Links and comments for university students of English, and of British Studies and British history. Study links connected with my classes, and general links on current affairs etc. There are sometimes indications as to what group might be particularly interested (L2 for Licence 2nd year, for example)

Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Master 2 professionnel rédaction-traduction
I hope you are all having a good set of end-of-year festivities.
I know you must be busy with the assignment I gave you, and that has to be the priority, so I will understand if you have only a little time to prepare our next class, next Thursday.
We will be looking to translate the one piece in the booklet which we haven't yet dealt with - this is the press release on page 18 and 19 about the Talkman system.
I will also be asking you for suggestions on the course, which as you know has been given for the first time this year.
See you soon
I know you must be busy with the assignment I gave you, and that has to be the priority, so I will understand if you have only a little time to prepare our next class, next Thursday.
We will be looking to translate the one piece in the booklet which we haven't yet dealt with - this is the press release on page 18 and 19 about the Talkman system.
I will also be asking you for suggestions on the course, which as you know has been given for the first time this year.
See you soon
CAPES BBC - Podcasts - 5 live's Christmas Specials
BBC - Podcasts - 5 live's Christmas Specials
Explore British and American radio websites for programmes about the most important news stories of 2010.
Follow the link above to listen to the indispensable programme "It takes two" about the formation of the first coalition government Britain has seen for many years.
Explore British and American radio websites for programmes about the most important news stories of 2010.
Follow the link above to listen to the indispensable programme "It takes two" about the formation of the first coalition government Britain has seen for many years.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
L1 Civilisation GB From the reformation to the Great Exhibition
The final test is next Tuesday.
The test will concern only events after 1700.
You can find a recording of the week ten class here.
You can find a recording of the week nine class here.
You can find a recording of the week eight class here.
You will find a recording of the week six class here.
Do a "right click" and choose "enregistrer la cible sous".
There will be other recordings on line soon.
The test will concern only events after 1700.
You can find a recording of the week ten class here.
You can find a recording of the week nine class here.
You can find a recording of the week eight class here.
You will find a recording of the week six class here.
Do a "right click" and choose "enregistrer la cible sous".
There will be other recordings on line soon.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
L1 Bloc 2 Listen again
L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts.
If you click on the link below you can listen again to the first part of week six's class, about Wales.
The first part of week six is here.
If you click on the link below you can listen again to the first part of week six's class, about Wales.
The first part of week six is here.
L1 Bloc 2 listen again
If you want to listen again to the class from week five, you can find it below. Do a right click and choose "enregistrer la cible du lien sous". It is an MP3 file, and may take ten minutes or more to download. This class is about Scotland mostly.
L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts week five class
L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts week five class
Sunday, December 19, 2010
L1 Orientation
Le service d'orientation de l'université est à l'adresse suivante
Site de Créteil :
Bâtiment i3, niveau dalle
Centre multidisciplinaire de Créteil
61, avenue du Général de Gaulle
94010 Créteil cedex
Métro 8 : Créteil Université
01 45 17 12 17
Horaires d'ouverture au public :
- du lundi au jeudi de 9h30 à 16h00
- le vendredi : service fermé au public
- le samedi de 9h à 11h30
Il peut vous aider si vous avez décidé que les études que vous avez commencées ne sont pas bonnes pour vous...
Site de Créteil :
Bâtiment i3, niveau dalle
Centre multidisciplinaire de Créteil
61, avenue du Général de Gaulle
94010 Créteil cedex
Métro 8 : Créteil Université
01 45 17 12 17
Horaires d'ouverture au public :
- du lundi au jeudi de 9h30 à 16h00
- le vendredi : service fermé au public
- le samedi de 9h à 11h30
Il peut vous aider si vous avez décidé que les études que vous avez commencées ne sont pas bonnes pour vous...
L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts
If you click HERE you will be able to listen again to the second part of week seven's class, concerning the history of Irish immigrants in Britain.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
LEA L1 Civilisation briatnnique
Vous trouverez en cliquant ICI la partie 6 du diaporama, qui traite de la République Irlandaise. Il manque le diaporama du tout dernier cours, c'est tout.
