

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Historiography of the First World War first week

If you need to listen again to the class (for example before the exam), or you have a friend who was absent, here is a very similar lecture on the same subject:
Part one

Part two

As I mentioned, there is  no class next week. I will be posting here in a few days some links to videos and articles. Over the course of the semester I will post quite a number of links. You do not need to visit all of them, but do visit some.

Evaluation of this course is by final exam in January. You will be given a general essay title (I remember one year it was "How cultural is cultural history?") . The subject will be general enough for you to sow what you have learned, your own reflections etc. If you want a very good mark, talk  (among other things) about some video, book etc which I do not know already.

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