Every week there will be resources. This week there are three : in order of importance.
At the beginning of next week's seminar we will discuss them, especially the first one.
You will find here a ten-minute video on historiography.
You will find here a fifty minute video to revise Britain in the First World War.
You will find here a book review in French of the book "In Defence of History".
Links and comments for university students of English, and of British Studies and British history. Study links connected with my classes, and general links on current affairs etc. There are sometimes indications as to what group might be particularly interested (L2 for Licence 2nd year, for example)

Friday, January 31, 2014
Monday, January 27, 2014
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Assemblée générale pour discuter de la fusion proposée Créteil-Val de Marne
N’hésitez pas à faire circuler cette information.
Assemblée appelée par le SNESUP, l’UNEF et le SNASUB FSU
Les présidences de l’UPEC et de l’UPEM engagent la
fusion de l’UPEC et de l’UPEM à marche forcée,
mise au vote du CA de l’UPEC en février)
vous informer et débattre sur les conséquences d’une
fusion pour les étudiants et tout le personnel de l'UPEC
des autres voies de regroupement possibles dans
le cadre de la
loi Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche
Assemblée Générale
Personnels, Etudiants
jeudi 30 Janvier
Amphi 1, CMC
Master enseignement M1 préparation à l'épreuve composition
I have marked more than half of your assignments, and hope to get them back to you next week. A couple of preliminary comments.
Firstly, in the CAPES exam, you must re-read your work extremely seriously. When the examiner sees "the prime minister say that", he or she does NOT think "Oh, the poor student has forgotten an 's', oh well, we all forget things sometimes. They think "this student does not know the present tense of regular verbs in English".
Seccondly remember you are looking for good excuses to show these three things
1) Your English is very good
2) You know how a document works and what the author is doing.
3) You have a good knowledge of (in this case) British history.
So let's take them in order
1) If you only use very short sentences and very simple vocabulary, and you only link ideas with "and" and "but", never with "although" or "even if", then you haven't shown number one. If you make no mistakes in your English, this will not help you in the CAPES if your English is much too simple.
2) Remember always to ask the question "What is the author trying to do?" Several students did not ask what Blair was trying to do in his speech.
3) So place the documents in history. 1985 is right in the middle of the Thatcher era, after the Brixton riots, before the Stephen Lawrence murder. 2000 is after the Macpherson report and before the several new anti-discrimination laws of the last ten years. Blair's speech is after the bombings in London, but also after the bombings in New York and the following war, and durign the rise of the "English Defence League".
Firstly, in the CAPES exam, you must re-read your work extremely seriously. When the examiner sees "the prime minister say that", he or she does NOT think "Oh, the poor student has forgotten an 's', oh well, we all forget things sometimes. They think "this student does not know the present tense of regular verbs in English".
Seccondly remember you are looking for good excuses to show these three things
1) Your English is very good
2) You know how a document works and what the author is doing.
3) You have a good knowledge of (in this case) British history.
So let's take them in order
1) If you only use very short sentences and very simple vocabulary, and you only link ideas with "and" and "but", never with "although" or "even if", then you haven't shown number one. If you make no mistakes in your English, this will not help you in the CAPES if your English is much too simple.
2) Remember always to ask the question "What is the author trying to do?" Several students did not ask what Blair was trying to do in his speech.
3) So place the documents in history. 1985 is right in the middle of the Thatcher era, after the Brixton riots, before the Stephen Lawrence murder. 2000 is after the Macpherson report and before the several new anti-discrimination laws of the last ten years. Blair's speech is after the bombings in London, but also after the bombings in New York and the following war, and durign the rise of the "English Defence League".
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Tracey Emin: confessions of a conservative artist with nothing to say | Art and design | theguardian.com
A negative article about British artist Tracey Emin.
