

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

L1 Civilisation britannique devoir maison

Université Paris Est Créteil, UFR de Lettres et de Sciences Humaines, Département d’anglais

L1 civilisation. From the Reformation to the Great Exhibition.

Devoir maison basé sur les documents de la brochure (N° LO 35) (J’essaierai de mettre la brochure également sur Eprel)

Le premier devoir est à faire par tout le monde.

Le deuxième devoir doit être fait par ceux qui ont justifié une absence lors du premier DST, et par ceux qui veulent tenter de rattraper la note du premier DST (La note la plus élevée comptera).

NB : Utiliser même une phrase copiée d’une autre source sans citation précise est absolument interdite et pourrait entraîner une procédure disciplinaire

Premier devoir

Read carefully the documents on pages 16-18 (The Liverpool and Manchester Railway Prospectus ; the Crystal Palace Exhibition ; A Luddite declaration) and answer the following questions in your own words. Do not quote the document. Some of the answers are in the documents, for other you need to research.

1. Give two reasons the writers defend the introduction of a railway.

2. What did Victoria find impressive about the Crystal Palace Exhibition?

3. Why do the Luddites want to break the machines?

1. What were the similarities and differences between the Luddite movement and the Captain Swing movement of 1830?

2. The railways were at the centre of the industrial revolution, but what important changes happened in a) roads and b) canals between 1700 and 1900?

3. The Crystal Palace exhibtion was supposed to show Britain as the world’s leader. Was it successful ?

Deuxième devoir

Read carefully the two documents on pages 22 and 23 (The need for Electoral Reform, and The National Petition of the Chartists) and answer the following questions in your own words. Do not quote from the document.


1. What does Russell mean when he says that sometimes a “stone wall” elects a member of parliament, whereas a large and flourishing town sometimes does not ?

2. What do chartists mean when they say “we demand the ballot”?


1 What were the most important changes made in the two years after Russell’s speech?

2 What were the different tactics and campaigns organized by the chartists ?

Les devoirs doivent être rendus le 4 janvier, qui est également la date du contrôle final.

Students who do not get a pass mark will retake in June.

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