

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Thème oral agrégation interne

 Important information in these extracts from a recent jury report.

On the question of translating “ordonnances”, I saw that the jury report did not recommend this, but translating “prescriptions” is quite correct: see this extract from the museum website:

agrégation interne

 I contacted the rectorat yesterday because many people had not received their « convocations ». They told me that there had been a mistake, but that these messages would finally be sent out yesterday. Hope it all happened in time and that many of you will be in L311 at 4 for comprehension fun.

Ireland England and Ulster

 Vernon Bogdanor is a well know political analyst, who I have described elsewhere as « conservative but fair-minded ».  He has recently produced this lecture on Ireland which I recommend for those who want to understand some of the main dynamics of the colonization and decolonization in this country.


Monday, November 28, 2022

Examen janvier séminaire WW1 M1

 Il y aura (problème de calendrier) deux examens séparés.

Les quelques étudiants de MEEF qui ont suivi le séminaire Première Guerre auront l'examen le mercredi 11 janvier de 15h à 18h salle A402

Les autres étudiants, de LES auront l'examen le mardi 10 janvier de 10h à 13h.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Agrégation interne 30 novembre 9h à 11h salle A506 Didactique

 Je ne suis pas certain que l'information ait bien circulé.

(Cours donc en même temps que les cours de thème cette semaine).


Tuesday and Wednesday classes

 Tuesday we have our first  agrégation class on oral comprehension and improvised translation ("thème oral"). It is tailored for agrégation interne people, but the externes are welcome. It is in room L311.

On Wednesday translation is in A402 at 9.

James Cook is in A208 at 10.30.

and the 1970s seminar is in A402 at 3.

“Shared history” and slavery


Saturday, November 26, 2022

M1 MEEF civilisation britannique: Jewish immigration and Irish immigration

 The Jewish and the Irish communities in the UK are groups it is important to know something about.

The Jewish community in Britain like in other countries, is very varied, but this series looks at one group of Jews, in Manchester  


This documentary, made in the 1980s and entitled "The Irish in England" tells an interesting part of the history of Irish people in the UK.


L3 Cultures populaires

As you know there is no class this week. We have two classes left: on the 8th and on the 15th of December.

I hope your homework assignments are going well. I think everyone understands the new system now - if your homework assignment does not get more than ten, you may take a second chance exam in January. Concerning the first semester, nothing happens in June. 

You will find here the video of my paper on antiracist songs, which we saw only half of in class. My paper begins after about 21 minutes of  this video seminar. It is 20 minutes long.


This paper, in French, looks at another question of how to study popular music : what is the meaning of different activities connected to popular music? In this paper, we look at the activity of singing along at a concert.


Finally, this article, “What has popular music ever done for us?” looks at 1970s music in Britain, and why people needed it. 


And you will find here the recordings of important parts of the two classes we have had on popular music:



Lecture: a Hundred Years of the BBC

A hundred years of the BBC! If anyone wants to listen to the (50 minute) history lecture I gave on this subject in English in Lisbon last month, you will find the Mp3 audio file here : http://www.jcmullen.fr/1122lisbonfinal.mp3 

The accompanying PowerPoint is here http://www.jcmullen.fr/1122lisbonfinal.pdf 

The talk was actually entitled "The BBC, Public Service, and Science Programming" and strolled over the entire hundred years asking "Who was it good for?"

Mise à jour Emploi du temps agrégation deuxième semestre

 Il y a eu 4 ou 5 rajouts/ correction. La dernière version sera toujours disponible ici 


Entr'aide : étudiants dans le besoin

L'hiver arrive et certain e s des étudiant e s de Rouen n'ont pas ce qu'il faut pour vivre décemment. Si vous en faites partie, n'oubliez pas qu'un peu d'aide est disponible. Si vous avez l'argent qu'il vous faut, n'hésitez pas à aider un peu en répondant à l'appel ci-dessous (du service de médecine préventive).