L1 Bloc 2 History of Indian and pakistani immigration to Britain
If you click HERE (Week ten part three), you will find the third part of week ten class, which dealt with the history of Indian and pakistani immigration.
A great blog for improving your English
I am not the only university lecturer who keeps a teaching blog. Click on the heading above to visit another blog which gives a large number of articles, videos and other resources to help you work on your English.
I am not the only university lecturer who keeps a teaching blog. Click on the heading above to visit another blog which gives a large number of articles, videos and other resources to help you work on your English.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
L1 Bloc 2 Class on the history of west indians and asians
Vous trouverez ici l'enregistrement de la deuxième partie de la semaine 10 - l'histoire des immigrés venus des Caraïbes et de l'Asie du Sud Est. Faite sun clique droit et choisissez "enregistrer la cible sous".
I'm sorry, but this tradition is poppycock - Mark Steel, Commentators - The Independent
I'm sorry, but this tradition is poppycock - Mark Steel, Commentators - The Independent: "– Envoyé à l'aide de la barre d'outils Google"
LEA L1 civilisation GB/Irlande
La date de l'examen!
L'examen a lieu le 13 janvier a 13h30 (amphi A1 et A2 de la faculté de Droit).
Il y a 270 inscrits, alors arrivez quelques minutes avant.
La première partie est un QCM, la deuxième partie un court essai.
L'examen a lieu le 13 janvier a 13h30 (amphi A1 et A2 de la faculté de Droit).
Il y a 270 inscrits, alors arrivez quelques minutes avant.
La première partie est un QCM, la deuxième partie un court essai.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
L1 bloc 2 Listen again
You can listen again to week ten's class. The part on the history of antiracism is here .
In the next week or so I will be putting up more recordings of classes, but I do not have all of them.
Do a right click and choose "enregistrer la cible sous..."
In the next week or so I will be putting up more recordings of classes, but I do not have all of them.
Do a right click and choose "enregistrer la cible sous..."
Monday, December 13, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Epréuve dossier de synthèse
Vous avez besoin de consulter régulièrement le plateforme EPREL, et *de vous y inscrire si vous n'y êtes pas.*
Voici quelques films qu'il faut voir
The Queen
Bloody Sunday
In the Name of the Father
Vera Drake
Primary Colors
Fahrenheit 9/11
All the Kings men
For reading, around the subject of Political power and its representation, the problem is not to become an encyclopedia, but I would say the absolute minimum reading (for the British side) would be a general history, a history of the Labour party and a history of the Concervative party.
In addition, read three or four articles every day from the websites of the British press. Choose the articles which seem to be connected to political power and its representation.
Voici quelques films qu'il faut voir
The Queen
Bloody Sunday
In the Name of the Father
Vera Drake
Primary Colors
Fahrenheit 9/11
All the Kings men
For reading, around the subject of Political power and its representation, the problem is not to become an encyclopedia, but I would say the absolute minimum reading (for the British side) would be a general history, a history of the Labour party and a history of the Concervative party.
In addition, read three or four articles every day from the websites of the British press. Choose the articles which seem to be connected to political power and its representation.
Friday, December 10, 2010
CAPES : a useful seminar
Don't hesitate to go to a couple of research seminars where people present their books and research. They are interesting and open to all serious students. They will be pleased to see you. Here is one :
Lundi 31 janvier 2011: Emma Bell et Gilles Christoph (Lyon 2): "Contradictions of Liberalism: The Rise of Authoritarianism in the UK"
Lundi 7 mars: Anémone Kober-Smith (Paris 3) présentera son livre: Le système de santé anglais à l'épreuve des réformes managériales, Presses Universitaires de Rennes
Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle
Institut Universitaire de France
Lundi 31 janvier 2011: Emma Bell et Gilles Christoph (Lyon 2): "Contradictions of Liberalism: The Rise of Authoritarianism in the UK"
Lundi 7 mars: Anémone Kober-Smith (Paris 3) présentera son livre: Le système de santé anglais à l'épreuve des réformes managériales, Presses Universitaires de Rennes
Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle
Institut Universitaire de France
One of Britain's most important sculptors, an important exhibition in Paris.
