you prepare for oral text commentary for the agrégation interne (though of course external candidates are welcome to attend).
These will be on the 14th of March at 8.30 am, on the 21st of March at 8.30 am and on the 11th of April at 4pm.

Choose two documents from the booklet ( a first choice and a second choice)


and send me a mail telling me the documents you have chosen. I will give you a date and confirmation.

Meanwhile, be sure to read over the jury report.  And remember, the best way to get a bad mark is not to say enough true things about the document and the history, so keep watching the videos and reading the books. ( http://journals.openedition.org/rfcb/1661 )


J'ai reçu de l'administration un rappel que le contrôle des présences doit être effectué dans les CM chaque semaine, alors n'oubliez pas de signer la feuille qui circule en cours.

Friday, February 16, 2018

L3, M1 LEA... et d'autres

Concernant les DST en cours, si vous êtes absent ( e ) , même pour une excellente raison (maladie etc), il ne peut pas y avoir d'examen de remplacement: votre seule option est de repasser en deuxième session (à moins d'avoir des notes ailleurs si bonnes que cela se compense). C'est regrettable, mais dès qu'il y a plus de 25 ou 30 étudiants dans un groupe, il y aura toujours un qui est malade, et nous ne pouvons pas nous permettre de doubler l'ensemble des DST.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Recording 1 Master 1 LEA Women in the USA

We have now moved onto the last topic this year: Women in the USA. The #metoo campaign has been very much in the news of late. I will be looking back at the history of  women's rights and women's role in the USA.

You will find here a recording of the first lecture on this question.
I hope to put the powerpoint up here on the blog too, soon.

Keywords: podcast, US history, women's rights, lecture

Article and recording L3 Popular culture

I spoke this week in class of Adorno's highly critical view of what popular music does, in society and to the individual. You will find here a case study based on a different view. The article is entitled "What can Political Rock Do?"

As you were probably expecting, there will be a mid-semester classroom test. This will be on the 13th March.

This week's class on Adorno and cultural studies may have been difficult to take in all at once. You can listen to it again here:

Keywords: Adorno, lecture, MP3, podcast, cultural studies, introduction

Concours et actualité

It is best to be up to date with the latest news from Britain and the USA. You will not be expected to be an expert in current affairs, but, if I were you, I would read the headlines for a few weeks, and re-read a good textbook on British Civilization ((in particular, how institutions work, how parties and unions work etc). This is the best one (I wrote a small part of it).

For the UK, Brexit is obviously a big deal. I gave this lecture in French, "Comprendre le Brexit", last year.


And here is today's important news


M1 consultation de copies

Vous pouvez consulter vos copies (historiographie) mercredi 21 à 13h, A503.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Les salles de la semaine


M1 LEA L101
M2 séminaire recherche L311
L3 popular culture T007


Thème agrégation F101
Compréhension agrégation A506
Compréhension CAPES A506
TD civilisation Agrégation A506

L3 Popular culture class 2 recording

Here you will find the second class - the second part of the background history: Britain since 1945, part two. It is in Mp3 format.

Just click here

Key words: British history, university lecture, podcast, Britain since 1945.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

L3 popular culture the background powerpoint

As promised, you will find online below the powerpoint I used for the general historical background of the UK since 1945.

Just click here.

Key words: Powerpoint, British history, Britain since 1945.

Friday, February 09, 2018

Campus fermé Mont Saint Aignan

Tout est annulé sur le campus Mont Saint Aignan par décision de la direction de l'université.
Alors pas de consultation de copies pour les M1 avec moi, et pas de séminaire Eriac sur l'histoire et la géographie culturelle. Moi j'ai sieste.

Thursday, February 08, 2018

M2 (and others) Social changes since the 1970s

We all know that the situation for women in public life has improved in the last fifty years. Nevertheless, we sometimes underestimate how much. On this page there is a video of an interview in 1970 of a new woman Member of Parliament. This is not a comedy sketch: it was a real interview by one of the most respected TV presenters of the time, Robin Day.


Thème agrégation

Thème agrégation

Much better now. We do not have many classes left. What I think is best is that we move on next week to the following passage, from Malevil. You can send me your translations until Saturday evening.

For the present passage, from Boussole, I will correct, this weekend, the translations I have received, and I will put up here on the blog my suggested translation, for you to work with. We will begin next week’s class with any questions about the Boussole passage.

Videos for L3 popular culture class

Videos L3 Popular culture
Much better now. Next week I will be moving onto theories of what popular culture is, what mass culture is, and so on. In the meantime, I recommend you watch one or both of these videos.

Synth Britannia : the history of the origins of synth music in Britain in the 1970s and 1980s.

Rap Britannia : a 2012 documentary on what rap is doing in the UK

Either of them give good practice in listening to different accents in British English.

Seminar M2 Cultural and social history of the 1970s

Much better now.
A couple of things for you to be going on with :

We will discuss these two elements briefly in class.
But the priority is that before the next class I would like  each of you to look in the archives of Spare Rib, ( https://journalarchives.jisc.ac.uk/britishlibrary/sparerib )and find two articles you find particularly interesting, significant or suprising, and report back on them in class (just a short summary of the article and why you chose it, nothing more).

India M1 LEA QES

I am out of hospital and feeling much better.  Next week, will be time to move onto our next topic: Women in the USA. But for this week, watch these last three videos about India. Try to understand every word. Remember of course that these videos represent one person's point of view.

When will India be a developed country?

How do Indian railways compare with Pakistani railways?

How does an average Indian person compare with an average Chinese person? 

Monday, February 05, 2018

Les salles de la semaine

M1 LEA QES   L101
M2 seminar 1970s L311
L3 culture populaire T012

Thème agrégation F101
Compréhension agrégation A506
Compréhension CAPES A506
TD civilisation agrégation A506

M1 consultation de copies

Le vendredi 9 février à 13h, bureau A503, vous pourrez consulter vos copies sur l'historiographie de la Première Guerre.