Bonjour à toutes et tous,

Le Service Universitaire de Médecine Préventive et de Promotion de la Santé propose pour les étudiants en situation de précarité une boutique santé sociale. Cette boutique leur permet d’obtenir des produits d’hygiènes ainsi que des vêtements, gratuitement et sans conditions d’évaluations.

Aujourd’hui, nous faisons appel à votre générosité, pour un appel aux dons. En effet, nous sommes à la recherche de vêtements chauds (pulls, manteaux, bonnets, gants, écharpes, chaussettes etc) et couettes, couvertures, draps pour passer le froid de l’hiver qui approche. Les couettes, couvertures seront soumis à un lavage par l’association : les papillons blancs. Nos besoins en produits d’hygiènes sont également très importants et seront les bienvenus (dentifrice, brosse à dents, papier toilette, gel douche, shampoing, serviettes hygiéniques, déodorant, essuie-tout, mouchoirs, lessive etc).

Si vous souhaitez participer à cette action de solidarité, vous pouvez venir déposer vos dons au service de médecine préventive le lundi 05/12 vendredi 09/12 de 9h à 17h. Le service est situé au 1er étage de la Maison de l’Université à Mont Saint Aignan.

Nous tenons encore une fois à vous remercier pour votre générosité depuis tant d’années, permettant le bon fonctionnement de cette boutique santé sociale, apportant de l’aide à de nombreux étudiants.

Si besoin d’informations supplémentaires, vous pouvez contacter Ludovic Duchaud, coordinateur des projets de santé au SUMPPS, à l’adresse suivante : ludovic.duchaud1@univ-rouen.fr.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Cours culture populaire

 Today’s class will be shorter, and there is no class next week as I am at a conference in Strasbourg on popular music.


I will put on here links to a video class I gave a couple of years back.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

M2 séminaire

 Here is the document I mentioned

Your "mini-dossier" will be due on the 15th January.

Your subject must be approved by me before you begin.

Emploi du temps agrégation deuxième semestre

 Vous trouverez ici l'emploi du temps du deuxième semestre. Il reste une quinzaine d'heures de cours à placer, mais vous pouvez déjà avoir une première visibilité. La version mise à jour se trouvera toujours à cette adresse


Seminar M2: Sir Laurence Olivier

 I have found the source of  the confusion about Laurence Olivier. He was knighted in 1947, and so became "Sir Laurence Olivier". What happened in 1970 was that he received a peerage - he became "Lord Laurence Olivier". On both occasions, he was one of the very first actors to receive the honour, and his case therefore stands as a symbol of the increasing legitimacy of the performing arts in the eyes of the Establishment.

["Whenever asked if he should be addressed as Sir Laurence or Lord Olivier, the actor invariably replied, “Call me Larry." (Encylcopedia Britannica).]

Friday, November 18, 2022

Racism and antiracism in the United Kingdom since 1958 Podcast/cours MEEF M1

 You will find here the MP3 recording of our class on racism and antiracism over the last sixty years or so.

Just click here

And  here is the PowerPoint which accompanied the class.

Just click here

Salles pour cours MEEF civi GB

 Le 24/ 11 nous serons dans la L310

Le 01/12 il n'y a pas de cours

Le 08/12 nous serons dans la L311

Pour le 15/12 je vous tiendrai au courant

Monday, November 14, 2022

L3 James Cook examen 25 novembre

 L'examen aura lieu en A401 de 13h30 à 16h30.

Nelson Mandela

 We are hard-working people, us university professors, and I am busy preparing classes for next semester (L3 orals). One of the speeches we will be studying will be by Nelson Mandela. I came across this BBC documentary, which I highly recommend.


Friday, November 11, 2022

Podcast UK modern art since 1945/ Cours de L3 - deuxième cours sur l'art moderne

 You will find here a recording of the class on modern art since 1945, the Young British Artists, the Turner Prize etc.

Just click here.

And you will find here the PowerPoint which accompanied it.

Just click here.

