

Sunday, October 09, 2016


Your first marked assignment of the year is to watch this video and write 

a) a summary in English in 500 words

b) your opinion of the video in 250 words (its neutrality or lack of neutrality, its pedagogical qualities etc).

This will count for your semester mark, the other part of which will be from the classroom test at the very end of November.

Here is the video:

People & Power - Collapse of the Celtic Tiger - YouTube

You may well need to watch the video more than once. It is excellent practice in listening to Irish accents.

You must use only your own words and not quote the exact words which are said in the video. It goes without saying that any sentence used from another source, unless it is quoted and referenced, is plagiarism and strictly forbidden.

It must be written to professional standards: that is to say you must re-read very carefully and eliminate all spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes etc. 

Unless it is impossible for you , write it with a word processing programme.

Hand the work in by email (rtf format) before the 5th November. My email address is prenom.nom@univ-rouen.fr .

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