This is the passage for the 8th February.
Links and comments for university students of English, and of British Studies and British history. Study links connected with my classes, and general links on current affairs etc. There are sometimes indications as to what group might be particularly interested (L2 for Licence 2nd year, for example)

Monday, January 30, 2017
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Britain in the 1970s: music
You can find here a short extract from every song which was number one in the UK record charts during the 1970s.
Friday, January 27, 2017
Préparation agrégation anglais civilisation britannique 49
Le Royaume-Uni à l'épreuve de la crise 1970-1979
Over the last ten years in Britain, there has been a series of TV programmes in which social historians try to recreate the everyday life of past historical periods. I think the first one may have been "the 1990 house", but there have been a large number since: "Victorian Pharmacy", "Tudor Monastery Farm" and many more.
This excellent programme takes a Black British family today and tries to give them a taste of what Black people in Britain experienced in the 1970s. Not to be missed.
Just click here.
Over the last ten years in Britain, there has been a series of TV programmes in which social historians try to recreate the everyday life of past historical periods. I think the first one may have been "the 1990 house", but there have been a large number since: "Victorian Pharmacy", "Tudor Monastery Farm" and many more.
This excellent programme takes a Black British family today and tries to give them a taste of what Black people in Britain experienced in the 1970s. Not to be missed.
Just click here.
Thursday, January 26, 2017
L3 Popular Culture
You should look at this blog every week, there will usually be something for you. From the quiz I saw that there was a need to know more about British history in general. I recommend the history books below
The People's Peace by Kenneth Morgan (Many cheap second-hand copies here)
Hope and Glory by Peter Clarke ( some cheapish second hand copies here )
Everyone need to read these, but if you are vaguely thinking of preparing a CAPES, it is essentialand urgent.
Otherwise, to revise Britain since 1945, here is an MP3 file of an introductory lecture I gave last year.
Just click here.
Finally, next week we will be beginning the history of British cinema, and at the start of class I will be asking you what is typical, if anything, of British cinema.
The People's Peace by Kenneth Morgan (Many cheap second-hand copies here)
Hope and Glory by Peter Clarke ( some cheapish second hand copies here )
Everyone need to read these, but if you are vaguely thinking of preparing a CAPES, it is essentialand urgent.
Otherwise, to revise Britain since 1945, here is an MP3 file of an introductory lecture I gave last year.
Just click here.
Finally, next week we will be beginning the history of British cinema, and at the start of class I will be asking you what is typical, if anything, of British cinema.
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Horaires mercredi prochain
J'espère que tout le monde a bien noté les horaires pour mercredi prochain
Agrégation interne compréhension restitution: 11h à 13h
Capes interne compréhension 13h30 à 15h.
Agrégation interne compréhension restitution: 11h à 13h
Capes interne compréhension 13h30 à 15h.
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Master LEA 1 Economic and Social questions
Two pieces of information.
1) As you probably know, each teacher can supervise a limited number fo placements with their associated dissertations. If you are looking for a "tuteur de stage", I still have a few places left, if you send me an email.
2) As in the first semester, you will have two marks for the second semester. One homework, which I will give you soon, and one test in the last class, which will have the same format as last semester.
1) As you probably know, each teacher can supervise a limited number fo placements with their associated dissertations. If you are looking for a "tuteur de stage", I still have a few places left, if you send me an email.
2) As in the first semester, you will have two marks for the second semester. One homework, which I will give you soon, and one test in the last class, which will have the same format as last semester.
Monday, January 23, 2017
We will be using the "brochure" in class. In case you have lost it, here it is:
click here for pdf file.
click here for pdf file.
LEA Master 1
Here is another video to help understand the huge debate about demonetization in India.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Préparation agrégation anglais civilisation britannique 48
Le Royaume-Uni à l'épreuve de la crise 1970-79
A little practice in text commentary would be most useful. You will find here a collection of texts which different colleagues have suggested would be worth studying. If you write a text commentary on one of them and send it me by email, I wil make comments on it.
A little practice in text commentary would be most useful. You will find here a collection of texts which different colleagues have suggested would be worth studying. If you write a text commentary on one of them and send it me by email, I wil make comments on it.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Black British history
This new reality TV programme, just out, takes a family of Black British people and asks them to live for a while in the living conditions of their family from fifty years earlier! Fascinating social history.
