

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Week two L3 Popular Culture in Britain since 1945

 We saw two videos in today’s class

Chapter four on the historical background 1968-1981 here https://youtu.be/kpva_YfbmwM 

Chapter five on 1981-2020 here. https://youtu.be/sEJhMiBDWbE

I mentioned in class something which President Macron was supposed to have said about Margaret Thatcher. Although many people have quoted this, it is not exactly what he said, although he did praise the reforms in Britain in the 1980s. See https://www.liberation.fr/checknews/2018/06/03/macron-a-t-il-vraiment-declare-les-britanniques-ont-la-chance-d-avoir-eu-thatcher_1656155

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