The UK Education System in 2022, Podcast/ Cours L2,L3 The UK education system

 You will find here a recording of my lecture on the UK education system today. It lasts just over an hour and a half.

Just click here.

And you will find the PowerPoint which illustrated it.

Just click here.

Podcast Multiculuralism and migration in the UK/ cours MEEF Master 1 thématique CAPES/ Rencontre avec d'autres cultures 1

 You will find here the powerpoint we used in class.

Just click here

And the MP3 recording of the general introduction section of the class, which took around one hour.

Just click here

Thursday, November 10, 2022

L3 Popular culture and high culture – visual art.


L3 Popular culture and high culture – visual art.

 To help with your homework assignment, perhaps, here are similar classes of mine, about visual art. They are the classes I gave at a distance during the pandemic, and are generally similar to the classes I am giving this year.





Conférence en ligne et en français sur les cent ans de la BBC: 24 novembre, 18h


Le 24 novembre à  18h ma conférence en français "100 ans de la BBC" aura lieu  à Paris et en ligne. Tout le monde est bienvenu.

L’Association France-Grande Bretagne
et le Centre de Recherches en Civilisation britannique (CRECIB)
sont heureux d’annoncer la prochaine conférence de leur cycle 2022-2023 :
1922-2022 : Cent ans de la BBC
Président du CRECIB, Professeur à l’Université de Rouen
Jeudi 24 novembre à 18 précises (accueil à partir de 17h30)
Lycée Henri IV, 1 rue Clovis, 75005 Paris
Et sur zoom
Entrée gratuite
Inscription obligatoire (merci de signaler si vous voulez être présent, ou recevoir le lien zoom) :
L’année 2022 marque le centenaire de la BBC.
Populaire au Royaume-Uni et de par le monde, la BBC est traversée par de multiples contradictions.
Dans une époque néolibérale et numérique, à quel point a-t- elle pu maintenir une réalité de service public ? Et servir le public, c’est servir qui ?
Que fait la BBC pour servir l’État, le citoyen, le consommateur ou le peuple ?
Cette conférence se penchera sur les émissions audiovisuelles des cent dernières années pour tenter de répondre à ces questions.

Tuesday, November 08, 2022

information pour agrégatifs

 Je vous verrai demain matin à 9h.

M Gardes me dit qu’il ne pourra pas assurer son cours demain.


Monday, November 07, 2022

Salle M1 MEEF pour jeudi 11h

 En principe nous serons dans le L307.

En cas de problème, nous reviendrons au A 506...

Saturday, November 05, 2022


 You will find here your homework assignment. You have 26 days. In the next three Thursday classes, we will look at these issues (but not of course, precisely these documents). On this blog I will give access to other useful resources, but you can use any resources you wish.

For the assignment, just click here.

concours blanc agrégation

 Le concours blanc agrégation aura lieu du 12 au 15 décembre. A partir de 9h chaque jour.

12,13,14 décembre dans le préfabriqué 1.

15 décembre dans le préfabriqué 3.

Wednesday, November 02, 2022

L3 popular culture. Important information and homework assignment

Sorry for the confusion before the break - everything should now be back to normal.

I would like to recommend these two short videos

Street art in Bristol


British sculpture


We will be back in class on Thursday 10 November at 1pm, in room 202 in the STAPS building. I will be continuing to talk about British visual art.

The time of term has come to give you your marked assignment. Here it is:

Homework assignment

Can visual art be popular culture? Can modern visual art be popular ? How have visual art practitioners and institutions tried to make their art more popular in the UK? Discuss these questions using both carefully chosen examples we have seen in class and examples which you have found yourselves.

Write 1200 -1500 words in English, and re-read very carefully.

Hand in your work before the 3rd December at midnight, by email to john.mullen {AT] univ-rouen.fr. Your work must be in the format Word or ODT or RTF.

DO do some of your own research so as to find different examples and problems.

DO hedge (Write “On might conclude that” or “many commentators consider that…” etc.  in order to nuance your statements).

DO give your own opinion, as well as showing you understand the different controversies.