Studying the 1970s (for the agrégation) has allowed a number of us older people to get rather nostalgic about that faraway decade. So I thought I'd just share with you one of the many reasons that it's good that the 1970s has been left behind us.
L3 popular culture
Popular culture, in particular popular music, is often produced by young people or young adults. So what their experience of childhood was is obviously an important influence. This video gives some interesting aspects of being a child in Britain during the Second World War:
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Thème agrégation
Problème de salle ce matin. On se retrouve dans le couloir au 5eme étage le temps qu'on trouve une salle.
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
L3 Popular culture the 1940s
We will be looking at many aspects of popular culture since 1945. It can be useful to start with a conception of what everyday life was like 70 years ago. This video is very amusing, and useful from this point of view.
Just click here
Just click here
Master LEA economic and social questions. Video India
You will find here the two videos we have looked at about India.
The video about the young people training for work in call centres is here.
The video about the present policy, in 2017, to remove large banknotes from circulation, is here.
The video about the young people training for work in call centres is here.
The video about the present policy, in 2017, to remove large banknotes from circulation, is here.
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Nous annonçons la publication du numéro de la Revue française
de civilisation concernant le programme de l’agrégation, sous la direction de
Gilles Leydier et John Mullen
On peut le commander en ligne ici
RFCB Vol XXI - 3
Numéro Concours
The United
Kingdom and the crisis 1970-79
Le royaume uni à l’épreuve de la crise 1970-79
Gilles Leydier et John Mullen
Kenneth Morgan
Britain in the Seventies – Our Unfinest Hour?
Gilles Leydier
Crise de la représentation et
crise de gouvernance ? Le modèle politique britannique en question.
Marc Lenormand
L’« hiver
du mécontentement » de 1978-1979
Du mythe
politique à la crise interne du mouvement travailliste
Florence Binard
The British
Women’s Liberation Movement in the 1970s. Redefining the Personal and the Political
John Mullen
UK Popular Music and Society in the 1970s
L'Etat britannique et
la crise en Irlande du Nord:
de Wilson à Thatcher
Nathalie Duclos
The 1970s: a
“Paradoxical Decade” for the Scottish National Party
Stéphanie Bory
« A Dream Turned to Ashes « : évolutions contradictoires du
nationalisme gallois dans les années 1970
Between Consensus, Consolidation and Crisis: Immigration
and integration in 1970s Britain
Stéphane Porion
La question de l’immigration au Royaume-Uni dans les années
1970 : le Parti conservateur, l’extrême droite et l’« effet
Powell »
Jérémy Tranmer sur la gauche radicale
A Force to be Reckoned with? The Radical Left in
the 1970s.
Recension d’ouvrage : Baker David et Schnapper Pauline, Britain and the Crisis of
the European Union, Basingstoke,
Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, xi-234 p. Valérie Auda-André
Recension de ressource numérique: Spare Rib,
revue féministe. Shirley Doulière
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Sunday, January 08, 2017
Master 1 LEA India
Have a look at this advert for new initiatives in India
Historiography of the First World War
To get yourselves back into a historiographical frame of mind before the exam, have a look at this video by Jay Winter on the emotional history of the war.
Master 1 LEA Marks first semester
Her are your marks. Each student has two marks: the first one is the DST in class, and the second one is the homweork assignment (which were quite good). If you have a zero on the second, please send me an email. I will be handing these marks in in a week's time. Each of the two marks is of identical weighting.
Nom, note DST, note DM,
Abdoumalike 6,6 12
Amzal 5,4 17
Arengi 12,2 12
Avidi 10,4 12
Barilly 12 10.5
Bauer 14,2 15
Beauchamp 14 13
Beradi 8 11,5
Bilongo 10,4 15
Bonami 11,2 13
Bruchet 9 12
Bunel 8,4 11
Burtel 6 10
Carbajal garcia 10 13.5
Grangier12,2 13
Cornuejols 8,2 11,5
Da Cruz 12 15
Deroo 12,4 15
Desson 9,2 13
Dorion 8 13
El Akrouch 13 12
Fassulati 4 12
Fiault 9,2 13
Gosset 12,6 14
Guichaux 14,2 16
Hamdane 14,6 17
Isvy 12,2 13,5
Joseph 11,4 13
Kelthoum 6,8 12
Kharoub 12 12
Lavialle 8,2 10,5
Machet 11,6 13
Marest 15,4 14
Marron 14,4 15,5
Naar 13,2 12,5
Oumari 10 13
Patelli13,2 14
Peraste 13,6 13.5
Pionnier 10 13
Quessandier 6 12,5
Rabelle 11,6 13
Seguin 9,4 12
Siméon 14,4 14,5
Ulukaya 11 11
Valtre 12,6 12
Yildirim 7 10
Préparation agrégation anglais civilisation britannique 47 Le Royaume Uni à l'épreuve de la crise 1970-79
By now you should have quite a good knowledge of what happened in the nineteen seventies.
