Links and comments for university students of English, and of British Studies and British history. Study links connected with my classes, and general links on current affairs etc. There are sometimes indications as to what group might be particularly interested (L2 for Licence 2nd year, for example)

Thursday, September 29, 2011
L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts
You can listen to the first class again on your Mp3 player by clicking on this link. Do a right click and choose "enregistrer la cible du lien sous". It may take some minutes.
LEA civilisation britannique L1 cours magistral
You can listen again to the first class by clicking on this link. Do a right click and choose "enregistrer le lien sous". It may take a few minutes.
L1 LLCE British Civilization : From the Reformation to the Great Exhibition
You can listen to the first class again, in MP3, by clicking on this link. Do a right click and choose "enregistrer la cible sous". The download may take a few minutes.
L1 LLCE British Civilization : From the Reform to the Great Exhibition
The administration is still looking for a room for our Tuesday class. I will announce it here as soon as I have it; I will also put a note on the door of my office, which is room 208, on the second floor, a couple of hours before.
Heat is on to break mercury record - Home News, UK - The Independent
Heat is on to break mercury record - Home News, UK - The Independent
Il fait chaud en Angleterre aussi.
Il fait chaud en Angleterre aussi.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
L1 LLCE British Civilization : From the Reform to the Great Exhibition
1) The first class was recorded, and will be available here in MP3 format in a day or two.
2) The booklet of documents ("la brochure") is available on Eprel.
3) Remember to read something about the Reformation in England (from Henry to Elizabeth) before the next class.
4) See below for a short video about the Reformation.
2) The booklet of documents ("la brochure") is available on Eprel.
3) Remember to read something about the Reformation in England (from Henry to Elizabeth) before the next class.
4) See below for a short video about the Reformation.
LEA civilisation britannique L1 cours magistral
0) Apologies for the last-minute change of room, and of course noone likes classes at 5:30 in the evening. The change was inevitable because in the morning there was no suitable room available in the whole of the university.
1) The first lecture was recorded and will be available here in a few days in MP3 format.
2) Those groups who do not have a TD group will have some exercises to do at home. These exercises will be online here later today.
3) The recommended book for this course is John Oakland's "British Civilization". Be careful - he changes this book nearly every year. Try to get the 2010 edition.
4) This CM is marked by a final exam in January. Part of the final exam is a multiple choice test, and part of it is an essay.
5) For your TD classes, you will need the booklet ("brochure") which you can find on Eprel (ask your teacher how).
You can ask questions here by leaving a comment.
1) The first lecture was recorded and will be available here in a few days in MP3 format.
2) Those groups who do not have a TD group will have some exercises to do at home. These exercises will be online here later today.
3) The recommended book for this course is John Oakland's "British Civilization". Be careful - he changes this book nearly every year. Try to get the 2010 edition.
4) This CM is marked by a final exam in January. Part of the final exam is a multiple choice test, and part of it is an essay.
5) For your TD classes, you will need the booklet ("brochure") which you can find on Eprel (ask your teacher how).
You can ask questions here by leaving a comment.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
The Protestant Reformation - Part 2 - YouTube
The Protestant Reformation - Part 2 - YouTube
Voici la deuxième et dernière partie du même documentaire.
Voici la deuxième et dernière partie du même documentaire.
The Protestant Reformation - Part 1 - YouTube
The Protestant Reformation - Part 1 - YouTube
Voici la première partie d'un petit documentaire sur Youtube sur la Réforme. La première partie dure dix minutes.
Voici la première partie d'un petit documentaire sur Youtube sur la Réforme. La première partie dure dix minutes.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
inscriptions en Master
Les inscriptions pédagogiques pour les étudiants inscrits en Master LCE auront lieu le lundi 26 septembre 2011, salle 325 comme suit :
1- Etudiants inscrits en Parcours Enseignement : de 10h à 12h
2 -Etudiants inscrits en Recherche : de 14h à 16h
1- Etudiants inscrits en Parcours Enseignement : de 10h à 12h
2 -Etudiants inscrits en Recherche : de 14h à 16h
Monday, September 12, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Monday, September 05, 2011
La rentrée c'est pour bientôt
A l'Université de Paris-Est Créteil, nous préparons la réntrée. Au premier semestre, j'enseigne les matières suivantes :
Première année
Le mardi Cours d'histoire britannique (Bloc 3) "From the Reformation to the Great Exhibition" (1500-1851 donc)
Le jeudi matin : Cours de Bloc 2 en anglais, ouvert à l'ensemble des étudiants de la Faculté des Lettres et de Sciences Humaines, mais enseigné et évalué en anglais : Social and Ethnic Identies and Conflicts in Britain since 1918.
