Links and comments for university students of English, and of British Studies and British history. Study links connected with my classes, and general links on current affairs etc. There are sometimes indications as to what group might be particularly interested (L2 for Licence 2nd year, for example)
Friday, March 30, 2018
Information in advance L3 civilisation
Note that there will be no class on 17 April ( I have a meeting in Brest). But there will be a replacement class on 24 April.
Thursday, March 29, 2018
L3 Popular culture since 1945 the recordings
Here are recordings of recent lectures:
Television class one
Television class two
Popular music class one
Popular music class two
key words: British history, podcasts, popular culture, popular music, television
M1 LEA Questions économiques et sociales- pays anglophones
You still have a few days left to send in your homework assignment: don't forget!
L3 Notes on the classroom test, part two.
Notes on your classroom test, part two.
As I explained, the classroom test does
not count for very much in your general semester mark, but it is very important
in that my notes will allow you better to understand how to answer this kind of
question, and how to deal some of the complex issues thrown up in the study of
popular culture.
“The power of products of popular culture is that they
give the people what they want.”
Discuss this quotation, examining what different
thinkers have said concerning the demand for popular culture, and looking in
particular at how visual artists have found a wide audience for their work.
« Discuss this quotation ». This
means you must say how far it appears to be true or false, but also what other similar
questions are relevant concerning popular culture.
There are many ways to answer the
question, while showing the knowledge you have acquired about British culture
specifically. Here are some initial notes, which I will add to as I mark your
should note that this is a controversial quotation and you should be able to
show that some might tend to agree and some to disagree.
of the terms need dismantling. a) who are « the people » (note the
importance of the definite article: « le peuple » not « les
gens »). Is there a homogeneous « people » in modern society, or
are we divided into « generations » or social classes or
« affective alliances »? b) Is it possible to know « what the
people want »? This is not a simple idea. Why do people want what they
want? Etc.
thinkers can you write about in connection with the quotation? Adorno is
obviously one. Several students summarized quite accurately the introduction to
Adorno’s ideas which I presented in class, but the exercise is not to write a
summary. His ideas must be compared with the quotation. Adorno was generally
opposed to products of popular culture. Far from believing that people (or the
people) were being given what they wanted, he maintained that people were being
told what they should want, were being almost obliged to want what the market
wanted to sell to them. What is more, he believed that people were being given
experiences which were bad for them, which made them into children again and
stopped them from becoming fully human.
other thinkers could be mentioned, but one obvious one is Hebdige and his work
on the meaning of style. He looked at what was provided for young people by
rock and roll, punk or reggae subcultures. He does not exactly say that they
give people what they want, but that they are useful in people’s lives, because
they help to structure (sometimes imaginary) resistance to official capitalist,
elitist views of the world. Jyst to tale one example, the lover of reggae,
living in a world where white bourgeois or nationalistic thought is taught and
valued can with others create a small community where black language and music,
peace loving ideas and back to Africa dreams can be put at the centre of life.
You might also want to mention Grossberg,
and his idea that people use popular culture to build affective alliances,
imagined communities which allow them to deal with the world. This approach
again emphasizes mass participation in popular culture, and does not present
popular culture as simply something produced for passive consumers by a market
hoping to make a profit.
For the second
part on visual art we are still looking at the same question: are people
receiving « what they want », but there is an added complication :
visual art is not necessarily popular culture. Artists are often trained at
elite institutions, for example. This is not always the case: one might term
street art as popular culture: anyone can do it, and people can become well
known without the intervention of established museums and galleries (often with
a little help from the internet), in the way that
pop stars might.
Banksy is the obvious example, producing accessible, thought provoking work
available to everyone, even those who do not feel art galleries are for them.
Other artists such as L. S. Lowry have become tremendously popular ( he even
has a pop song about him). Photographers such as Martin Parr also seem to be
trying to make their work accessible,
and land artists such as Goldsworthy take their work out of the galleries and
out of the towns. [each time you mention, an artist, it is good to give one
example of their work, which I am not doing here]. Public sculpture projects
such as the fourth plinth are also placed in contexts which make them open to
On the
other hand, a lot of visual art remains reserved to the initiated. Recent
winners of the prestigious Turner prize cannot be said to be producing art for
The question of publicly funded art
galleries is linked to the idea of giving people what they want. The fact that
galleries are free in the UK, are no longer concentrated only in London, and
receive millions of visitors, are vectors of popularity, yet the dynamic is
mostly top-down, and the galleries do not correspond to most criteria of
popular culture.
popular culture is ever changing and extremely heterogeneous, it is very
difficult to make strong affirmative statements about it. This means you need
to know how to hedge, and this more difficult in a foreign language.
example, it is better not to say “popular culture is just to entertain people
and have fun”. You should say one of the following:
commentators feel that popular culture is only concerned with
entertainment and fun.
Popular culture may be seen as mainly a
question of entertainment and fun.
And then you can give some counter example
which adds nuance. For example, if pop music is very much concerned with fun,
it seems clear that it can sometimes be aiming at making people think,
expressing political demands or denouncing injustice. (See this link for a talk
in French on British anti racist songs).
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Monday, March 26, 2018
L3 Popular culture in Britain : devoir sur table Comments part one
I have begun marking your exams. I will be posting here comments and suggestions, in particular on points which proved difficult for a number of students. There are many different ways of writing a good essay on a subject like this.
