

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Current affairs GB :'No to AV' campaign claims support of 114 Labour MPs | Politics | guardian.co.uk

'No to AV' campaign claims support of 114 Labour MPs | Politics | guardian.co.uk

Master 2 professionnel rédaction-traduction

I hope you are all having a good set of end-of-year festivities.
I know you must be busy with the assignment I gave you, and that has to be the priority, so I will understand if you have only a little time to prepare our next class, next Thursday.

We will be looking to translate the one piece in the booklet which we haven't yet dealt with - this is the press release on page 18 and 19 about the Talkman system.

I will also be asking you for suggestions on the course, which as you know has been given for the first time this year.

See you soon

CAPES BBC - Podcasts - 5 live's Christmas Specials

BBC - Podcasts - 5 live's Christmas Specials

Explore British and American radio websites for programmes about the most important news stories of 2010.
Follow the link above to listen to the indispensable programme "It takes two" about the formation of the first coalition government Britain has seen for many years.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010

L1 Bloc 2 Listen again

L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts.

If you click on the link below you can listen again to the first part of week six's class, about Wales.

The first part of week six is here.

L1 Bloc 2 listen again

If you want to listen again to the class from week five, you can find it below. Do a right click and choose "enregistrer la cible du lien sous". It is an MP3 file, and may take ten minutes or more to download. This class is about Scotland mostly.

L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts week five class

Sunday, December 19, 2010

L1 Orientation

Le service d'orientation de l'université est à l'adresse suivante

Site de Créteil :
Bâtiment i3, niveau dalle
Centre multidisciplinaire de Créteil
61, avenue du Général de Gaulle
94010 Créteil cedex
Métro 8 : Créteil Université
01 45 17 12 17

Horaires d'ouverture au public :
- du lundi au jeudi de 9h30 à 16h00
- le vendredi : service fermé au public
- le samedi de 9h à 11h30

Il peut vous aider si vous avez décidé que les études que vous avez commencées ne sont pas bonnes pour vous...

L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts

If you click HERE you will be able to listen again to the second part of week seven's class, concerning the history of Irish immigrants in Britain.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

LEA L1 Civilisation briatnnique

Vous trouverez en cliquant ICI la partie 6 du diaporama, qui traite de la République Irlandaise. Il manque le diaporama du tout dernier cours, c'est tout.

L1 Bloc 2 History of Indian and pakistani immigration to Britain

If you click HERE (Week ten part three), you will find the third part of week ten class, which dealt with the history of Indian and pakistani immigration.

One is most amused: Designers reveal their modern take on William and Kate memorabilia... - This Britain, UK - The Independent

One is most amused: Designers reveal their modern take on William and Kate memorabilia... - This Britain, UK - The Independent

British current affairs: Cap on migrant workers is ruled illegal - Home News, UK - The Independent

Cap on migrant workers is ruled illegal - Home News, UK - The Independent

A great blog for improving your English

About.com: http://jeffreyhill.typepad.com/english/

I am not the only university lecturer who keeps a teaching blog. Click on the heading above to visit another blog which gives a large number of articles, videos and other resources to help you work on your English.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

L1 Bloc 2 Class on the history of west indians and asians

Vous trouverez ici l'enregistrement de la deuxième partie de la semaine 10 - l'histoire des immigrés venus des Caraïbes et de l'Asie du Sud Est. Faite sun clique droit et choisissez "enregistrer la cible sous".

I'm sorry, but this tradition is poppycock - Mark Steel, Commentators - The Independent

I'm sorry, but this tradition is poppycock - Mark Steel, Commentators - The Independent: "– Envoyé à l'aide de la barre d'outils Google"

LEA L1 civilisation GB/Irlande

La date de l'examen!

L'examen a lieu le 13 janvier a 13h30 (amphi A1 et A2 de la faculté de Droit).

Il y a 270 inscrits, alors arrivez quelques minutes avant.

La première partie est un QCM, la deuxième partie un court essai.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

L1 bloc 2 Listen again

You can listen again to week ten's class. The part on the history of antiracism is here .

In the next week or so I will be putting up more recordings of classes, but I do not have all of them.

Do a right click and choose "enregistrer la cible sous..."

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Epréuve dossier de synthèse

Vous avez besoin de consulter régulièrement le plateforme EPREL, et *de vous y inscrire si vous n'y êtes pas.*

Voici quelques films qu'il faut voir

The Queen
Bloody Sunday
In the Name of the Father
Vera Drake

Primary Colors
Fahrenheit 9/11
All the Kings men

For reading, around the subject of Political power and its representation, the problem is not to become an encyclopedia, but I would say the absolute minimum reading (for the British side) would be a general history, a history of the Labour party and a history of the Concervative party.

In addition, read three or four articles every day from the websites of the British press. Choose the articles which seem to be connected to political power and its representation.

Friday, December 10, 2010

CAPES : a useful seminar

Don't hesitate to go to a couple of research seminars where people present their books and research. They are interesting and open to all serious students. They will be pleased to see you. Here is one :

Lundi 31 janvier 2011: Emma Bell et Gilles Christoph (Lyon 2): "Contradictions of Liberalism: The Rise of Authoritarianism in the UK"

Lundi 7 mars: Anémone Kober-Smith (Paris 3) présentera son livre: Le système de santé anglais à l'épreuve des réformes managériales, Presses Universitaires de Rennes

Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle
Institut Universitaire de France



One of Britain's most important sculptors, an important exhibition in Paris.

CAPES - revising history

The Independent

This is a page of explanatort articles about important days in 20th century history.
Choose all the ones which are about anglophone countries, and which might have some link to the idea of political power or its representation, and read them. Make sure you understand the main references.

CURRENT AFFAIRS Victory – but at what price? - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Victory – but at what price? - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

L1 Civilisation britannique devoir maison

Université Paris Est Créteil, UFR de Lettres et de Sciences Humaines, Département d’anglais

L1 civilisation. From the Reformation to the Great Exhibition.

Devoir maison basé sur les documents de la brochure (N° LO 35) (J’essaierai de mettre la brochure également sur Eprel)

Le premier devoir est à faire par tout le monde.

Le deuxième devoir doit être fait par ceux qui ont justifié une absence lors du premier DST, et par ceux qui veulent tenter de rattraper la note du premier DST (La note la plus élevée comptera).

NB : Utiliser même une phrase copiée d’une autre source sans citation précise est absolument interdite et pourrait entraîner une procédure disciplinaire

Premier devoir

Read carefully the documents on pages 16-18 (The Liverpool and Manchester Railway Prospectus ; the Crystal Palace Exhibition ; A Luddite declaration) and answer the following questions in your own words. Do not quote the document. Some of the answers are in the documents, for other you need to research.

1. Give two reasons the writers defend the introduction of a railway.

2. What did Victoria find impressive about the Crystal Palace Exhibition?

3. Why do the Luddites want to break the machines?

1. What were the similarities and differences between the Luddite movement and the Captain Swing movement of 1830?

2. The railways were at the centre of the industrial revolution, but what important changes happened in a) roads and b) canals between 1700 and 1900?

3. The Crystal Palace exhibtion was supposed to show Britain as the world’s leader. Was it successful ?

Deuxième devoir

Read carefully the two documents on pages 22 and 23 (The need for Electoral Reform, and The National Petition of the Chartists) and answer the following questions in your own words. Do not quote from the document.


1. What does Russell mean when he says that sometimes a “stone wall” elects a member of parliament, whereas a large and flourishing town sometimes does not ?

2. What do chartists mean when they say “we demand the ballot”?


1 What were the most important changes made in the two years after Russell’s speech?

2 What were the different tactics and campaigns organized by the chartists ?

Les devoirs doivent être rendus le 4 janvier, qui est également la date du contrôle final.

Students who do not get a pass mark will retake in June.