Tracey Emin: confessions of a conservative artist with nothing to say | Art and design | theguardian.com
Tracey Emin: confessions of a conservative artist with nothing to say | Art and design | theguardian.com
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Monday, January 20, 2014
Pickard Joseph IWM interview (8946)
A fascinating interview of a soldier who lived through the First World War.
Pickard Joseph IWM interview (8946)
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Advanced translation. Exercice de thème pour M2 master professionel .
Advanced translation. Exercice de thème pour M2 master professionnel .
Si vous voulez vous entraîner à la traduction professionnelle, traduisez ce
texte en anglais avant de lire les conseils et la traduction suggérée qui suivent.
nouveautés make-up de la rentrée 2013-2014
rentrée make-up approche à grands pas. Pour prolonger l'été en beauté, Cosmo
vous propose une sélection de nouveautés maquillage placés sous le signe de la
bonne humeur. Au programme : du blush rosé pour un teint frais, des ombres
à paupières pop art pour des yeux pétillants, du vernis effet 3D ou encore des
baumes teintés pour une bouche à croquer. Découvrez vite les tendances make-up
automne hiver 2013 2014 à adopter pour une rentrée colorée tout en
sourcil est la star des défilés. C'est devenu le nouvel accessoire de mode que
l'on s’arrache. On l'épile peu, on le laisse wild, et on suit la tendance du
grooming boyish. Découvrez tout ce qu'il faut savoir question beauté des
sourcils !
Le grooming boyish, mode
d'emploi :
C’est la touche finale qui donne ce petit air androgyne et sexy qu’on aime tant...
1. Brosser toute
la ligne du sourcil vers le bas pour bien définir les zones clairsemées.
2. Intensifier
le sourcil avec quelques touches de crayon ton sur ton ou légèrement plus clair
que la chevelure.
A difficult piece to translate of course. What is required is
attention to the tone (friendly, in-crowdy, girly) rather than exact following
of each word of the original. Vocabulary can be difficult, and no doubt google
would be more useful than an academic dictionary. One of the difficulties is
that some of the words have bern invented, but this is not unusual in
commercial documents of this type.
The word "rentrée" is always problematic, because
we don't have this in anglophone countries. There is no general solution to
this problem.
Notice that the document uses English words, even when there is
a French word available, in order to sound trendy. In your translation, you
could use one or two French words to sound trendy, but remember that only a few
French words are comprehensible to your Anglophone readers. If you could insert
an expression like "je ne sais quoi" that would be quite
Vocabulary, however, is not the main problem. Grammar and style
is harder. If this translation teaches us one thing you should repeat in front
of the mirror every morning it is "You need more verbs in English!" (and
even more important, since you will translate more often into French than into
English, "You need fewer verbs in French!"). The translation of
"les nouveautés" by "what's new" is
absolutely typical.
Naturally, my translation is just one suggestion among a very
large number of possible translations (and I didn’t spend as long on it as I would have
for a paying customer !)
You can find here some of the comparable articles from the
English language version of Cosmopolitan, which would of course help you in a
non-exam situation.
Here is my suggested translation :
What's new in make up for the 2013-2014 season?
The new make-up season is fast
approaching. To help you to make the summer last and to stay beautiful, Cosmo
has chosen for you a series of cheerful new ways of making yourself up. We'll
be talking about pink blush to give that fresh complexion, pop-art eye shadow
to make your eyes sparkle, 3D effect nail varnish, and coloured lip balms to
give you that delicious mouth. Hurry inside to see what's new for the
Autumn/winter season, and follow our tips to start the season beautifully and
in full colour.
Eyebrows are the star players on
the catwalks this season. They are the new must-have fashion accessory ! Don't pluck them too
much, leave a wild touch, and be à la mode
with the boyish look! Inside our mag : all you need to know to have gorgeous eyebrows.
The boyish look: How to do it.
This gives the final touch, for
that sexy, androgynous air we all love so much...
1 Brush your eyebrows downwards
so you can see which areas are sparsely covered
2. Thicken up the eyebrow with a
few touches of pencil of the same shade as your hair, or a little lighter.