First of all a few reminders on method:
Dissertation de civilisation (extraits du rapport
agrégation 2004)
points méritent une attention plus particulière : la construction d’une
problématique dès l’introduction, l’élaboration d’une argumentation, le rôle de
la conclusion et l’importance d’une expression soignée. Le problème majeur
constaté par le jury est la difficulté de passer du placage de connaissances à
l’argumentation. Cela suppose une préparation sérieuse, l’assimilation des
connaissances afin de pouvoir les déployer au service d’une réflexion
personnelle, et un entraînement à l’épreuve de la composition.
- L’introduction occupe une place
stratégique dans une composition : elle définit l’angle sous lequel
le sujet est abordé, le cadre dans lequel il sera traité. Il est donc
essentiel de s’attacher à analyser les termes du sujet ou de la citation
dès l’introduction, afin de bien en percevoir la portée et de prendre une
certaine distance.
- Dans le cas d’une composition
en civilisation, il convient entre autres de bien cerner la période à
- Une introduction qui aborde la
citation d’un point de vue linguistique ou sous un angle
pseudo-philosophique, qui ne s’enracine pas dans le contexte historique de
la question au programme, révèle une méconnaissance de la nature même de
l’épreuve puisque l’épreuve de civilisation suppose une réflexion fondée
sur la maîtrise de la question au programme.
- De même, une simple copie du
sujet ou une paraphrase de la citation met en évidence un manque de
préparation et d’entraînement. Certaines copies se contentent même parfois
de mettre les éléments de la citation à la forme interrogative, puis
négative. D’autres se demandent si l’auteur a tort ou raison, mais ne
parviennent pas à approfondir l’analyse. Les meilleures copies mettent en
relation les termes, identifient et analysent les mots clés, les situent
dans un contexte et proposent un fil conducteur qui structure la
- Dans ce dernier cas, l’annonce
d’un plan est en général cohérente avec l’analyse et permet d’approfondir
le sujet et d’argumenter de manière pertinente.
- Plus souvent, les copies
étaient articulées autour de termes centraux de la citation. Lorsque
ceux-ci étaient simplement juxtaposés, ils ne permettaient guère de cerner
la question.
- Certains plans s’inspirant
parfois du programme officiel s’apparentaient davantage à des cadres
généraux qui entraînent un étalage de connaissances sans mise en rapport
explicite avec le sujet proposé. D’autres enfin ont plaqué une
problématique sans rapport évident avec la citation.
- Elle découle en partie de
l’introduction et du degré d’élaboration de la problématique. Elle est
également symptomatique du degré de maîtrise des connaissances qui, bien
qu’indispensables à une argumentation pertinente, ne sont pas suffisantes.
La plupart du temps les candidats maîtrisent les données factuelles
essentielles malgré quelques erreurs. Ces dernières ne portent pas
préjudice à la réflexion d’ensemble, et le jury est capable de faire
preuve d’indulgence, compte tenu de la masse d’informations à assimiler
face à un programme aussi vaste.
- En revanche, certains
événements doivent être connus. La simple mention de quelques dates ne
suffit pas.
- Il est donc indispensable de
sélectionner les connaissances pertinentes afin de les utiliser dans le
cadre d’un raisonnement, d’une démonstration. C’est la compétence
principale qui est évaluée dans cette épreuve.
- D’autre part, une argumentation
trop manichéenne ou simpliste n’est pas non plus satisfaisante, car elle
ne permet pas de rendre compte de la complexité des faits historiques. Il
faut savoir nuancer ses propos pour faire preuve d’une compréhension fine.
- Si les connaissances
historiques sont bien évidemment la matière première d’une réflexion de
qualité, il est recommandé de connaître les positions des principales
écoles de pensée historiographiques.
- L’absence de conclusion est
assez fréquente, soit par manque de temps, soit à cause d’une
problématisation insuffisante. S’il est légitime, voire recommandé
d’élargir le propos par une référence à la suite des événements, il ne
faut pas oublier pour autant de reprendre les grandes lignes de la
composition, de synthétiser les principales conclusions intermédiaires,
afin de faire le bilan de son travail.
- Cette étape est essentielle car
une conclusion réussie peut faire toute la différence entre une copie
faible et une copie acceptable. Lorsque la direction d’ensemble a tendance
à se perdre au fur et à mesure du développement, une conclusion qui
reprend les idées du propos introductif, permet de relier les fils de la
réflexion et de faire aboutir la composition, laisse le lecteur sur une
impression plus favorable.
Sunday, March 25, 2018
British TV advertising
A competition some time ago for the best UK advert was won by this one for Cadbury's Smash. This is instant mashed potato. At the time, and even to some extent today, British people prefer to make mash from real potatoes, and the market for instant mashed potatoes was hard to create. In this advert, alien visitors are surprised that humans are so primitive that they use potatoes.
Saturday, March 24, 2018
Interested in culture and research? Come along!
Histoire culturelle, géographie culturelle, où en sommes-nous ?
Date : 05 avril 2018
Horaire : 14h00-17h00
Lieu : UFR LSH | Bât. Robespierre | Salle F 508 | Mont-Saint-Aignan
Horaire : 14h00-17h00
Lieu : UFR LSH | Bât. Robespierre | Salle F 508 | Mont-Saint-Aignan
Intervenants : John Mullen, Odette Louiset
Entrée libre
Benoît Roux
Ingénieur d'études
ERIAC - Université de Rouen Normandie
UFR Lettres et Sciences Humaines - Bureau A315
17, rue Lavoisier - FR-76821 Mont-Saint-Aignan cedex -
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