L1 Bloc 2 devoir maison

Université Paris Est Créteil, UFR de Lettres et de Sciences Humaines, Département d’anglais

L1 Bloc 2 Social and Ethnic identities and conflicts

Devoir maison basé sur les textes dans la brochure (N° LO40) (également disponible sur Eprel)

You have to hand this assignment in on the 4th of January, which is also the day of your final test in class.

Note : copying even one sentence from another source without precise references may have disciplinary consequences.

Read carefully the documents on pages 5 to 10 (on Welsh, Scottish and Irish issues) and answer the following questions. Some of the answers are in the documents, others require research. Do not quote from the documents ; use your own words.

A : Understanding the documents (two to four sentences for each answer ; 6 points)

1. What do the people interviewed by the Western Mail feel is typically Welsh ?

2. What is the difference between devolution and independence ?

3. What does the SNP think about the war in Iraq ?

4. What do you think the « equality agenda » of the Good Friday agreement is ?

5. Why are some parts of the Sinn Fein document not in English ?

6. What areas of the economy are already organized for the whole of Ireland, and not separately for the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland ?

B : Understanding the background (these questions need research ; one paragraph for each answer ; 6 points)

a) What has the SNP done these last two years concerning Scottish independence ?

b) Who are Sinn Fein and how much influence do they have in Northern Ireland today ?

c) Who are the DUP and what political opinions do they represent ?

C : Putting it in context (8 points)

If you had to choose two historical events for Scotland, and two historical events for Ireland, which had very strongly marked their national identities, which events would you choose, and why ?

The whole assessment for this UE is based on the first DST, this homework, and the final test in January. Students who do not get a pass mark can retake in June.

Monday, December 06, 2010

LEA L1 civilisation GB/Irlande

Pour vous aider à réviser, vous trouverez ici en MP3 le cours de la semaine 10. Il s'agit du conflit en Irlande du Nord.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

LEA L1 civilisation GB/Irlande YouTube - Sinéad O'Connor - She moved through the Fair - Sult 1997

YouTube - Sinéad O'Connor - She moved through the Fair - Sult 1997
One of the most famous Irish singers.

L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts

I will be giving you this week a homework assignment.
You have to hand this assignment in on the 4th of January, which is also the day of your final test in class.

Any student (except erasmus students) who is absent (ill or otherwise) on the 4th January will retake the UE at the second session in June.

L1 Civilisation GB From the Reformation to the Great Exhibition

Je vous donnerai cette semaine votre "devoir maison" basé sur les documents de la brochure (N° LO 35). Il y aura deux devoirs.

Le premier devoir est à faire par tout le monde.
Le deuxième devoir doit être fait par ceux qui ont justifié une absence lors du premier DST, et par ceux qui veulent tenter de rattraper la note du premier DST (La note la plus élevée comptera).
Vous rendrez les devoirs le 4 janvier. Le 4 janvier est également la date du contrôle final en cours.
Les étudiants qui sont absents le 4 janvier, pour quelque raison que ce soit (maladie etc) repasseront l'UE à la deuxième session en juin.


L2 Thème

I have just added the last three weeks' suggested translations to the Eprel platform. You need to be looking at these regularly.

The secret of success is the Grammaire Explicative de l'anglais. Five pages a day = guaranteed success.

Friday, December 03, 2010

Master professionnel

The catch-up class for the Master pro (Professional writing and translation) will be on Thursday 9th December at nine thirty in the morning in room 143.

Please let everyone know.

John Mullen

LEA Civilisation GB Irlande : BBC News - Ireland country profile

BBC News - Ireland country profile

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

LEA L1 Civilisation Grande Bretagne et Irlande

Vous trouverez ici la diaporama concernant les quatre nations. Faites un "clic droit" et choisissez "enregistrer la cible sous..."

- Ecosse Pays de Galles et Irlande du Nord
- dévolution
- le conflit en Irlande du Nord.

M2 Master professionnel Approfondissement de l'anglais

Université Paris-Est Créteil UFR Lettres et Sciences Humaines
Département d’Anglais Master professionnel rédaction/traduction

Assessed paper There are two parts to this assessed assignment.

Section A : A museum brochure
Firstly you will be writing a brochure for a museum, aimed at international visitors. You should look at the website of the museum or art gallery to get hold of the information you need, before writing the text of the brochure. This is not a translation exercise - you should not translate what is on the website, but re-write it using the style and structure that you think is best for the museum. Don’t forget to include both practical information (like the cost of a ticket, and the presence of different facilities) and information about highlights of the museum.

You can choose between

Le musée des beaux Arts de Rouen http://www.rouen-musees.com/index.php?idR=12
Le musée d’Aquitaine à Bordeaux

You should look at museum sites in English so as to be sure you have the correct semi-technical vocabulary, expressions etc. Here are a few examples :


Here is an example of a museum brochure from the US

Like this example, your document must be almost completely made up of full sentences, and not of lists (as is sometimes the tendency in French).

You should imagine this is a professional task, and that you will be paid a lot of money if they like your brochure!

You need not illustrate the document nor lay it out, your job is merely to produce text.

Your text should be between 700 and 900 words long.

Section B an encyclopedia article

For section B you must write an encyclopedia article about a French personality. It can be a musician, artist, scientist, actor or politician, or about a French town. It must be a person or place which is not mentioned in Wikipedia English. Again, do not translate from Wikipedia French, think up yourself an encyclopedia article which is interesting to English readers who know very little about the place or person in question. Your article should be in an appropriate encyclopedic style and between 500 and 600 words.

Again, you need not put in illustrations, hyperlinks and so on, I simply want you to hand in text. And no lists, please.
Do *not* put your article on wikipedia. After the end of the semester, if students agree, the articles will be put on wikipedia.
The whole of the assignment is to be handed in on paper at the first class in January, that is to say Thursday 6th January. It must be typed, not handwritten. I would also like you to send me a copy by email in RTF format before January 10th.

L1 Civilisation britannique

Je vous donnerai cette semaine un devoir maison que vous rendrez après Noël. Il sera basé sur la brochure de textes, alors assurez-vous que vous en avez un exemplaire. Elle est également disponible sur Eprel.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

M2 Approfondissement de l'anglais

You will find by clicking on the above link the translation into English of the passage from Prof Harribey's document.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

L1 Bloc 2 YouTube - The Pogues & The Dubliners - Whisky In The Jar (original)

YouTube - The Pogues & The Dubliners - Whisky In The Jar (original): "– Envoyé à l'aide de la barre d'outils Google"

L1 Bloc 2 YouTube - The Pogues With The Dubliners

YouTube - The Pogues With The Dubliners: "– Envoyé à l'aide de la barre d'outils Google"

A joint performance of a traditional Irish song by two generations of Irish singers.

L1 Bloc 2 YouTube - Asian Dub Foundation - Fortress Europe

YouTube - Asian Dub Foundation - Fortress Europe: "– Envoyé à l'aide de la barre d'outils Google"

Music from Asian Dub Foundation : "Fortress Europe"

L1 Bloc 2 YouTube - Raghav - Teri Baaton Mein (Hindi)

YouTube - Raghav - Teri Baaton Mein (Hindi): "– Envoyé à l'aide de la barre d'outils Google"

Banghra music from Raghav

Monday, November 22, 2010

Bon courage

Bon courage à tous ceux qui passent ces jours-ci les épreuves du CAPES d'Anglais!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

L1 civilisation britannique

In the first part of the semester we have covered the following subjects

1 The Reformation-why does it matter?
2 The lead-up to the civil war
3 The civil war – who won and why?
4 The “ Glorious revolution” and political stability
5 Agrarian revolution and Society in the 18th century
6 Luddism, Captain swing and the Industrial Revolution

We still have a few subjects to look at
7 The rise of radicalism
8 Towards democracy ? –Chartism and after

9 The heights of Victorian England
10 The biggest Empire ever

Youhave had one classroom test. There will also be a marked piece of homework, based on the documents in the "brochure", and a contrôle final de contrôle continu the first week in January.