One of Britain's most important sculptors, an important exhibition in Paris.
CAPES - revising history
The Independent
This is a page of explanatort articles about important days in 20th century history.
Choose all the ones which are about anglophone countries, and which might have some link to the idea of political power or its representation, and read them. Make sure you understand the main references.
This is a page of explanatort articles about important days in 20th century history.
Choose all the ones which are about anglophone countries, and which might have some link to the idea of political power or its representation, and read them. Make sure you understand the main references.
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
L1 Civilisation britannique devoir maison
Université Paris Est Créteil, UFR de Lettres et de Sciences Humaines, Département d’anglais
L1 civilisation. From the Reformation to the Great Exhibition.
Devoir maison basé sur les documents de la brochure (N° LO 35) (J’essaierai de mettre la brochure également sur Eprel)
Le premier devoir est à faire par tout le monde.
Le deuxième devoir doit être fait par ceux qui ont justifié une absence lors du premier DST, et par ceux qui veulent tenter de rattraper la note du premier DST (La note la plus élevée comptera).
NB : Utiliser même une phrase copiée d’une autre source sans citation précise est absolument interdite et pourrait entraîner une procédure disciplinaire
Premier devoir
Read carefully the documents on pages 16-18 (The Liverpool and Manchester Railway Prospectus ; the Crystal Palace Exhibition ; A Luddite declaration) and answer the following questions in your own words. Do not quote the document. Some of the answers are in the documents, for other you need to research.
1. Give two reasons the writers defend the introduction of a railway.
2. What did Victoria find impressive about the Crystal Palace Exhibition?
3. Why do the Luddites want to break the machines?
1. What were the similarities and differences between the Luddite movement and the Captain Swing movement of 1830?
2. The railways were at the centre of the industrial revolution, but what important changes happened in a) roads and b) canals between 1700 and 1900?
3. The Crystal Palace exhibtion was supposed to show Britain as the world’s leader. Was it successful ?
Deuxième devoir
Read carefully the two documents on pages 22 and 23 (The need for Electoral Reform, and The National Petition of the Chartists) and answer the following questions in your own words. Do not quote from the document.
1. What does Russell mean when he says that sometimes a “stone wall” elects a member of parliament, whereas a large and flourishing town sometimes does not ?
2. What do chartists mean when they say “we demand the ballot”?
1 What were the most important changes made in the two years after Russell’s speech?
2 What were the different tactics and campaigns organized by the chartists ?
Les devoirs doivent être rendus le 4 janvier, qui est également la date du contrôle final.
Students who do not get a pass mark will retake in June.
L1 civilisation. From the Reformation to the Great Exhibition.
Devoir maison basé sur les documents de la brochure (N° LO 35) (J’essaierai de mettre la brochure également sur Eprel)
Le premier devoir est à faire par tout le monde.
Le deuxième devoir doit être fait par ceux qui ont justifié une absence lors du premier DST, et par ceux qui veulent tenter de rattraper la note du premier DST (La note la plus élevée comptera).
NB : Utiliser même une phrase copiée d’une autre source sans citation précise est absolument interdite et pourrait entraîner une procédure disciplinaire
Premier devoir
Read carefully the documents on pages 16-18 (The Liverpool and Manchester Railway Prospectus ; the Crystal Palace Exhibition ; A Luddite declaration) and answer the following questions in your own words. Do not quote the document. Some of the answers are in the documents, for other you need to research.
1. Give two reasons the writers defend the introduction of a railway.
2. What did Victoria find impressive about the Crystal Palace Exhibition?
3. Why do the Luddites want to break the machines?
1. What were the similarities and differences between the Luddite movement and the Captain Swing movement of 1830?
2. The railways were at the centre of the industrial revolution, but what important changes happened in a) roads and b) canals between 1700 and 1900?