DO NOT list every artist we have seen in class.

DO NOT plagiarise.

Les salles de la semaine qui commence le lundi 7 Novembre

mercredi  9h dans A402: Thème M2 et thème agrégation

mercredi 10h30 dans A208: L3 James Cook

mercredi 15h dans A402: Séminaire M2 les années 1970

jeudi 11h MEEF M1 civi GB (à confirmer)

jeudi 13h L3 Cultures populaires: salle 202 (bâtiment STAPS)

jeudi 17h30 : découverte des sytèmes éducatifs étrangers : A 107

Tuesday, November 01, 2022

L3 James Cook - document to prepare

I apologize for the confusion last week - everything will be back to normal next week.

I am sure you remember that your exam at the end of November will take the form of a text commentary. So, next Wednesday, we will be lookinf at another extract from cook's diary. You will find this extract below. Read it carefully, and bring any questions you have to the class next Wednesday.


James COOK, The Journals, ed. Philip EDWARDS, [1999], Penguin Classics, 2003, pp. 531-533



Tues. 20

[…] The next morning we stood in for the land, and were met by several Canoes filled with people, some of them took courage and ventured on board. I never saw Indians so much astonished at the entering a ship before, their eyes were continually flying from object to object, the wildness of thier looks and actions fully express’d their surprise and astonishment at the several new o[b]jects before them and evinced that they never had been on board of a ship before. However the first man that came on board did not with all his surprise, forget his own interest, the first moveable thing that came in his way was the lead and line, which he without asking any questions took to put into his Canoe and when we stoped him said ‘I am only going to put it into my boat’ nor would he quit it till some of his countrymen spoke to him. At 9 o'clock being pretty near the shore, I sent three armed boats, under the command of Lieutenant Williamson, to look for a landing place and fresh water. I ordered him, that if he found it necessary to land to look for the latter not to suffer more than one man to go out of the boat. As the boats put off an Indian stole the Butcher['s] cleaver, leaped over board with it, got into his canoe and made for the shore, the boats pursued but to no effect.

              As there were some venereal complaints on board both the Ships, in order to prevent its being communicated to these people, I gave orders that no Women, on any account whatever were to be admited on board the Ships, I also forbid all manner of connection with them, and ordered that none who had the venereal upon them should go out of the ships. But whether these regulations had the desired effect or no time only can discover. It is no more than what I did when I first visited the Friendly Islands yet I afterwards found it did not succeed and I am much afraid that this will always be the case where it is necessary to have a number of people on shore; the opportunities and inducements to an intercourse between the sex, are there too many to be guarded against. It is also a doubt with me, that the most skilfull of the Faculty can tell whether every man who has had the venereal is so far cured as not to communicate it further. I think I could mention some instances to the contrary. It is likewise well known that amongst a number of men, there will be found some who will endeavour to conceal this desorder, and there are some again who care not to whom they communicate it, of this last, we had an instance at Tongatabu in the Gunner of the Discovery, who remained a shore to manage the trade for Captain Clerke. After he knew that he had contracted this disease he continued to sleep with different women who were supposed not to have contracted it; his companions expostulated with him without effect; till it came to Captain Clerke’s knowlidge who ordered him on board.

              While the boats were in shore examining the coast we stood on and off with the Ships, waiting their return, at length about noon Mr Williamson came on board and reported that he had seen a large pond behind a beach near one of the Villages, which the Natives told him was fresh water and that there was anchorage before it. He also reported that he attempted to land in a nother place but was prevented by the Indians coming down to the boat in great numbers, and were for taking away the oars, muskets and in short everything they could lay hold upon and pressed so thick upon him that he was obliged to fire, but which one man was killed. But this unhappy circumstance I did not know till after we had left the islands, so all my measures were directed as if nothing of the kind had happened.

Remember to try to find in the document elements which tell us more

- about Cook and about his mission

- about the people he is writing for

- about the local peoples he encounters.

Remember to try to assess what is typical about the incidents described.