School history gets the TV treatment | Education | The Guardian

School history gets the TV treatment | Education | The Guardian

L1 civi GB BBC - History: Civil War and Revolution

BBC - History: Civil War and Revolution

Here is a place you can revise what we learned about the civil war and the "Glorious Revolution".

LEA Civilisation GB YouTube - Road Rage by Catatonia

YouTube - Road Rage by Catatonia
Rock music from Wales

LEA Civilisation GB YouTube - Runrig - Live in Loch Lomond - Loch Lomond

YouTube - Runrig - Live in Loch Lomond - Loch Lomond
Folk-Rock from Scotland.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Classroom tests

My first year group "From the Reformation to the great exhibition"

I have marked your tests and will give them back to you today. I'm pretty sure this test counts for 25%.

First year group Bloc 2 "Social and ethnic identity and conflict in GB"
I haven't yet marked your tests - I need another week. Today we will start on the history of immigration .

Monday, November 08, 2010

All students - BBC learning English

BBC Learning English | French rockers are singing in English

Improve your English with the BBC. Above is a link to a site which provides, every few days, a short article in English, with help for the vocabulary. You can listen to the article too.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identity and conflict

This Tuesday we will have the first classroom test.
It will last one hour (so there will be a short class first.

There are two parts to the test. In part one (for eight points) you have to choose two items (out of five)and write a few sentences on each one.

In part two (for eight points) you have to choose one question (out of two) and write an essay.

L1 civilisation britannique From the Reformation to the Great Exhibition

This Tuesday we will have the first classroom test.

It will last 50 minutes (so there will be a short class before the test).

The test has two parts. In the first part, for fifteen points, you have to choose five (out of eight) items and write a paragraph on each one, showing how it fits in to the important changes we have been studying.

The second part, for five points, is a short essay question.


Saturday, November 06, 2010

All L1 and L2 students

Revise your grammar of auxiliaries with these (musical) slideshows.

This one on questions
This one on tags
This one on echoes

You can open these files with powerpoint or with open office impress. Open office impress can be downloaded free.

The slideshow files may take a few minutes to download.

Make a right click on them and choose "enregistrer la cible du lien sous".

LEA L1 civilisation GB : popular newspapers : The Sun

The Sun | The Best for News, Sport, Showbiz, Celebrities | The Sun| The Sun

click on the title to see the website of the most popular newspaperin Britain.

Friday, November 05, 2010

LEA L1 Civilisation Grande Bretagne et Irlande

As I mentioned to you, I have recorded some of the classes. If you want to revise these classes, here they are in Mp3. Do a right click and choose "enregistrer la cible du lien sous"

week two class
week four class
week five class

There may be more later.

Learning English - Words in the News - Language after stroke

Learning English - Words in the News - Language after stroke

A useful website for practising your listening.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

LEA L1 CM British civilization Slides

I am going to put up today and tomorrow all the slide shows we have seen so far in class.
To read them you have to do a right click and choose "save target as".
Pour y accéder il faut faire un clique droit dessus et choisir "enregistrer la cible du lien sous". Le fichier sera enregistré sur votre ordinateur.
Ces fichiers s'ouvrent avec Microsoft Powerpoint, mais aussi avec le logiciel gratuit de la suite Open Office, qui s'appelle "impress".

Vous pouvez télécharger ici le logiciel gratuit pour lire les fichiers.

Here is the first one, about population, work, leisure, social class and so on.

Here is the second one about Education, schools and universities.

Here is the third one about the media.

There will be more (no doubt two more) later in the semester.
I will also put up MP3 recordings of some of the classes.

M2 professionnel Approfondissement de l'anglais

Tomorrow Thursday we will be working on the translation of the document on page four. Don't go looking for the translation of the whole passage on the web, now!

L1 Bloc 2 Ireland - The Pogues Sally Maclennane

YouTube - The Pogues Sally Maclennane

1980s music from Ireland.

L1 Bloc 2 Ireland - The Dubliners - Fields Of Athenry

YouTube - The Dubliners - Fields Of Athenry

An Irish song about the great famine of the mid-nineteenth century.

L1 Bloc 2 Wales - Road Rage by Catatonia

YouTube - Road Rage by Catatonia

Modern music from Wales with Catatonia.

L1 Bloc 2 Wales video of - Shirley Bassey - Big Spender (From "Divas Are Forever" DVD)

YouTube - Shirley Bassey - Big Spender (From "Divas Are Forever" DVD)

L1 Bloc 2 Wales - video of Welsh male voice choir

YouTube - only boys aloud sosban fach hd.mp4

A modern choir version of a very old Welsh song.

Monday, November 01, 2010

YouTube - Peter Sellers: A Hard Day's Night

YouTube - Peter Sellers: A Hard Day's Night

La chanson des Beatles "Hard Day's Night" dans un style un peu différent.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

L1 civilisation britannique From the Reformation to the Great Exhibition - revision

If you missed the first class because you were late enrolling, or if you want to revise your classes before the test, here are the first four classes in MP3. Be patient, they take some time to download
These recordings will not be available every week.

Class one The Reformation
Class two The Reformation continued
Class three The Civil War
Class four The restoration and the "Glorious revolution".

keywords: British history; the reformation; podcast, university lecture, Henry VIII, the Church of England, Cromwell, the English civil war

BBC News - Q&A: French strikes over pension reforms

BBC News - Q&A: French strikes over pension reforms

L1 bloc 2 revising your classes

If you missed a class because you enrolled late, or if you wish to revise, here are the first four classes in MP3.

Thes recordings will *not necessarily* be available every week.

Lecture one : Introduction
Lecture two : Conflicts of work and class before 1945
Lecture three : Conflicts of work and class after 1945
Lecture four : Scottish identity, nationalism and conflict

keywords: British civilization; trade union history; Scotland, podcast, university lecture

The Tories are less ideologues, more skilled political pugilists | Richard Seymour | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

The Tories are less ideologues, more skilled political pugilists | Richard Seymour | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

L1 Bloc 2 YouTube - Glasgow: Scotland with style

YouTube - Glasgow: Scotland with style
Tourist video on Glasgow

L1 Bloc 2 tourist video on Edinburgh YouTube - Edinburgh - Lonely Planet Travel Video

YouTube - Edinburgh - Lonely Planet Travel Video

L1 Bloc 2 YouTube - The Jesus and Mary Chain - Rollercoaster

YouTube - The Jesus and Mary Chain - Rollercoaster

More Scottish music

L1 Bloc 2 YouTube - Eddi Reader - Ae Fond Kiss (Celtic Connections 2003)

YouTube - Eddi Reader - Ae Fond Kiss (Celtic Connections 2003)

Modern scottish folk music from Eddi Reader, in Scots.

L1 Bloc 2 YouTube - Runrig - Live in Loch Lomond - Loch Lomond

YouTube - Runrig - Live in Loch Lomond - Loch Lomond

Scottish folk rock from Runrig on Youtube

Roland Marx sur la Grande Bretagne

CATALOGUE COMPLET - Full View of Record

Dans la bibliothèque universitaire et en français.

L1 Bloc 2 Working for Ford: Amazon.fr: Huw Beynon: Livres en anglais

Working for Ford: Amazon.fr: Huw Beynon: Livres en anglais

Here is a link to a book I mentioned in class, about working for Ford during the post-war boom.

Friday, October 29, 2010

L1 civi GB From the Reformation to the Great Exhibition

Your first classroom test will be on the 9th of November.

L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identity and conflict

The first classroom test will be on the 9th of November.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Paris Est Créteil

Etudiants de Licence 3e année, Master 1 et Master 2 (parcours recherche ou enseignement) :

Réunion d'information sur l'assistanat et les possibilités d’études en Amérique du Nord (États-Unis et Canada) et en Océanie (Australie et Nouvelle Zélande) pour l'année universitaire 2011-2012.

jeudi 4 novembre 2010 de 17h à 18h30
salle précisée ultérieurement par affichage

Cette réunion concerne surtout les étudiants anglicistes (LLCE) pour ce qui est des possibilités d'études, mais elle concerne les étudiants de toute spécialité (LLCE, LEA, Lettres, Sciences humaines) pour ce qui est des postes d'assistant.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

M2 Master professionel Approfondissement de l'anglais

Il n'y aura pas cours ce jeudi 28 octobre.

