

Thursday, September 30, 2021

BBC early years

 In our BBC class in Rouen yesterday, I looked at the period up to the Second World War.

You will find here a fascinating podcast on those early years


You will find here an episode of the hit ww2 comedy


And here a filmed episode of the very popular Brains Trust


Wednesday, September 29, 2021

BBC Director generals part one

[Edit: video now available]


 This is for all my BBC students: the first video on the Director Generals, a very important subject.

There will be one more video on the Director Generals later


Tuesday, September 28, 2021


 All rooms as last week

Sunday, September 26, 2021

thème agrégation marking system Rouen


Qulequ'un me demandait comment comprendre mon système points faute...

La correction du thème à l'agrégation lors du concours est fait par un jury nombreux qui passe des heures à évaluer toutes les fautes imaginables et le nombre de points faute que vaut chaque erreur. (Il ne s'agit pas des points sur 20 qui donneront votre note finale en thème) Je n'ai pas la possibilité de faire cela. Néanmoins, avec mon système 1) vous perdez davantage de points pour une faute plus grave 2) Vous pouvez voir de semaine en semaine si le nombre baisse et 3) je peux vous dire que sur les 16 copies que j'ai corrigées de Djian, le nombre de points faite se situait entre 42 et 118. Des copies d'agrégatifs qui ont moins de 30 points faute sont rares. Une personne qui a réussi facilement l'agrégation l'année dernière a rendu des copies chaque semaine - points faute entre 25 et 60.

L3 UK popular culture since 1945: theory

 In class this week, I will be moving onto some of the theories which have developed to define and explain popular culture. I will be mentioning the Frankfurt school. I do recommend this short talk by the best teacher on YouTube:


Saturday, September 25, 2021


 It is important, if we want to make progress, never to make the same mistake twice, so remember:

No contractions outside dialogue.

No full sentences separated by only a comma.

Agrégation: History of the BBC week two

You will find here a recording of a BBC class in which I deal with the  BBC and cultural history, and the BBC and the history of representations, before going on to speak of the commissions of enquiry which punctuated the life of the organization from 1922 to 1995.


This may not be exactly the class you attended, and any administrative information in it may not apply to your group.

Remember if you use the search engine at the top of this page on the blog, you will find all the posts I made last year about the BBC, with many links to Youtube videos and articles.

M1 MEEF Britain since the Romans: week two

I got through the Middle Ages last week, and as far as the start of the Civil War. 

I recorded the classes, which now make up these British history podcasts: They will be useful for you for revision, or if you missed the class because you were ill or whatever.

This one on the Middle Ages in Britain, the Norman invasion and all that 


This one on the Reformation


Next week will cover the Civil War and continue as far as the Industrial Revolution.

On the civil war, this podcast in French by France Inter is worth a listen


On the Industrial Revolution, I recommend this documentary


Tuesday, September 21, 2021

L3 racism and antiracism etc

I mentioned in class the murder of Stephen Lawrence in 1993, and the political earthquake caused by the evidence of police racism. This documentary explains the story 




Sunday, September 19, 2021

Agrégation: History of the BBC week one

You will find here podcasts of BBC classes from the first week.

1a  General Introduction

1b What questions need to be asked about the history of the BBC

This may not be exactly the class you attended, and any administrative information in it may not apply to your group.

Remember if you use the search engine at the top of this page on the blog, you will find all the posts I made last year about the BBC, with many links to Youtube videos and articles.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

News: Anti Catholicism in Scotland

 Today' s news


Britain since the Romans part one. MEEF 1 civilisation britannique

You will find here the recordings of the first class, which you may need for revision purposes, or for a classmate who couldn't get there.

Podcast one looks at the history of Roman Britain


Podcast two looks at the Anglo Saxon invasion and the period up to 1066.


The documentary I recommend on Roman Britain is here


I mentioned in class a viking warrior who had been thought male but was actually a woman. article here:


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

L3 Popular culture : historical background

Every week I will be suggesting videos or articles.

One of the important streams of British history since 1945 is the story of racism, anti racism and immigration. This entertaining documentary takes Black British people today and asks them to « travel back in time ». This is episode one, but more are available on YouTube.


Monday, September 13, 2021

les salles de la semaine 1

 mardi 10h30 L3 Culture populaire A107

mardi 15h30 L3 Culture populaire L101

mercredi 10h30 Thème A202

mercredi 15h-17h30 BBC L307

Thursday, September 09, 2021

Latest news from Northern Ireland


Thème agrégation/ thème M2 Rouen 15 septembre 2021

Lorsque les salles seront connues, elles seront affichées au cinquième étage du bâtiment A.

Vous trouverez ici les textes que nous travaillerons durant le premier semestre. Traduisez le premier avant le premier cours. Si vous avez le temps, traduisez le deuxième et envoyez-le-moi par mail john dot mullen at univ-rouen.fr . Je renverrai en principe une correction personnalisée avant le deuxième cours.

Classes will be held on site and we will be wearing masks. Many thanks to all those who have been vaccinated and so are helping to improve the situation.

Passages for translation here :


Private and state schools

 A TV team decided it would be both amusing and educational to get a group of pupils from a wealthy private school, and another group of pupils from an ordinary state school, to exchange schools for a period of time and see how they reacted.  Remember that going to a private school in Britain is *much rarer* than in France, and that private scgools often cost 10 000 to 30 000 pounds a year.

Here is episode one:

(121) School Swap The Class Divide | Season 1 Episode 1 - YouTube