Perhaps the most moving moment in a rock concert ever.
Jonny Clegg, white South African singer, plays an old song he had written for Mandela when Mandela was in prison.
Links and comments for university students of English, and of British Studies and British history. Study links connected with my classes, and general links on current affairs etc. There are sometimes indications as to what group might be particularly interested (L2 for Licence 2nd year, for example)
Perhaps the most moving moment in a rock concert ever.
Jonny Clegg, white South African singer, plays an old song he had written for Mandela when Mandela was in prison.
L2 UK Media Oral presentations
Any student may now send me an email to say which subject they would like to talk about. If your subject is already taken, I will ask you to choose another.
Note that if you have prepared a slide presentation on a Mac computer, you should come with your computer *and with an adapter so that our HDMI/VGA cables can display your slideshow.
Remember we have internet in the classroom, so if you are presenting a podcast or a TV programme, you can show a short extract.
Here are your dates.
Note that your date will not change. If for any reason I am absent one week (ill, for example), the people who were supposed to give a presentation that week will do it at the end of the semester (probably on zoom as an oral outside class). The people on the calendar in the following weeks will not change their date.
We missed one class because of the movement to defend pensions. Although I am too old to be personally affected, I want to support others. There may be other classes affected, but I will make sure everybody has a chance to give a talk, one way or another.
Your talk will last eight minutes (seven is acceptable). I will stop you after eight minutes
The aim of your exposé is to say everything which is interesting about your subject. Just explain what kind of magazine/podcast/show it is, who reads or listens to it and why, in your opinion? What do they talk about? What are its strong points? How successful is it? Is it typically British? Is anything surprising about it? etc etc Give some typical examples of front pages, of articles, of letters, of illustrations, of adverts etc.
The links given in the list below are just to help *the other students* see what they are going to learn about - the person doing the exposé will need more.
The people who go first have first choice of subject. I will add more subjects so that even people at the end have a little choice.
All marks will be given at the end of the semester.
Any questions - email me at john dot mullen at univ hyphen rouen dot fr
8 février Chloe V. ;
Angélique W: Girl Talk pre-teen magazine
15 février : Charlotte P. ;
Jose Maria R. Men's Health magazine
Joseph T. The Economist [I am fairly sure that the library "Poles Langues" in bâtiment A stocks all issues of The Economist]
1 mars : Maeva M. Bella magazine [Careful - it is the UK version we are interested in, not the US one]
Izabel M. Church Times
Lea M. New Scientist
Morgane P. LGBT Sports podcast on the BBC
Julienne U. New Statesman
8 mars : Amélie J. The Voice - UK Black magazine
Naomie K. Socialist Worker https://socialistworkerb/
Rachel L. UK Film Review
15 mars : Zahra E. Victorian Pharmacy
Angie F. Keeping Up Appearances
Louis F. Americast ;
Sarah G. Irish World ;
22 mars :
; Theo D. BBC inside science
; Jules D. Blackadder ;
Léa F: Red Pepper
29 mars : Rachelle D. The Ecologist ; Camille D. ; Amelia D. Secrets of size ; Juliette D. ;
Anaelle D. Great British Sewing Bee
5 April : Meriem B. Absolutely Mama
Lee Lou P. Attitude
; Naomi B. How Earth Made Us
Solène C. the History Hour
; Clémentine H Edwardian Farm
12 April : Classroom test
3 mai:
Faustine A. Lives less ordinary ;
Cherifa A. Muslim news
Lila B. Back in Time for dinner
Cassilia B. The Frankenstein Chronicles ;
Jade H.: Woman's hour (BBC podcast).
Melysande D. : A House through Time.
Sarah C: Punk Britannia.
You will have noted from your booklet that the subjects of the presentations will be chosen from the following list.
Magazines : Church Times, New Statesman, Muslim News, Red Pepper, Girl Talk, The Ecologist, Absolutely Mama, UK Film Review, Men’s health, The Economist, Bella, New Scientist, Socialist Worker, The Voice, Irish World, Attitude, (16 magazines)
Podcasts : The Life Scientific, Slow Radio, Woman’s Hour, Lives Less Ordinary, BBC Inside Science, The History Hour, Front Row, The LGBT sport podcast, On This Day, Wireless Nights, The Cultural Life, Money Box, Americast, This Cultural Life, More or Less (15 BBC podcasts)
TV series: The Victorian Pharmacy, Back in Time for Dinner, Edwardian Farm, A House through Time, Airline, How Earth Made Us, Secrets of Size, Punk Britannia, Folk Britannia, Keeping up with Appearances, Wartime Farm, Songs of Praise, The Frankenstein chronicles, Yes Minister, Strictly Come Dancing, The Great British Sewing Bee, Blackadder. (16 British TV programmes).
If you weren't at class, or if it went too fast, or if you just need to revise, you will find here the recording of the class on Andrew Carnegie, 19th century capitalism, his rags to riches story, his ideas, his contradictions, and the essay on wealth which he wrote for the North American Review in the late 19th century.
You will find here the recording of my first talk on the BBC and its history.
This, along with the talks I gave you on the UK press today, and on key topics in media studies, will form the basis of the classroom test in week 11. If you scroll back on thi sblog you will find recordings etc.
For the first talk on the BBC, just click here.
When the oral comes, you will be asked to comment on an extract from one of the documents. Now there is not only one way to do a good commentary. I find that the most common student weaknesses are
- not talking about the objective of the document
- not talking about the audience of the document
- not talking about what happened to the document and/or its ideas later in the historical period.
- Not talking about how typical the document is, or is not.
I realize that sometimes you can have *too much* advice about how to do commentaries, but this document which one of my colleagues produced seems useful.
See how much you understand!éintègre-son-présentateur-star-gary-lineker-après-le-tollé-provoqué-par-sa-suspension
You will find here the MP recording of the class on Emmeline Pankhurst's well-known speech
Le Centre de recherches en civilisation britannique et l’Association France-Grande-Bretagne sont ravis d’annoncer une conférence sur le multiculturalisme au Royaume-Uni.
Le jeudi 16 mars, à Paris et sur zoom, à 18h précises (accueil du public sur place à partir de 17h30).
Conférence en français, ouvert au public, inscription obligatoire
pas à en informer vos étudiant e s.
Dans la salle des conférences du lycée Henri IV, 23 Rue Clovis, Paris, et également sur zoom.
S’inscrire gratuitement en envoyant un mail à . N’oubliez pas de préciser si vous voulez assister sur place ou recevoir le lien zoom.
Pr Vincent Latour (Toulouse) « Immigration, diversité et multiculturalisme au Royaume-Uni, de la fin de la Seconde Guerre à la nomination de Rishi Sunak. »
Conférences suivantes de la série :
Lundi 17 avril 2023 Philippe Chassaigne. « Après Elizabeth II, quelle monarchie pour le Royaume Uni ? »
Jeudi 25 mai 2023 Agnès Alexandre-Collier « L’Avenir du parti conservateur britannique. »
Conférences passées disponibles en ligne :
Nathalie Duclos « Le Royaume désuni ? Les Quatre nations au XXIe siècle »
John Mullen «La BBC : cent ans de service public?»
Roger Brown « Inequality in the UK »