

Thursday, October 02, 2008

LANSAD 1 week one

This page gives you access to all BBC radio programmes : news, music, documentaries. You can listen as often as you like .

On the BBC learning English site, ever week there is a document like this one on smoking in France. You can listen and learn vocabulary. These documents are fairly advanced. There is also a quiz on each story.

Finally on the BBC site you can find grammar and vocabulary sheets like this one on phrasal verbs Again, you need a fair level of English.

Easier grammar quizzes can be found on the web. Try this one on articles.
That should be quite easy. This one is a little more difficult.

This one is difficult too.

Finally, read this explanation of when we use "the" to talk about Geographical places.

Cartoons about the French

Do you understand the cartoons on this page?

These cartoons are about the French. Are they all funny? Are any of them offensive?

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