L2 Thème jeudi 28 octobre groupe de M Mullen

Il n'y aura pas cours ce jeudi.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

YouTube - 'Animating Accy'

YouTube - 'Animating Accy'

A sentimental look at my home town, on You tube.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Master pro Approfondissement de l'anglais

For next Thursday, please translate the passage on pages 23 to 24 of the booklet, using at least two dictionaries and a grammar book. Use similar documents to help you, but if you find the actual translation on the web, please don't use it. We will also be finishing the exercises on linking words.

The document is also here :

Les lecteurs de cartes à puce Gemplus : le meilleur outil pour relever le défi Sésam-Vitale

Cette fois, c’est parti ! La modernisation du système de santé est maintenant bien en route, grâce au projet Sésam-Vitale.
Les lecteurs de cartes à puce devront répondre aux attentes d’une caisse d’assurance maladie, aussi bien qu’à celles d’une infirmière à domicile.
Pour relever ce défi, Gemplus allie son expérience de leader mondial de la carte à puce à sa parfaite connaissance du système français de Santé.
Grâce à l’exceptionnelle étendue de sa gamme de lecteurs, Gemplus est prêt à répondre aux besoins spécifiques de tous les professionnels de la santé.
Parce que le secteur de la santé se caractérise par la diversité et l’exigence de ses acteurs, Gemplus propose à chacun une gamme de lecteurs adaptée, qui permettent d’assurer les fonctions de lecture/écriture sur les cartes en alliant fiabilité et sécurité.

Pour garantir fiabilité et facilité d’installation...

Les cartes à puce assureront bientôt toutes les opérations administratives. Il faudra équiper l’ensemble du parc informatique des différentes caisses d’assurance maladie avec des lecteurs de cartes.
Gemplus dispose d’une large gamme de lecteurs transparents, permettant d’être intégrés dans différents environnements PC.

...les caisses d’assurance choisiront les lecteurs transparents Gemplus.

• Le GCR400-FD, intégrable facilement dans un PC.
• Le GCR410, petit lecteur périphérique occupant un minimum de place.
• Le GPR400, premier lecteur au format PCMCIA.
La diversité de la gamme de lecteurs transparents Gemplus permet une adaptation parfaite aux différentes configurations du parc informatique.

Les médecins opteront pour les lecteurs intelligents Gemplus...

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Les lecteurs intelligents Gemplus, d’un accès simple et convivial, permettront aux médecins de s’adapter, aujourd’hui comme demain, aux multiples utilisations de la carte à puce dans le domaine médical.
Le lecteur GCR500 possède clavier et afficheur. Il peut être utilisé en lecteur périphérique, mais aussi fonctionner de façon autonome lorsqu’il est préalablement programmé. La gamme GCR700 permet en plus une connexion modem.
Là encore, la diversité de l’offre de lecteurs Gemplus permettra à chacun de choisir le plus adapté à ses besoins, avec la même garantie de sécurité d’utilisation.

...et lors des visites à domicile, pour les lecteurs portables Gemplus

Y compris au chevet de leurs patients, médecins et infirmières, tout comme les ambulanciers, pourront bénéficier de la technologie Gemplus.
Le lecteur intelligent portable Gemplus Smart Assistant pèse moins de 500g. et a une durée d’autonomie de 5h. Véritable mini-ordinateur à double interface carte à puce et à afficheur digital, le Smart Assistant conjugue mobilité, robustesse et sécurité.
D’une utilisation simple (écran tactile, reconnaissance de l’écriture manuscrite...), il permet le stockage d’une grande quantité de données.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Universities in Britain Brace for Cuts in Subsidies - NYTimes.com

Universities in Britain Brace for Cuts in Subsidies - NYTimes.com

En Angleterre, les Universités sont menacées de coupes budgétaires massives. Voici un article du New York Times.



See Shakespeare in English in Saint Denis!
Click on the link!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Next Tuesday

I think there will be classes as normal next Tuesday. If there is a change, the information will be here on this blog.

Monday, October 11, 2010

L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts

If you missed the first week because you were late enrolling, or if you found it difficult to understand, you can download a recording of the class in Mp3 here.

The recordings will *not* be available every week.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Saturday, October 09, 2010

M2 métiers de la rédaction -The Economist - World News, Politics, Economics, Business & Finance

The Economist - World News, Politics, Economics, Business & Finance

The Economist is a very conservative British magazine. But it is extremely well written in modern English, and covers all subjects imaginable (Science, popular music, economics, politics, business, art and so on). I recommend regular reading of the Economist to advanced students to improve your English. Use a dictionary if you can. You don't have to agree with their political conclusions...

L1 Civilisation britannique - From the Reformation to the Great Exhibition - audio file

Sometimes I record my class in MP3 to allow students to revise it. You can download it and listen to it in the metro on an Mp3 player, and everyone will think you are listening to Lady Gaga!
Click here to download the week two class (From protestant England under Edward to the beginning of the civil war).

Manchester: Britain's greatest university? - Education News, Education - The Independent

Manchester: Britain's greatest university? - Education News, Education - The Independent

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

L1 Bloc 2 enregistrements de certains cours

Sometimes, to help my students, I record some of my classes on Mp3 and put them on line. You will find here the week two class for L1 Bloc 2 Social and Ethnic Identities and conflicts. You can download it and listen to it on a computer or on an MP3 player.

It is a big file and will take quite a long time to download, so be patient.

Click here to listen to week two class.

If you do a right click and choose "enregistrer la cible sous" you can save this file on your computer.

Several students missed the week one class. I will try to put this on line soon.

keywords: British civilization; podcast, university lecture, current affairs, ethnic minorities, regional identities, Scotland



Allez voir Shakespeare en anglais, surtitré en français. Suivez le lien ci-dessus.

UPEC - Activez votre compte numérique étudiant !

UPEC - Activez votre compte numérique étudiant !

C'est sur cette page qu'on peut activer son compte numérique. Ainsi, on a accès aux Ressources en Ligne (sur le plateforme EPREL). C'est indispensable.

Andy McSmith: Thirty years on, will Cameron's speech echo the Iron Lady's? - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

Andy McSmith: Thirty years on, will Cameron's speech echo the Iron Lady's? - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

Le premier ministre britannique est sous beaucoup de pression. Cet article le compare à Margaret Thatcher, qui, il y a trente ans, était dans une situation similaire. L'article regarde en détail comment les discours des premiers ministres sont rédigés.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

L1 British civilization - Thirty-Nine Articles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thirty-Nine Articles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The thirty nine articles were the compromise which helped to stabilize the Angican church in the reign of Elizabeth, against the dual "dangers" of catholicism and of puritanism. This article gives more details.

Friday, October 01, 2010

L1 Bloc 2 BBC - Podcasts - UK Black

BBC - Podcasts - UK Black

In a few weeks we will be looking at ethnic minorities in Britain. Every week, the BBC produces a radio show with news of particular interest to Black people who live in Britain. Click on the title above to see their web page. You can download the programme and listen on an MP3 player.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

LEA L1 Civilisation britannique

I hope you found the first class interesting. Because the room is very long and it is difficult to see the slides, I have put the slides online.

The first part (of five or six in total) can be found HERE

1 Put your cursor on the word "here" above
2 make a right click
3 choose "enregistrer la cible sous"

It is a large file and may need ten minutes to download.
Leave a comment here if it is impossible for you to read.

Note that the slide is not the whole of the class, just a guide. You must come to the class to hear the rest.

