

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Christmas, Hannukah etc

For those of you who celebrate Christmas, Happy Christmas to you. Happy hannukah to them what celebrates that.
And a happy New Year to the lot of you.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

LEA civilisation britannique L1 cours magistral

Here are all the audio files (the last class was not recorded).http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif


L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts

All the audio files are here

First file
second file
third file
fourth file
fifth file
sixth file
seventh file
eighth file
ninth file
tenth file
eleventh file
twelfth file

LEA civilisation britannique L1 cours magistral

Here are all the powerpoints I have used this semester.
Of course, often there are only pictures, so remember you also need to revise what I said about the pictures! I will post a message about audio files later today.

powerpoints one and two
powerpoint three
powerpoint four
powerpoint five

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tiger Rag played by Winifred Atwell - YouTube

Tiger Rag played by Winifred Atwell - YouTube

L1 LLCE British Civilization : From the Reform to the Great Exhibition

If you weren't in class yesterday, or you've lost the sheet of paper, here is the Homework assignment :

Université Paris Est Créteil, UFR de Lettres et de Sciences Humaines, Département d’anglais
décembre 2011

L1 civilisation. From the Reformation to the Great Exhibition.
Devoir maison basé sur les documents de la brochure. La brochure est disponible sur Eprel ou à l’adresse http://www.jcmullen.fr/2011brochurereform.doc

NB : Utiliser même une phrase copiée d’une autre source sans citation précise est absolument interdite et pourrait entraîner une procédure disciplinaire

Section A
Read carefully the documents on pages 16-18 (The Liverpool and Manchester Railway Prospectus ; the Crystal Palace Exhibition ; A Luddite declaration) and answer the following questions. Some of the answers are in the documents, for other you need to research.

1. Give two reasons the writers defend the introduction of a railway.
2. What did Victoria find impressive about the Crystal Palace Exhibition?
3. Why do the Luddites want to break the machines?

4 What were the similarities and differences between the Luddite movement and the Captain Swing movement of 1830?

Section B

Read carefully the two documents on pages 22 and 23 (The need for Electoral Reform, and The National Petition of the Chartists) and answer the following questions. Do not quote from the document.

1. What does Russell mean when he says that sometimes a “stone wall” elects a member of parliament, whereas a large and flourishing town sometimes does not ?
2. What do chartists mean when they say “we demand the ballot”?

3 What were the most important changes made in the two years after Russell’s speech?

Le devoir doit être rendu le 3 janvier, qui est également la date du contrôle final.
Students who do not get a pass mark will retake an exam in June.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts

You will have noticed that one of the questions in your homework is:

If you had to choose two historical events for Scotland, and two historical events for Wales, which had very strongly marked their national identities, which events would you choose, and why ?

Il y a pas mal d'évènements que vous pourriez choisir (il n' y a pas seulment 4 bonnes réponses possibles). L'essentiel est comment vous expliquez leur importance.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Franco-British History Seminars (External) podcast | Institute of Historical Research

Franco-British History Seminars (External) podcast | Institute of Historical Research

L1 LLCE Civilisation "From the Reformation to the Great Exhibition"

Régime dérogatoire : nouvelle information.

Les étudiants du régime général auront un devoir maison à faire pendant les vacances, et un contrôle final le 3 janvier. Le contrôle final traitera de l'histoire depuis 1660.

Les quelques étudiants du régime dérogatoire (contrairement à l'information que j'avais donnée) auront un autre examen, un autre jour, et l'examen traitera de l'ensemble du programme.

Friday, December 09, 2011

Cheap classics boom as rest of book trade struggles | Books | guardian.co.uk

Cheap classics boom as rest of book trade struggles | Books | guardian.co.uk

L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts

Here is the powerpoint on Jewish immigration to Britain.
Here is the one on Irish immigration.
Here is the one on West Indian and South Asian immigration.
And here is the powerpoint on the history of women in Britain.

L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts

Listen again to the class on women's history in Britain

LEA civilisation britannique L1 cours magistral

Listen again to the class on devolution and Northern Ireland.

L1 LLCE British Civilization : From the Reform to the Great Exhibition

Listen again to the class about chartism here.

Préparation CAPES Politics UK: Amazon.fr: Bill Jones, Philip Norton: Livres anglais et étrangers

Politics UK: Amazon.fr: Bill Jones, Philip Norton: Livres anglais et étrangers

If you want to be sure of being able to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the British political sytem, this is the book for you. On Amazon, you can leaf through it and see the table of contents.

Armistice Day and a mythologised, distant version of the first world war | Andrew Frayn | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Armistice Day and a mythologised, distant version of the first world war | Andrew Frayn | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

BBC News - Today - Royal wedding 'should be low key'

BBC News - Today - Royal wedding 'should be low key'

The computer technology being beyond me, any capes M2 students reading this, please go listen now to this interview. (From minute 4 to minute 8).
One of your classmates will be analyzing it today.

Poll finds substantial support for Scottish independence | Westminster blog | Jim Pickard and Kiran Stacey share their views on the UK’s political scene for the Financial Times – FT.com

Poll finds substantial support for Scottish independence | Westminster blog | Jim Pickard and Kiran Stacey share their views on the UK’s political scene for the Financial Times – FT.com

Opinion is Scotland is changing. A few years ago not many Scottish people actually wanted independece, although most of them supported autonomy.
Today support for independence is running at its highest level for a long time. IT is still a minority, but a very substantial one - over 30% according to some opinion polls. Opinion polls are difficult to interpret, but this is interesting news.

L1 LLCE Civilisation GB From the Reformation to the Glorious Revolution


Next week, I will give you your homework, and I will post it here. It will be based on the "brochure de documents" which is on Eprel.

On the 3rd January, you will have the final test. Anyone who is absent for any reason may take the retake in June. The retake is also available, of course, to students who do not get a pass mark in the first session.

One student is in régime dérogatoire. Their test will be at the same time as everybody else's, but it will not be the same test - it will cover the whole period studied.