3. The Crystal Palace exhibtion was supposed to show Britain as the world’s leader. Was it successful ?
Deuxième devoir
Read carefully the two documents on pages 22 and 23 (The need for Electoral Reform, and The National Petition of the Chartists) and answer the following questions in your own words. Do not quote from the document.
1. What does Russell mean when he says that sometimes a “stone wall” elects a member of parliament, whereas a large and flourishing town sometimes does not ?
2. What do chartists mean when they say “we demand the ballot”?
1 What were the most important changes made in the two years after Russell’s speech?
2 What were the different tactics and campaigns organized by the chartists ?
Les devoirs doivent être rendus le 4 janvier, qui est également la date du contrôle final.
Students who do not get a pass mark will retake in June.
L1 Bloc 2 devoir maison
Université Paris Est Créteil, UFR de Lettres et de Sciences Humaines, Département d’anglais
L1 Bloc 2 Social and Ethnic identities and conflicts
Devoir maison basé sur les textes dans la brochure (N° LO40) (également disponible sur Eprel)
You have to hand this assignment in on the 4th of January, which is also the day of your final test in class.
Note : copying even one sentence from another source without precise references may have disciplinary consequences.
Read carefully the documents on pages 5 to 10 (on Welsh, Scottish and Irish issues) and answer the following questions. Some of the answers are in the documents, others require research. Do not quote from the documents ; use your own words.
A : Understanding the documents (two to four sentences for each answer ; 6 points)
1. What do the people interviewed by the Western Mail feel is typically Welsh ?
2. What is the difference between devolution and independence ?
3. What does the SNP think about the war in Iraq ?
4. What do you think the « equality agenda » of the Good Friday agreement is ?
5. Why are some parts of the Sinn Fein document not in English ?
6. What areas of the economy are already organized for the whole of Ireland, and not separately for the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland ?
B : Understanding the background (these questions need research ; one paragraph for each answer ; 6 points)
a) What has the SNP done these last two years concerning Scottish independence ?
b) Who are Sinn Fein and how much influence do they have in Northern Ireland today ?
c) Who are the DUP and what political opinions do they represent ?
C : Putting it in context (8 points)
If you had to choose two historical events for Scotland, and two historical events for Ireland, which had very strongly marked their national identities, which events would you choose, and why ?
The whole assessment for this UE is based on the first DST, this homework, and the final test in January. Students who do not get a pass mark can retake in June.
L1 Bloc 2 Social and Ethnic identities and conflicts
Devoir maison basé sur les textes dans la brochure (N° LO40) (également disponible sur Eprel)
You have to hand this assignment in on the 4th of January, which is also the day of your final test in class.
Note : copying even one sentence from another source without precise references may have disciplinary consequences.
Read carefully the documents on pages 5 to 10 (on Welsh, Scottish and Irish issues) and answer the following questions. Some of the answers are in the documents, others require research. Do not quote from the documents ; use your own words.
A : Understanding the documents (two to four sentences for each answer ; 6 points)
1. What do the people interviewed by the Western Mail feel is typically Welsh ?
2. What is the difference between devolution and independence ?
3. What does the SNP think about the war in Iraq ?
4. What do you think the « equality agenda » of the Good Friday agreement is ?
5. Why are some parts of the Sinn Fein document not in English ?
6. What areas of the economy are already organized for the whole of Ireland, and not separately for the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland ?
B : Understanding the background (these questions need research ; one paragraph for each answer ; 6 points)
a) What has the SNP done these last two years concerning Scottish independence ?
b) Who are Sinn Fein and how much influence do they have in Northern Ireland today ?
c) Who are the DUP and what political opinions do they represent ?
C : Putting it in context (8 points)
If you had to choose two historical events for Scotland, and two historical events for Ireland, which had very strongly marked their national identities, which events would you choose, and why ?
The whole assessment for this UE is based on the first DST, this homework, and the final test in January. Students who do not get a pass mark can retake in June.
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
CAPES BBC - Podcasts - Friday Night Comedy from BBC Radio 4
BBC - Podcasts - Friday Night Comedy from BBC Radio 4
If you understand most of the jokes in the BBC Friday night comedy, you are well up on current affairs in Britain, which has got to be good for your oral.