The marking for the lecture course is a final examination in January. Part of the examination is made up of multiple choice questions and part of longer writing pieces.

See you next Tuesday.

Système d'information et d'aide aux concours du second degré (SIAC2) - Ministère de l'Éducation nationale

Système d'information et d'aide aux concours du second degré (SIAC2) - Ministère de l'Éducation nationale: "– Envoyé à l'aide de la barre d'outils Google"

Monday, September 20, 2010

Premier semestre 2010-2011

Au premier semestre, j'assure les enseignements suivants

Licence première année
BLOC 2 Idéntités et conflits sociaux et ethniques en Grande-Bretagne (mardi 11h)
BLOC 3 Civilisation britannique "From the Reformation to the Great Exhibition" (mardi 13h30)
Projet professionnel (jeudi 17h)

Département LEA Cours magistral Civilisation - la Grande-Bretagne et l'Irlande (mardi 16h)

Licence deuxième année
Thème littéraire (jeudi 12h30)

Master métiers de la rédaction deuxième année
Approfondissement de l'anglais (jeudi 15h)

Master métiers de l'enseignement deuxième année
Préparation à l'épreuve "dossier de synthèse"
(A partir du 6 décembre) mercredi 13h30 et mercredi 17h

Friday, September 03, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Vous allez préparer le CAPES l'année prochaine? Il faut absolument consulter le rapport du jury qui vient de sortir

Le rapport de la session 2010 du CAPES externe d'anglais est disponible à l'adresse suivante:

English Day by Day

English Day by Day

Apprenez de nouveaux mots tous les jours.

Friday, July 09, 2010

If camping is so tough, why do we like it so much? | Travel | The Guardian

If camping is so tough, why do we like it so much? | Travel | The Guardian

Est-ce que vous aimez le camping? Lisez cet article amusant à ce sujet.
Notez que le camping n'a pas la même longue tradition populaire en Grande Bretagne comme il a en France.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010

octobre prochain

Premier semestre
Au premier semestre 2010-2011, je donnerai les cours suivants :

L1 Bloc 2
Identités et conflits sociaux et ethniques au Royaume Uni depuis 1918 (cours en anglais)

L1 Bloc 3
Britain from the Reformation to the Great Exhibition

L1 projet professionnel

L2 Thème littéraire

Master pro Rédacteur/traducteur
Approfondissement langue anglaise

Et dans le departement LEA
L1 Civilisation GB/Irlande

Saturday, June 19, 2010

L2 civilisation britannique examen de deuxième session

L'examen aura lieu mardi prochain. Il porte sur l'ensemble du programme du semestre, puisque la note remplace toutes les autres notes de l'UE du semestre.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

British Politics Paris 3

British Politics Paris 3
I am not the only university lecturer to run a blog about Britain. Follow the link above.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

L2 TICE/METHODOLOGIE Examen deuxième session

L'examen de rattrapage de L2 TICE / Méthodologie aura lieu le mercredi 23 juin de 9h30 à 10h30 en salle 338.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Main findings of Saville Inquiry - The Irish Times - Tue, Jun 15, 2010

Main findings of Saville Inquiry - The Irish Times - Tue, Jun 15, 2010

YouTube - The Mark Steel Lectures- Charlie Chaplin 1/4

YouTube - The Mark Steel Lectures- Charlie Chaplin 1/4

An amusing biography of Charlie Chaplin.

Bloody Sunday: how the Guardian reported the shootings | UK news | guardian.co.uk

Bloody Sunday: how the Guardian reported the shootings | UK news | guardian.co.uk

A new report on Bloody Sunday, a day in 1972 when thirteen Northern Irish Catholics were shot by British soldiers, is to be published this week. This article shows what one newspaper said at the time. IN 1972 a first governement enquiry supported the soldiers' actions.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

YouTube - Monty Python Philosophy Football

YouTube - Monty Python Philosophy Football


If you are taking the civilisation britannique exam again (LEA L1), don't forget to look here for revision



YouTube - The Clash White Riot: Misheard Lyrics

YouTube - The Clash White Riot: Misheard Lyrics

Epreuve de deuxième session L2 TICE

Il n’y a pas sur le calendrier des épreuves de deuxième session une date pour l’épreuve de deuxième session de L2 TICE.

Cette situation va être corrigée rapidement, une date sera fixée, affichée et annoncée sur le site web de la faculté.
(Et aussi sur ce blog http://johncmullen.blogspot.com/ )

Pour ce qui est du contenu, il s’agit d’une épreuve écrite sur les questions que nous avons traité en cours de TICE. Notamment
- La recherche internet
- Bien écrire et mettre en page une bibliographie
- Le plagiat
- Etc.

UPEC - Préparation gratuite pour le concours de professeur des écoles

UPEC - Préparation gratuite pour le concours de professeur des écoles

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Monday, June 07, 2010

Institut des mondes anglophone, germanique et roman - Journée d'étude "Identités et mobilisations dans le monde anglophone"

Institut des mondes anglophone, germanique et roman - Journée d'étude "Identités et mobilisations dans le monde anglophone"

Deuxième session - épreuve de thème

Si vous devez passer l'examen de deuxième session pour L2 Thème, sachez que l'examen consiste en deux très courts textes à traduire - un littéraire et l'autre journalistique. L'examen est le même que vous repassez le premier semestre, le deuxième, ou bien les deux.

L1 Panorama - Britain since the Romans

The marks for the exam on Britain since the Romans, part of the Panorama de la littérature et civilisation, were... not good.

If you are taking this exam again in the "deuxième session", you will find, in the blog post of the 9th May, links to help you revise.

Banksy makes his mark across America - Americas, World - The Independent

Banksy makes his mark across America - Americas, World - The Independent

British graffiti artist, Banksy, on tour in North America.

World's best-preserved gladiatorial relics are discovered in the suburbs of York - News, Archaeology - The Independent

World's best-preserved gladiatorial relics are discovered in the suburbs of York - News, Archaeology - The Independent

News from Roman Britain.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

A semi-technical article

Gemalto, Crédit Mutuel-CIC and NRJ Mobile Join Forces for the Commercial Launch of Contactless Mobile Payment in Nice
First large-scale deployment of NFC services in Europe
Amsterdam, May 21, 2010 - Gemalto (Euronext NL0000400653 GTO), the world leader in digital security, Crédit Mutuel-CIC and NRJ Mobile have joined forces to offer contactless mobile payment services as part of the "Nice, mobile contactless city " project. Following the successful launch of the first contactless mobile payment pilot in November 2006, with its mobile virtual network operator NRJ Mobile, Crédit Mutuel-CIC is today positioned as a major player in the operational deployment of such services.

The "Nice, mobile contactless city" initiative is the first commercial launch of contactless mobile services in Europe. With the support of the French government, it is being developed in conjunction with mobile operators, banks, transport operators and the retail sector. It will allow people in Nice to use their NFC-enabled mobile phones in total security to pay at restaurants, supermarkets and local stores, as well as in the city's transport networks. Information services will also be available at the museums and university campus.

This project follows on from the "Payez Mobile" pilot programs successfully rolled out in Strasbourg and Caen, with a new commercial dimension. In Nice, users take out an NFC mobile pack at their operator's points of sale, and activate the NFC payment service at their bank branch office. For Crédit Mutuel-CIC customers, access to this service is even simpler, since they will be able to find the Crédit Mutuel Mobile or CIC Mobile* offerings in their Crédit Mutuel or CIC branch office and will therefore activate the NFC functionality all at the same time.

Gemalto has provided Crédit Mutuel-CIC with its dedicated Trusted Service Management (TSM) range of services and solutions, enabling the secure deployment and management of contactless mobile payment. Its experience in the personalization of banking cards and the deployment of "over-the-air" services is facilitating convergence between the mobile and banking worlds.

