

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

LANSAD 1 week two


Using English in France

Reading, listening and vocabulary

The first theme we have been looking at has been stereotypes. But there are other questions which affect relations between the English and the French.

Do you think that too much English is used in France ?

- Do you say “email” or “courriel”?
- Do you say “baladeur” or “walkman”?

Can you think of other examples of English words which some French people try to avoid.?

What is your opinion ?

Look at this article about the use of English, listen to it a couple of times. Then look at the “read more” section. This piece is of course, again, from the BBC.

Read another article about the domination of English in today’s world.

Grammar : questions

Short exercise on Yes/NO questions

Short Exercise on Information questions

More difficult exercise on question forms in general

Discussion : Stereotypes

What stereotypes of Englishmen are common ? Is there a little truth in them?

Look at these cartoons about Englishmen. Do you understand them

What stereotypes of Spanish people are common ?


What about Italians?

Listen to the latest news from Radio Netherlands

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