If you understand most of the jokes in the BBC Friday night comedy, you are well up on current affairs in Britain, which has got to be good for your oral.
Monday, December 06, 2010
LEA L1 civilisation GB/Irlande
Pour vous aider à réviser, vous trouverez ici en MP3 le cours de la semaine 10. Il s'agit du conflit en Irlande du Nord.
Sunday, December 05, 2010
L1Bloc 2 YouTube - Cult of the Teddy Boy part 2 ( Style and Menace)
YouTube - Cult of the Teddy Boy part 2 ( Style and Menace)
This video also shows teddy boys, from the 1950s mostly.
This video also shows teddy boys, from the 1950s mostly.
L1 Bloc 2 YouTube - Teddy Boys In A London Club (1977)
YouTube - Teddy Boys In A London Club (1977)
Here is some video footage of "Teddy Boys", a youth music identity in Britain. These are teddy boys from 1977, whereas the height of teddy boys was in the late 1950s. The teddy boys in the video give their opinion of punks.
Here is some video footage of "Teddy Boys", a youth music identity in Britain. These are teddy boys from 1977, whereas the height of teddy boys was in the late 1950s. The teddy boys in the video give their opinion of punks.
Saturday, December 04, 2010
L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts
I will be giving you this week a homework assignment.
You have to hand this assignment in on the 4th of January, which is also the day of your final test in class.
Any student (except erasmus students) who is absent (ill or otherwise) on the 4th January will retake the UE at the second session in June.
You have to hand this assignment in on the 4th of January, which is also the day of your final test in class.
Any student (except erasmus students) who is absent (ill or otherwise) on the 4th January will retake the UE at the second session in June.
L1 Civilisation GB From the Reformation to the Great Exhibition
Je vous donnerai cette semaine votre "devoir maison" basé sur les documents de la brochure (N° LO 35). Il y aura deux devoirs.
Le premier devoir est à faire par tout le monde.
Le deuxième devoir doit être fait par ceux qui ont justifié une absence lors du premier DST, et par ceux qui veulent tenter de rattraper la note du premier DST (La note la plus élevée comptera).
Vous rendrez les devoirs le 4 janvier. Le 4 janvier est également la date du contrôle final en cours.
Les étudiants qui sont absents le 4 janvier, pour quelque raison que ce soit (maladie etc) repasseront l'UE à la deuxième session en juin.
Le premier devoir est à faire par tout le monde.
Le deuxième devoir doit être fait par ceux qui ont justifié une absence lors du premier DST, et par ceux qui veulent tenter de rattraper la note du premier DST (La note la plus élevée comptera).
Vous rendrez les devoirs le 4 janvier. Le 4 janvier est également la date du contrôle final en cours.
Les étudiants qui sont absents le 4 janvier, pour quelque raison que ce soit (maladie etc) repasseront l'UE à la deuxième session en juin.
L2 Thème
I have just added the last three weeks' suggested translations to the Eprel platform. You need to be looking at these regularly.
The secret of success is the Grammaire Explicative de l'anglais. Five pages a day = guaranteed success.
The secret of success is the Grammaire Explicative de l'anglais. Five pages a day = guaranteed success.
Friday, December 03, 2010
Master professionnel
The catch-up class for the Master pro (Professional writing and translation) will be on Thursday 9th December at nine thirty in the morning in room 143.
Please let everyone know.
John Mullen
Please let everyone know.
John Mullen
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
LEA L1 Civilisation Grande Bretagne et Irlande
Vous trouverez ici la diaporama concernant les quatre nations. Faites un "clic droit" et choisissez "enregistrer la cible sous..."
- Ecosse Pays de Galles et Irlande du Nord
- dévolution
- le conflit en Irlande du Nord.
- Ecosse Pays de Galles et Irlande du Nord
- dévolution
- le conflit en Irlande du Nord.