The Crédit Mutuel-CIC Group confirmed: "Crédit Mutuel-CIC was the first bank in France to launch its mobile telephony business. And to maintain our leading edge in this area we must continuously offer our customers new services at the forefront of innovation. NFC represents a genuine revolution in payment, which is naturally in line with our offers. We wanted to make it very easily accessible by delivering an all-in-one service to our customers."

"The Nice project marks the first stage in the operational deployment of NFC services in France, and more widely in Europe," added Rémi de Fouchier, head of contactless mobile solutions at Gemalto. "The cooperation between banks and operators has enabled us to build scalable NFC solutions and services which will facilitate the adoption of mobile payment and of many other contactless services in other cities and other countries. By joining forces with Crédit Mutuel-CIC and NRJ Mobile, Gemalto is offering to people in Nice a simple and convenient access to the first large-scale NFC payment services on the French market".

* Crédit Mutuel Mobile and CIC-Mobile are NRJ Mobile operator services offered by Crédit Mutuel-CIC.

Online email writing exercise gapfill

Here is an interesting exercises.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

YouTube - Street View, Privacy & You

YouTube - Street View, Privacy & You

Google help videos are a short and amusing way of practising listening to semi-technical subjects.

YouTube - Google Translator Toolkit

YouTube - Google Translator Toolkit

If you spend a lot of time translating specialized documents, the Google Translator toolkit might help you organize your work.

BBC World Service | Quizzes | Quiznet | Phrasal verbs

BBC World Service | Quizzes | Quiznet | Phrasal verbs

And on this page you can find short quizzes on grammar and vocabulary. This one is on phrasal verbs.

Learning English - Home

Learning English - Home

This page on the BBC website is specially designed with English learners in mind.

BBC World Service - Home

BBC World Service - Home

This is the home page of the BBC World Service, one of the most popular radio stations in the world.

BBC - Podcasts - Digital Planet

BBC - Podcasts - Digital Planet

Every week on the BBC radio website - a half hour programme on how digital technology is affecting our daily lives.

BBC - Podcasts - 6 Minute English

BBC - Podcasts - 6 Minute English

The BBC website produces a series of podcasts called "6 minute English" you may find useful.

Computing Now | Interviews | Partha Ranganathan

Computing Now | Interviews | Partha Ranganathan

Computing Now often includes on its website interviews which you can use to improve your listening.

Online talking pronunciation dictionary

Pronunciation of knowingness - how to pronounce knowingness correctly.

On this site you can quickly and easily check how to pronounce important words.

The best of the online translation dictionaries

Dictionnaire en ligne Français, Anglais, Espagnol, Allemand, Italien - Collins Lexibase

Reverso is the best of the online translation dictionaries. Nevertheless, like all dictionaries, it must be used with care. Notice the difference between the "official" dictionary and the user-written dictionary.

Notice how you can contribute to improving the dictionary.

YouTube - How to write a formal email

YouTube - How to write a formal email

Another video on writing emails - to outside contacts this time

YouTube - Business English Writing for Lesson ESL - An External Request Email

Video on writing email in a company

YouTube - ESL Business Writing Video - Email Tune-up 01

This video allows you to see some of the problems in writing emails.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Monarchy - Ex wife of prince tries to make £500 000 fraudulently

Video news and sexy videos: The latest exclusive news, showbiz and sport videos| News Of The World

British civilization L1S2 From the Reformation to the Great Exhibition - Moyennes

Xavier A 12,4
Hasna A 6
Kadija A 1,5
Hélène B 9
Andrea B 3,4
Eléonore B 2,2
Miguel B 3,8
Marion C 6,4
Anaïs C 11,5
Coralie C 11,2
Alice C 16
Thomas D 6 ,8
Magassa D 0
Marine G 7,8
Amel H 12,3
Léa J 5,5
Daisy J 6,3
Clémentine M 11,4
Laetitia M 8,9
Sabrina M 7,3
Grâce M 8,1
Linda N 0,5
Aurélie P 16,8
Alice R 10,5
Maëva V 2,5

La méthode utilisée pour calculer les moyennes figure dans le livret de Licence 1

Officials told to prepare £8bn taxes on the banks - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Officials told to prepare £8bn taxes on the banks - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

What is the new British government doing? Here is one view.

Friday, May 21, 2010

YouTube - Dire Straits - Money For Nothing (From "Live At Knebworth" DVD)

YouTube - Dire Straits - Money For Nothing (From "Live At Knebworth" DVD)

Notes Option transversale "150 ans de musique populaire"

Sauf erreur, vous trouverez ici vos notes pour l'option transversale "150 ans de musique populaire". J'espère que vous avez trouvé les cours intéressants.

C'est la quatrième année que je donne cette option. Si vous avez des suggestions concernant des améliorations possibles des cours, laissez des commentaires en cliquant sur "commentaires" ci-dessous.

Le document avec les notes se trouve sur mon serveur personnel. Je l'enlèverai d'ici quelques semaines.

Il y a un siècle - la campagne des suffragettes sur vidéo

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Notes pour l'option transversale "150 ans de musique populaire britannique"

Vos notes seront disponibles ici sur ce blog dans un jour ou deux.
Comme pour toutes les autres UE, les étudiants qui n'ont pas la moyenne peuvent réessayer en deuxième session mi-juin.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

PM hints at compromise on fixed-term parliaments - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

PM hints at compromise on fixed-term parliaments - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

L2 Thème contrôle final Notes sur 20

Don't forget to *study carefully* the suggested translation I posted here a few days ago.

If you didn't manage to get ten, you get to do the second session exam. There is one second session exam for thème, whether you had difficulties in the first semester, the second semester, or both.

Your scripts will be available in front of my office in a few days. All serious students will pick them up!

Amutha R 11,5
Anaïs O 12
Bashkrim L 11,5
Bintou S 9
Brunelle T 10
Bruno B 11
Caroline S 14
Cécile R 13,5
David D 7,5
Djabanah S 9
Ferdaws B 9
Florine R 10,5
Halimatou D 12
Hana B 12
Joelle C 13
Julie G 9
Justine G 14
Khalissa Z 8
Laura T 10,5
Sadia M 8
Samy B 7,5
Saskia O 13
Selena G 13
Yasmina I 11

Friday, May 14, 2010

How Britannia came to rule the waves - Science, News - The Independent

How Britannia came to rule the waves - Science, News - The Independent

History - a view of the history of science in 18th century Britain. The biggest scientific problem of the age was to discover how to measure longtitude accurately. Click on the heading above.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

L2 phonétique Contrôle final notes (sur vingt)

Saskia O 14,7
Julie G 9,2
Bruno B 12,9
Selena G 11,0
Bashkim L 9,4
Brunelle T 13,1
Caroline S 7,8
Ferdaws B 10,3
Laura P 10,1
Laura T 6,2
Samy B 8,5
Elise L 16,6
David D 7,6
Joelle C 14
Florine R 8,3
Djabhana S 6,7
Justine G 13,3
Cécile R 10,1
Halimatou D 7,6
Yasmina I 11,7
Maria V 18,9
Sadia M 16,1
Anaïs O 12,9
Hana B 14,9
Bintou S 9

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Si Vous n'aviez pas compris comment marche le système électoral britannique...

100 Questions sur la Grande Bretagne

Cliquez sur le titre pour une explication en français.

L2 phonetics

Here are the answers to question five.

