

Thursday, July 06, 2017

Préparation à l'agrégation : thème

My translation classes for preparing the agrégation will start again after the summer. Each week you will translate a passage at home and we will work on it in class. The following week I will post my own translation here on this blog. If I receive your translation by email more than a week before we work on the passage in class, I will send you a detailed correction of your work (also by email).

If occasionally you do not have time to translate the passage at home, do come to the class anyway. Do not do this often, however: watching other people translate does not move you forward much.

Here is the booklet of translation passages. None of them are passages we worked on last year or the year before (I run on a three-year cycle). Translate the first one before the first class (it is a little easier than the others).

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