M2 Master professionnel Approfondissement de l'anglais
Université Paris-Est Créteil UFR Lettres et Sciences Humaines
Département d’Anglais Master professionnel rédaction/traduction
Assessed paper There are two parts to this assessed assignment.
Section A : A museum brochure
Firstly you will be writing a brochure for a museum, aimed at international visitors. You should look at the website of the museum or art gallery to get hold of the information you need, before writing the text of the brochure. This is not a translation exercise - you should not translate what is on the website, but re-write it using the style and structure that you think is best for the museum. Don’t forget to include both practical information (like the cost of a ticket, and the presence of different facilities) and information about highlights of the museum.
You can choose between
Le musée des beaux Arts de Rouen
Le musée d’Aquitaine à Bordeaux
You should look at museum sites in English so as to be sure you have the correct semi-technical vocabulary, expressions etc. Here are a few examples :
Here is an example of a museum brochure from the US
Like this example, your document must be almost completely made up of full sentences, and not of lists (as is sometimes the tendency in French).
You should imagine this is a professional task, and that you will be paid a lot of money if they like your brochure!
You need not illustrate the document nor lay it out, your job is merely to produce text.
Your text should be between 700 and 900 words long.
Section B an encyclopedia article
For section B you must write an encyclopedia article about a French personality. It can be a musician, artist, scientist, actor or politician, or about a French town. It must be a person or place which is not mentioned in Wikipedia English. Again, do not translate from Wikipedia French, think up yourself an encyclopedia article which is interesting to English readers who know very little about the place or person in question. Your article should be in an appropriate encyclopedic style and between 500 and 600 words.
Again, you need not put in illustrations, hyperlinks and so on, I simply want you to hand in text. And no lists, please.
Do *not* put your article on wikipedia. After the end of the semester, if students agree, the articles will be put on wikipedia.
The whole of the assignment is to be handed in on paper at the first class in January, that is to say Thursday 6th January. It must be typed, not handwritten. I would also like you to send me a copy by email in RTF format before January 10th.
Département d’Anglais Master professionnel rédaction/traduction
Assessed paper There are two parts to this assessed assignment.
Section A : A museum brochure
Firstly you will be writing a brochure for a museum, aimed at international visitors. You should look at the website of the museum or art gallery to get hold of the information you need, before writing the text of the brochure. This is not a translation exercise - you should not translate what is on the website, but re-write it using the style and structure that you think is best for the museum. Don’t forget to include both practical information (like the cost of a ticket, and the presence of different facilities) and information about highlights of the museum.
You can choose between
Le musée des beaux Arts de Rouen
Le musée d’Aquitaine à Bordeaux
You should look at museum sites in English so as to be sure you have the correct semi-technical vocabulary, expressions etc. Here are a few examples :
Here is an example of a museum brochure from the US
Like this example, your document must be almost completely made up of full sentences, and not of lists (as is sometimes the tendency in French).
You should imagine this is a professional task, and that you will be paid a lot of money if they like your brochure!
You need not illustrate the document nor lay it out, your job is merely to produce text.
Your text should be between 700 and 900 words long.
Section B an encyclopedia article
For section B you must write an encyclopedia article about a French personality. It can be a musician, artist, scientist, actor or politician, or about a French town. It must be a person or place which is not mentioned in Wikipedia English. Again, do not translate from Wikipedia French, think up yourself an encyclopedia article which is interesting to English readers who know very little about the place or person in question. Your article should be in an appropriate encyclopedic style and between 500 and 600 words.
Again, you need not put in illustrations, hyperlinks and so on, I simply want you to hand in text. And no lists, please.
Do *not* put your article on wikipedia. After the end of the semester, if students agree, the articles will be put on wikipedia.
The whole of the assignment is to be handed in on paper at the first class in January, that is to say Thursday 6th January. It must be typed, not handwritten. I would also like you to send me a copy by email in RTF format before January 10th.
L1 Civilisation britannique
Je vous donnerai cette semaine un devoir maison que vous rendrez après Noël. Il sera basé sur la brochure de textes, alors assurez-vous que vous en avez un exemplaire. Elle est également disponible sur Eprel.
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