Mark the most likely site for the nucleus in each sentence

Assume in each case that there is a broad focus context.

a What did she have to go the HOSpital for? (Last lexical word.)

b Where’s all the BREAD gone ? (Absence of bread is part of shared context, so “gone” does not carry the nucleus.)

c A: I thought you liked music. (Nucleus on “like” or on “music” both accepted) B: I like CLASsical composers. (Composers are part of the already known context).

d My uncle is going to AustRALia next week. (Expressions of time at the end of sentences don’t carry the nucleus.)

e Melanie doesn’t know what she’s LOOKing for. (Last lexical word.)

f Fred didn’t do any work for his TEST. ( Last lexical word.)

g The lecture was a great sucCESS. (Last lexical word.)

h My HAIRdryer broke down yesterday. (Intransitive sentence – nucleus on non-human subject.)

i ‘What are you LOOKing at?’ asked Hassan. (The expression for speaking at the end does not carry the nucleus, so we move back to the last lexical word.)

j The DOG’s barking. (Intransitive sentence, Non-human subject.)

k ‘I’m going to EDinburgh next weekend,’ said Marie. (The final verb of speaking, and the final expression of time, do not carry the nucleus. )

l ‘Let’s go over to MIKE’s place,’ suggested Eric. (Speaking expression does not take nucleus, and in the phrase “Mike’s place”, the primary stress is on Mike, because it gives much more information.)

m And then the BOSS walked in. (Intransitive sentence and human subject BUT the sentence merely announces the arrival of the person.)

n Dogs BARK. (Intransitive sentence BUT general statement not linked to a context.)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

L2 Phonetics

Where is the primary stress in the word "descent".

Check it in the pronunciation dictionary here.

L2 Thème

You're probably tired after all the tests, controles and exams. But when you have a moment, look through the suggested translation below, under the passage you translated :

L2S4 Thème Contrôle final mai 2010
80 minutes. Aucun document n’est autorisé.
Traduisez en anglais :
La campagne pour les élections législatives se poursuit en Grande-Bretagne. Les trois leaders Gordon Brown, Nick Clegg et David Cameron se sont affrontés en direct pour la seconde fois jeudi soir à Bristol, lors d'un débat télévisé retransmis par Sky news.
Au programme de cet échange : la politique étrangère. Plus combatifs que lors de leur premier débat télévisé, les chefs des trois principaux partis britanniques ont échangé leurs arguments sur l'Europe, l'Afghanistan, le climat ou l'immigration, sans qu'aucun d'eux ne prenne un avantage déterminant.
Le Premier ministre Gordon Brown a reproché au leader libéral-démocrate Nick Clegg de contribuer à affaiblir le Royaume-Uni et au chef des conservateurs David Cameron de vouloir l'isoler en Europe.
La prestation de Nick Clegg, déclaré vainqueur haut la main du premier débat par les médias, était très attendue. Elle avait suscité un regain de popularité dans les sondages du parti libéral-démocrate (centriste), traditionnellement le troisième parti de la vie politique britannique. Le parti du leader centriste pourrait servir de pivot à une coalition gouvernementale dans l'hypothèse, très probable au vu des sondages, où aucun parti ne remporterait la majorité absolue aux élections.
Une vive passe d'armes l'a opposé à M. Brown sur la volonté des "Lib Dems" de renoncer à la modernisation du système britannique de missiles balistiques nucléaires Trident - dont le coût est estimé par le gouvernement à 20 milliards de livres - à l'horizon 2020.
Alors que les derniers sondages ont ramené les libéraux-démocrates presque au niveau des Tories, la presse conservatrice avait attaqué jeudi le "troisième homme" Nick Clegg. Le Daily Telegraph avait consacré sa Une aux "révélations" sur des dons d'hommes d'affaires versés directement sur le compte bancaire de Nick Clegg et non sur celui du parti.
Une moyenne de cinq sondages instantanés diffusés immédiatement après le débat donnait Nick Clegg et David Cameron quasiment à égalité.


Suggested translation

The General Election campaign is continuing in the UK. The three party leaders : Gordon Brown, Nick Clegg and David Cameron confronted each other live for the second time, on Thursday evening in Bristol, in a televised debate broadcast by Sky News.
On the agenda was foreign policy. The three main party leaders showed more fighting spirit than in the first debate, and argued over Europe, Afghanistan, climate change and immigration, without any of them gaining a decisive advantage.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown accused Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg of helping to weaken Britain, and he claimed the Tory leader wanted to isolate Britain within Europe.

The performance of Nick Clegg, declared easy winner of the first debate by the media, was much awaited. His earlier performance had boosted the position of his Liberal Democratic centre party in opinion polls; the party is traditionally considered the third party in British politics. This centre party could be crucial to a coalition government if, as seems highly likely given the opinion polls, no party gains an absolute majority.

Mr. Clegg clashed with Mr. Brown concerning Lib Dem wishes to abandon the modernization of the British ballistic nuclear missile system, Trident, by 2020. Government sources estimate the cost of this upgrade at 20 billion pounds.
In the latest opinion polls the Liberal Democrats were almost on a level with the Tories, and the Conservative press launched attacks on Nick Clegg, the “third man” on Thursday last. The Daily Telegraph reported on its front page “revelations” about business donations being paid directly into Clegg’s personal bank account, rather than his party’s.

The average of five flash polls released straight after the debate showed Clegg and Cameron on level pegging.

L2 Phonetics

I've just started marking your phonetics scripts. Here is the answer to the last question.

What is the difference between

a) Michael will be waiting for them at the airport HOPEfully.


b) Michael will be waiting for them at the AIRport hopefully.

In the first sentence, the adverb does not apply to the whole sentence. The adverb received the nucleus because it is the last lexical word of the sentence. That is to say the adverb relates to the verb. Michael, while he waits, will be full of hope.

In the second sentence, "hopefully" does not receive the nucleus. This shows that the adverb refers to the whole of the sentence - it is the speaker, and not Michael, who is feeling hopeful.

More soon.

How to boil an egg - Eggs - Eggs - from Delia Online

How to boil an egg - Eggs - Eggs - from Delia Online

Gordon Brown plays last card – proffering his resignation | Politics | The Guardian

Gordon Brown plays last card – proffering his resignation | Politics | The Guardian

Thursday, May 06, 2010

L1 Civilisation - From the Reformation to the Great Exhibition

Here are the marks for the classroom test you did just before the holidays.
The contrôle final will take a little longer to mark

Clémentine M 10
Hasna A. 6
Aurélie P. 17
Laetitia M 8.5
Coralie C 7
Amel H 12
Marion C 7.5
Thomas D 8
Hélène B 12.5
Miguel B 7
Sabrina M 6.5
Léa J 7
Daisy J 9
Xavier A 11.5
Grâce M 8.5
Anais C 14

Britons vote in closest election race in decades - UK - World - The Times of India

Britons vote in closest election race in decades - UK - World - The Times of India

The Times of India

Vote left and prepare to fight after election|8May10|Socialist Worker

Vote left and prepare to fight after election|8May10|Socialist Worker
A radical Left position.

In copying U.S. politics, British candidates have a ways to go

In copying U.S. politics, British candidates have a ways to go

The difference between British and American elections according to the Washington Post...

Rudd backs Brown as Britons go to the polls

Rudd backs Brown as Britons go to the polls

Major Australian newspaper on the elections.

General election 2010: Election day newspaper front pages | Media | guardian.co.uk

General election 2010: Election day newspaper front pages | Media | guardian.co.uk

Les premières pages de tous les journaux quotidiens anglais, le jour des élections.

Daily Mirror launches class war on David Cameron with Bullingdon photo | Media | guardian.co.uk

Daily Mirror launches class war on David Cameron with Bullingdon photo | Media | guardian.co.uk

Le Daily Mirror s'oppose au dirigeant des Conservateurs.

Trois scénarios pour des élections législatives très indécises au Royaume-Uni - LeMonde.fr

Trois scénarios pour des élections législatives très indécises au Royaume-Uni - LeMonde.fr

Le Monde sur les élections britanniques.

Elections législatives au Royaume-Uni

Elections législatives au Royaume-Uni

Le dossier Libération sur les élections britanniques du 6 mai.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

week thirteen, tests etc

L1 Course on Britain since the Romans :
The final lecture is on Thursday 6 May at the usual time. The exam, combined with US civilization and with Literature, is on 17th May - see the Faculty website.

L1 TD on Britain from the Reformation to the Great Exhibition - the final classroom test is on Thursday 6 May at the usual time.

L2 Phonetics
The final classroom test is on Friday 7th May at 9am. Please arrive on time!

