

Saturday, January 09, 2010

L2 civilization exposé marks

Here are your exposé marks. If I forgot yours, send me an email.

Cécile R 11
Djabanah S 9
Laura T 11.5
Maria V 12.5
Nina 11
Hana B 12
Florine R 11
Sadia 11.5
Joelle C 14
M Perez 12.5
Adam 10
Caroline S 14
Halimatou D 13
David d 11
Bruno B 15
Justine G 12
Brunelle T 14
Ferdaws 11.5
Bashkrim 10.5
Selena 12
Julie 10
Elise 15
Yasmina 14.5
Leo 13
Matthias 11.5
Gregoire 13.5
Magalie 12


John Mullen said...

One student asked me for more information concerning the criteria for the exposé marks. Fundamentally, it is a civilization studies test, so the main point of the mark is to evaluate whether you have explained the text and the context correctly. So, the more you answer questions such as the following reasonably, the better mark you get :

* What is the text doing?
* Why was it written?
* What does it tell us about British history?
* Was it typical at the time?
* Who is it addressed to?
* What effect did it have?
* What other historical events before and after can reasonably be compared to this one?

That is to say, the exposé (like the text commentary you will be doing in the first part of the exam on Friday) is a chance to demonstrate that you understand the general dynamic of the major forces of twentieth century British history, AND that you understand the methodology of text commentary.

In addition to that, as I mentioned at the beginning of the semester, I was a little easier on the first few students who did their exposé, because it was the beginning of the semester, and I had not yet had much time to explain how you do exposés.

All this meant that although you certainly got an extra mark or two for good pronunciation, fluency or presentation, this was not the main point of the exercise.

I hope this information makes it clearer - thanks to the student who asked.

Cécile said...


j'aimerais savoir à quel heure et en quelle salle sera le partiel de vendredi? (est-ce aux mêmes horaires que d'habitude?)


John Mullen said...

Cette information est disponible à la faculté, et sur son site web.

John Mullen said...

Mais je sais qu'il commence à 9 heures du matin!