Keywords : exercice de thème,
traduction commerciale, master traduction, advanced translation exercise.
Friday, January 17, 2014
Studying in an English university for your third year
We have agreements for Erasmus exchanges with the University of Birmingham and the University of Edinburgh. Students spend their whole year in these universities, and the classes they take allow them to validate their L3 at Créteil. In addition, of course, their English improves tremendously.
Most students get some financial assistance to help them in Britain, and if you already receive a grant ("bourse") here, it can be continued.
If you are in L2 at UPEC now and you would like to spend your L3 in Britain, and you haven't yet contacted me, now is the right time. Send me an email to john point mullen arobase wanadoo point FR, before the end of January (deadline).
I will be interviewing students at the beginning of February.
Priority is given to L2 students who want to spend their L3 in Britain. However, if you are an L1 student who wants to spend their L2 in Britain, contact me anyway. It is occasionally possible.
Most students get some financial assistance to help them in Britain, and if you already receive a grant ("bourse") here, it can be continued.
If you are in L2 at UPEC now and you would like to spend your L3 in Britain, and you haven't yet contacted me, now is the right time. Send me an email to john point mullen arobase wanadoo point FR, before the end of January (deadline).
I will be interviewing students at the beginning of February.
Priority is given to L2 students who want to spend their L3 in Britain. However, if you are an L1 student who wants to spend their L2 in Britain, contact me anyway. It is occasionally possible.
Monday, January 13, 2014
L3 British cinema since 1945
If you click here you will reach a recording of last week's class on British cinema and society since 1945, in a rather large MP3 file.
kewords: British history, podcast, university lecture, British cinema.
kewords: British history, podcast, university lecture, British cinema.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary at OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com | Find the meanings and definitions of words at OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com
An excellent dictionary : now online !
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary at OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com | Find the meanings and definitions of words at OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary at OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com | Find the meanings and definitions of words at OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com
Friday, January 10, 2014
Thursday, January 09, 2014
short documentary onTony Blair and Gordon Brown
A useful documentary, rather sympathetic to Tony Blair's opinions.
Wednesday, January 08, 2014
▶ A Century of British Cinemas - YouTube
This twelve minute documentary looks at a century of British cinemas
▶ A Century of British Cinemas - YouTube
▶ A Century of British Cinemas - YouTube
Recontre avec traductrice rédactionnelle
d’Etudes Anglophones du Lycée Henri-IV a le plaisir de vous
inviter à une rencontre avec
Chris Durban
traductrice rédactionnelle, auteur de The
Prosperous Translator
lundi 13 janvier à 18h
en salle
des Médailles, Lycée Henri-IV, 23 rue Clovis, 75005.
« Pour en finir avec les
idées reçues sur la traduction professionnelle »
événement est ouvert à tous - entrée libre.
Un pot sera offert à l'issue de cette
rencontre au parloir, afin de prolonger les échanges.Tuesday, January 07, 2014
Monday, January 06, 2014
Sunday, January 05, 2014
Plagiat devoirs maison
Chaque année, il y a deux ou trois étudiants qui me rendent des devoirs maison copiés sur le web. En général, c'est de la bonne vieille tricherie, mais il arrive que c'est de la bêtise, voir de l'ignorance.
Il va sans dire qu’il ne faut utiliser aucune phrase qui est tirée d’un autre endroit. Tout doit être écrit dans vos propres mots. La seule exception est quand vous citez précisément la source.
Alors, ceux qui ont envie de me prendre pour un imbécile, réflechissez à deux fois s'il vous plaît!
Il va sans dire qu’il ne faut utiliser aucune phrase qui est tirée d’un autre endroit. Tout doit être écrit dans vos propres mots. La seule exception est quand vous citez précisément la source.
Alors, ceux qui ont envie de me prendre pour un imbécile, réflechissez à deux fois s'il vous plaît!
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