I gave out the programme in class, but if you missed it, or you are régimé dérogatoire, here it is :
British Civilisation L3 2008
Contestation politique et sociale 1819- 1928
Cours de M. Mullen
Information on the organization of the course
Key themes
Week 1
Overview - the context 1819- 1928. Key issues in the study of social and political movements
Week 2
Am I not a Man and a Brother? Abolishing slavery
Week 3
Signed on behalf of the whole
Agricultural riots and machine breaking
Ned Ludd and Captain Swing
Week 4
Perish the privileged orders
Chartism and parliamentary reform before 1842
The Charter
The Land Plan
Week 5 Chartism and parliamentary reform after 1842
Week 6
DST écrit : commentaire de texte
“An injury to one is an injury to all”
The First Trade Unions 1819-1880
The campaign against the New Poor Law
Week 7
Movements for women’s rights before 1900
The campaign against the Contagious Diseases Act
Married women and property
Week 8 A spectre haunting Europe
Owenism, Socialism, Marx, and Labour before 1901
Week 9
Movements for women’s rights 1900-1928
The suffragettes
Hunger strikes and window smashing
Tactical debates and splits
Different attitudes to the First world war
Week 10
It just went like tinder
From New Unionism to the End of the Great war 1880-1918
Matchgirls on strike
The Dockers Tanner
The Great War
Week 11
Research paper to be handed in
1919 - 1926
Strikes and mutinies
The Strike wave of 1919
The General Strike of 1926
Week 12
Left wing organizations 1901-1928
Development of the Labour Party
Defending homosexuals
Establishment of the Communist Party
The effect of the Russian Revolution
Week 13 Revision
Week 14 Contrôle final Commentaire de texte + rédaction argumentée.
The course is based on four elements
1) The history books:
Martin Steve et Phillips Trevor Britain's Slave Trade Channel 4 books 2000;
Laybourn Keith A History of British Trade Unionism Sutton History Paperbacks, Londres 1997
Briggs Asa Chartism Sutton Publishing, Londres 1998 ;
Foot Paul The Vote: How it was won and how it was undermined, Viking, Londres 2005 (Part One)
Mulvey Roberts Marie The militants, Routledge, Londres, 1994
Liddington, Jill One hand tied behind us : the rise of the women’s suffrage movement Virago,Londres 1984
In theory, all of these are available in the University Library. I am hoping students will cooperate and pass the library boosk around, not keep them at home so other students can’t get at them!
You will also consult other history books in French or English, and there is a list of websites in the booklet.
2) A booklet of historical documents which must be bought from the University bookshop. It is entitled “Contestation politique et sociale en Grande-Bretagne 1819-1928”
3) The classes (two each week)
4) Entries on my teaching blog ( http://johncmullen.blogspot.com/ ) Every week I will be adding links and documents connected with the week’s theme. All students must visit the blog every week. As you know, free internet access is available in the university.
Each class will begin with an explanation of some key questions in a given period. I will not be giving you basic chronology or basic facts. This information (who was prime minister, what were the most important laws, wars, public debates etc) you will know BEFORE the class in question.
The classes will also be used to work more intensively on “commentaire de texte” methodology
Focus documents - You should read these carefully (preferably with a dictionary) before the class. Some of them will be presented by the teacher, some will be presented and analyzed by students.
The marking scheme is based on the following elements
- An oral exposé “commentaire de texte” you will do in class on a date which will be fixed in the first class.
- A research paper, which will probably take the form of a commentary on a longer document, be handed in in week 11. You will be given, early in the course, the details of this work.
- A DST “commentaire de texte” in class in week 6
- And of course the “contrôle final” at the end of the semester.
All students registered as régime dérogatoire must contact me at the beginning of the semester.