

Monday, June 28, 2021

Changement de lieu Réunion information agrégation

 Chers toutes et tous,

afin d'éviter les problèmes techniques, nous préférons organiser la réunion d'information sur l'agrégation du mercredi 30 juin à 17h30 dans une salle Zoom, accessible en suivant le lien ci-dessous. 

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Il y a longtemps en Angleterre

 ARTE regarde ce que des archéologues ont récemment découvert près de Cambridge


Monday, June 14, 2021

Statues, racism and politics

 The BBC has put out a video concerning the events where the statue of a slave owner, in Bristol, was taken down by demonstrators and thrown into the river. How much progress has been made against racism in the UK? What are the different attitudes towards celebrating historical figures? Although this documentary is far from perfect, it opens up important questions.


Friday, June 11, 2021

Préparation de l'agrégation d'anglais 2022: réunion d'information


Mercredi 30 juin à 17h30

Réunion d’information sur la préparation de l’agrégation externe et interne d’anglais à l’Université de Rouen

Réunion virtuelle à ce lien:



Des recommandations y seront données pour chaque matière ainsi que des conseils d'ordre plus général.


Anne- Laure Tissut anne-laure.tissut@univ-rouen.fr

John Mullen john.mullen@univ-rouen.fr

Thursday, June 03, 2021

Conférence en ligne - égalité ethnique au Pays de Galles

Il y a actuellement beaucoup de  conférences et séminaires en ligne, généralement gratuits et ouverts à tout le monde. En voici un qui pourrait intéresser.

 le GIS MiDiB s'associe à la conférence : 

Showing true colours: the changing politics of race equality in Wales

par Charlotte Williams, OBE (Honorary Professor, Bangor University), qui sera donnée en ligne à l'université d'Aberystwyth le mardi 8 juin.

Vous trouverez plus de précisions et les instructions de connexion ci-dessous. L'heure indiquée étant l'heure britannique, la conférence aura lieu à 20.00 h heure française. 

The Centre for Welsh Politics and Society (CWPS-WISERD) at Aberystwyth University present the Annual Welsh Politics and Society Lecture 2021: 

Showing true colours: the changing politics of race equality in Wales”

Speaker: Professor Charlotte Williams OBE (Honorary Professor, Bangor University)


7pm – 8.00pm

Tuesday 8th June 2021

Online: Zoom 


The 2021 Annual Welsh Politics and Society Lecture is presented by Professor Charlotte Williams OBE, Honorary Professor at Bangor University and Chair of the recent Welsh Government Working Group on ‘Communities, Contributions and Cynefin: Black Asian Minority Ethnicities in the new curriculum'.

A number of recent events have sharpened the lens on racial inequality in Wales, generating a broad and sweeping response by the Welsh government and reverberating across public institutions. In several respects the contemporary approach of the Welsh government on race equality accords with the broader claims of distinctiveness in Welsh policy making, and the now familiar trope of the politics of divergence. But, as Charlotte Williams will argue, the contemporary conjuncture signifies much more for the nation.  The lecture considers some of the key twists and turns on race equality across the 20 years of devolution, casting a glance back to historical claims to tolerance, internationalism and inclusivity as part of a national sentiment and forward to a consideration of the tenacity of any distinctive drift away from wider UK politics of race. Navigating post-Brexit, post-election, post-Covid futures in this respect is not without its challenges, raising questions about sustained political will, resourcing, trust and public confidence and professional competence.  Charlotte Williams will seek to interrogate this contemporary scene, drawing attention to particularities of the Welsh context as well as generating broader points for comparison in equalities policy and practice. 


There will be an opportunity for questions and answers, which will be bilingual with live interpretation. 

The Zoom link will be emailed to you in the confirmation email and before the event.  



For further information on the event, please contact cwps@aber.ac.uk.