Voici l'explication :
Who are the British, and how do they see themselves? This course aims to clarify the reality behind the image of British society, which is often presented as terribly divided by class, and the home of a rather strange “multiculturalism”. During the classes we will look at the history of conflicts at work, in particular the general strike of 1926, the wave of strikes in the 1970s, and the conflict between Margaret Thatcher and the miners’ union. We will look at the history of the main groups of immigrants (Jewish, Irish, Caribbean, South Asian and east European). We will look at their lives in Britain, questions of racism and of maintaining cultural identity (music, food etc). We will also examine the story of Irish, Welsh and Scottish nationalism, and the resulting reforms over the last fifteen years. Finally we will look at other social identities – homosexual identity and youth identity in particular--‐ to see how they have marked British life in the last hundred years.
We will be looking at directly political events (strikes, riots, or campaigns) but also at other forms of the expression of identity (religious practices, clothes, music, food, leisure and so on).
A booklet of documents will be available at the beginning of the semester
Didier Lassalle, Les minorités ethniques en Grande-Bretagne
Francois-Charles Mougel, L'Angleterre au XXe siècle
Alkarim Jivani, It's Not Unusual : A History of Lesbian and Gay Britain in the Twentieth Century
Françoise Barret‐ Ducrocq , Le mouvement féministe anglais d'hier à aujourd'hui
(Ae Fond Kiss) Just a Kiss de Ken Loach
The Navigators de Ken Loach
The Naked Civil Servant de Quentin Crisp
Fish and Chips de Damien O’Donnell
Bend it like Beckham, de Gurinder Chadha
Deuxième année
Le mardi après-midi : Cours de thème littéraire Vous aurez un texte à traduire chaque semaine. Une brochure de textes sera disponible bientôt.
Master professionnel rédaction/traduction
Le jeudi après-midi Approfondissement de l'anglais Une brochure sera disponible bientôt.
Master enseignement
Préparation de l'épreuve "Dossier de Synthèse" (à partir de novembre).
Et dans le département de Langues Etrangères Appliquées
Introduction à la civilisation britannique et irlandaise. Une brochure sera disponible bientôt.
Première année
Le mardi Cours d'histoire britannique (Bloc 3) "From the Reformation to the Great Exhibition" (1500-1851 donc)
Le jeudi matin : Cours de Bloc 2 en anglais, ouvert à l'ensemble des étudiants de la Faculté des Lettres et de Sciences Humaines, mais enseigné et évalué en anglais : Social and Ethnic Identies and Conflicts in Britain since 1918.
Voici l'explication :
Who are the British, and how do they see themselves? This course aims to clarify the reality behind the image of British society, which is often presented as terribly divided by class, and the home of a rather strange “multiculturalism”. During the classes we will look at the history of conflicts at work, in particular the general strike of 1926, the wave of strikes in the 1970s, and the conflict between Margaret Thatcher and the miners’ union. We will look at the history of the main groups of immigrants (Jewish, Irish, Caribbean, South Asian and east European). We will look at their lives in Britain, questions of racism and of maintaining cultural identity (music, food etc). We will also examine the story of Irish, Welsh and Scottish nationalism, and the resulting reforms over the last fifteen years. Finally we will look at other social identities – homosexual identity and youth identity in particular--‐ to see how they have marked British life in the last hundred years.
We will be looking at directly political events (strikes, riots, or campaigns) but also at other forms of the expression of identity (religious practices, clothes, music, food, leisure and so on).
A booklet of documents will be available at the beginning of the semester
Didier Lassalle, Les minorités ethniques en Grande-Bretagne
Francois-Charles Mougel, L'Angleterre au XXe siècle
Alkarim Jivani, It's Not Unusual : A History of Lesbian and Gay Britain in the Twentieth Century
Françoise Barret‐ Ducrocq , Le mouvement féministe anglais d'hier à aujourd'hui
(Ae Fond Kiss) Just a Kiss de Ken Loach
The Navigators de Ken Loach
The Naked Civil Servant de Quentin Crisp
Fish and Chips de Damien O’Donnell
Bend it like Beckham, de Gurinder Chadha
Deuxième année
Le mardi après-midi : Cours de thème littéraire Vous aurez un texte à traduire chaque semaine. Une brochure de textes sera disponible bientôt.
Master professionnel rédaction/traduction
Le jeudi après-midi Approfondissement de l'anglais Une brochure sera disponible bientôt.
Master enseignement
Préparation de l'épreuve "Dossier de Synthèse" (à partir de novembre).
Et dans le département de Langues Etrangères Appliquées
Introduction à la civilisation britannique et irlandaise. Une brochure sera disponible bientôt.
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