L2 Thème
The final classroom test is on Friday 7th May.

Good luck to one and all.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Industry and Empire: From 1750 to the Present Day: Amazon.fr: E.J. Hobsbawm: Livres en anglais

Industry and Empire: From 1750 to the Present Day: Amazon.fr: E.J. Hobsbawm: Livres en anglais

And I recommend Eric Hobsbawm's classic history of the Nineteenth century.

Victorian Spirit : Victorian era - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Victorian era - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The wikipedia article on the Victorian Era in Britain is a useful introduction, or revision.

Click on the link above.

Victorian Spirit - YouTube - The Mark Steel lectures - Charles Darwin (1/3)

YouTube - The Mark Steel lectures - Charles Darwin (1/3)

Historian - and comedian! - Mark Steel, gives a fascinating and controversial lecture on the theories and importance of Charles Darwin.

Monday, April 19, 2010

L1 Civilisation Bordeaux 3 Corrections

Je déposerai aujourd'hui chez Mme Bertrand vos copies corrigées.
Mettons que c'est une bonne chose qu'il s'agissait d'un examen blanc!
Bon courage pour la suite; envoyez moi un mail si vous avez des questions etc.
john [point] mullen [at] wanadoo [point] fr

Saturday, April 17, 2010

YouTube - Monty Python - Kilimanjaro Expedition

YouTube - Monty Python - Kilimanjaro Expedition

Another Monty Python sketch, about a mountaineer who sees double.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Examen blanc civilisation britannique L1 Bordeaux 3

Voici le texte et des réponses suggérées

Gordon Brown promised the "most comprehensive programme of constitutional reform for a century" as he sought to seize the initiative in the General Election campaign today.
The Prime Minister said the Labour Party's election manifesto would "chart a course" towards a written constitution - with a commitment to fixed-term parliaments - as part of a wide-ranging plan to restore trust in politics.
Earlier Mr Brown and David Cameron clashed again over National Insurance at the final Prime Minister's Questions of the current parliament.
The Conservative leader claimed the Government's planned increase would "wreck" the recovery.
And Labour's clash with business leaders who opposed the rise threatened to escalate as Mr Brown repeated Business Secretary Lord Mandelson's claim that they had been "deceived" by the Conservatives.
In his first set-piece speech of the campaign, Mr Brown said that fundamental reform of the political system was essential to rebuilding public trust in the wake of the expenses scandal.
As well as pledging fixed-term parliaments - ending the historic power of the prime minister to choose the timing of future elections - he promised referendums on voting reform for Westminster elections and final reform of the House of Lords.
Other measures would include a ban on MPs working for lobbying companies, giving voters the power to get rid of MPs who are guilty of gross financial misconduct, a right of petition to trigger Commons debates on issues of public concern and a free vote for MPs on lowering the voting age to 16.
"All politicians, of every party and at every level, must acknowledge that there has been a fundamental rupture in the bond of trust between those who serve, and those who they are sworn to serve," he said.
"So I am asking the British people for a mandate to undertake the most comprehensive programme of constitutional reform in this country for a century."
He added: "I would take no pride in walking through the door of No 10 again, take no joy in victory, if it comes without a mandate to get rid of the old discredited system of politics."
Mr Brown's promise of a referendum on voting reform for Westminster elections - to be held by October 2011 - has been widely seen as an overture towards the Liberal Democrats in the event of a hung parliament.
Labour's proposed alternative vote system does not, however, go as far as the full system of proportional representation favoured by the Lib Dems.
Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg reacted coolly to the proposal, insisting neither Labour nor the Conservatives could be trusted when it came to constitutional reform.
"They have systematically at every turn blocked every single reform - they have blocked party funding reform, they have blocked reform on lobbying," he said.
"Believing any promises from them on political reform is a bit like accepting a consumer service guarantee from Del Boy - don't believe it, they are trying to treat you like fools."
For the Tories, shadow justice secretary Dominic Grieve said that only a new government could deliver real political reform.
"Labour have had 13 years to fix our broken politics, but all Gordon Brown can offer is partisan meddling with the electoral system and votes for teenagers. To get new politics we need a new government," he said.
In the Commons, Mr Cameron arrived for Prime Minister's Questions armed with the backing of another 30 business leaders for his promise to reverse part of the Government's planned increase in National Insurance contributions, due next April.
As Speaker John Bercow had to intervene repeatedly to enable the two leaders to be heard, Mr Cameron said that Labour was imposing a "jobs tax" which would kill off the recovery.
"This Prime Minister would wreck the recovery by putting a tax on every job, on everyone earning over £20,000, a tax on aspiration, a tax on every business in the country," he said.
Mr Brown, however, said that it was the Tories' plans to cut spending by £6 billion this year which would jeopardise the recovery and undermine frontline public services such as schools, hospitals and policing.
"To withdraw £6 billion from the recovery now would put jobs at risk, put businesses at risk, put growth at risk. We cannot cut our way to recovery but we could cut our way to double-dip recession," he said.

Civilisation britannique L1 Bordeaux 3. Suggested answers

1suggest a headline

Many possibilities, but I suggest
Gordon Brown promises constitutional reform

2 What is the present situation concerning the interval between general electiosn and what change does Brown propose ?

At present the prime minister can choose when to hold elections, but there is a maximum period possible between elections. Mr Brown proposes to make elections regular, exactly every four years for example. This is similar to the situation for presidential elections in America.

3 Who is David Cameron?

David Cameron is head of the Conservative party and Leader of the opposition.

4 What was the expenses scandal (para 3)

Members of parliament were found to have declared as professional expenses a large number of things which were not generally accepted to be so ( imaginary second houses for example). The emblematic example was the claim of one MP for money for a duck house.

5 What is a hung parliament?

A hung parliament is a parliament where no party has a majority in the number of Mps. This means that a coalition government of some sort is necessary. This is normally formed by the party with the highest number of MPs. This has already happened in Britain (in the 1970s) but it is rare.

6 Growth is the increase in the production of a country, an increase in the Gross National Product.
Backing is the same as “support”.
A ban is a measure which insists that something is not allowed (for example in some football stadiums there is a ban on selling alcohol).
Wide-ranging means including a large number of different proposals.

7 What constitutional changes happened about a century ago ?

In 1911 the Parliament Act changed the constitutional situation. After this act, the House of Lords no longer had the possibility to veto laws proposed by the House of Commons – they could only delay them. This was an important reduction in the power of the House of Lords. The House of Lords, after 1911, had the power to delay bills by two years, but only by one month for money bills. The Parliament Act also decided to give salaries to Members of Parliament, which had been for a long time a demand of democratic reformers.

8 Say something about the history of a written constitution in Britain

Britain has almost always been without a written constitution. Even though documents such as the Magna Carta in the thirteenth century or the Bill of rights of 1689 had some constitutional elements, Britain has normally been considered to have an unwritten constitution. The exception was during the eleven years when England did not have a monarch, from 1649 to 1660, when Oliver then Richard Cromwell were head of state. In this short period there were no less than three written constitutions.

9 What happened in the last reform of the House of Lords, and in the one before ?

In 1999 almost all hereditary peers were removed from the House of Lords, and life peers made up the immense majority of Lords after that date.
In 1958, a new law invented the idea of life peers. Rather than inheriting a title from one’s father, one could now be made into a Lord or Lady by the Queen on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. For the first time, there were women members of the House of Lords.

10 What are the main characteristics of the British voting system in General elections?

Voters vote only once – there is only one round. In each constituency, the candidate with the largest number of votes wins the seat – they do not need to get more than fifty per cent of the votes. This system, called the “first past the post” system, has been much criticized by defenders of proportional representation.

11 Apart from General elections, what other sorts of elections are there in Britain? Do they all use the same election system?

11 There are also local and county elections, and elections to the Scottish, Welsh and Norther Irish assemblies. These last elections have a mixed voting system with some elements of proportional representation.