Remember the question for the written exams is often very general (which is not the case for the orals).
There were not enough classes for us to look at the historiography of the decade. However, if you are writing, say, an essay for the written exam it is a big mistake not to say anything about the historiography: that is, to be able to name a few authors and their *different* views of the decade. Read the introduction and the conclusion of the history books that you have not had time to read, and remember the names of the historians.
The aim is to show that you understand that there are several different ways of looking at the decade.
This question is emphasized in the new issue of the Revue française de civilisation britannique, which came out a few days ago. It is also to some extent emphasized in my ebook "Britain in the 1970s, an annotated timeline."
Something else which is very useful is to search on the web for review of the history books which you have read - in this way you can see different opinions about the history book in question, which will help you emphasize the variety of possible views.
You will find here a series of reviews on Andy Beckett's book, which is no doubt the best one.
Just click here
Remember the question for the written exams is often very general (which is not the case for the orals).
There were not enough classes for us to look at the historiography of the decade. However, if you are writing, say, an essay for the written exam it is a big mistake not to say anything about the historiography: that is, to be able to name a few authors and their *different* views of the decade. Read the introduction and the conclusion of the history books that you have not had time to read, and remember the names of the historians.
The aim is to show that you understand that there are several different ways of looking at the decade.
This question is emphasized in the new issue of the Revue française de civilisation britannique, which came out a few days ago. It is also to some extent emphasized in my ebook "Britain in the 1970s, an annotated timeline."
Something else which is very useful is to search on the web for review of the history books which you have read - in this way you can see different opinions about the history book in question, which will help you emphasize the variety of possible views.
You will find here a series of reviews on Andy Beckett's book, which is no doubt the best one.
Just click here
Saturday, January 07, 2017
Thème agrégation petit changement de programme
Mercredi nous commencerons en revenant sur la correction du concours blanc, avant de passer à la traduction du texte de Montherlant.
Friday, January 06, 2017
Multiculturalism and diversity in Britain
Here is a BBC programme produced for the 40th anniversary of the 1970s strike by Asian women at Grunwick's.
Thursday, January 05, 2017
Important: modification planning Agrégation interne
LE 11.01 il n'y a pas de cours
Le 18.01 le cours durera deux heures et aura lieu de 13h à 15h
Le 01 février, le cours durera deux heures et aura lieu de 11h à 13h
Le 08 février, le cours aura lieu de 11h à 13h
Tous les autres cours ne sont pas modifiés.
Wednesday, January 04, 2017
Master 1 LEA premier semestre DST
Master 1 LEA notes examen
Il ne s’agit pas de votre moyenne du semestre, mais uniquement
de la note pour le DST.
Le devoir maison est en cours de correction, et compte pour 50%
Beradi 8
Quessandier 6
Amzal 5,4
Marron 14,4
Gosset 12,6
Yildirim 7
Bruchet 9
Bunel 8,4
Cornuejols 8,2
Lavialle 8,2
Ulukaya 11
Pionnier 10
Seguin 9,4
Oumari 10
Fassulati 4
Burtel 6
Karroum 6,8
Dorion 8
Isuy 12,2
Abdoumalike 6,6
Fiault 9,2
Bonamy 11,2
Peraste 13,6
El Akrouch 13
Barilly 12
Da Cruz 12
Naar 13,2
Marest 15,4
Bilongo 10,4
Hamdane 14,6
Machet 11,6
Beauchamp 14
Aviri 10,4
Arengi 12,2
Rabelle 11,6
Siméon 14,4
Deroo 12,4
Bauer 14,2
Guichaux 14,2
Valtre 12,6
Kharoub 12
Carbajal garcia 10
Joseph 11,4
Desson 9,2
Compréhension -restitution agrégation interne
Nous avons de petits soucis de planning, et il est probable que certains cours de compréhension-restitution doivent être un peu décalé. Watch this space.
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