

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Séminaire utile pour agrégatifs

 If you are likely to be preparing the agrégation for 2025, you will have seen that the new programme for British civi is about various radical movements, mostly over the 19th century.

By coincidence, the seminar for May 2024 organized by Eriac and taking place in the afternoon of 16th May turns out to be very useful in connection with this theme. I will be speaking about a historian, Eric Hobsbawm, who is central to the historiography of the subject, and Wassila will be speaking about her research on 19th century activists women.

  • Jeudi 16 mai 2024 (15h00-18h00)
    Wassila Boutchich, « Lumière sur les femmes militantes britanniques des années 1848-1868 »
    John Mullen, « La conception de l’histoire d’Eric Hobsbawm – ses fortunes depuis 50 ans »
    Thomas Posado, « Le syndicalisme comme prisme de la crise politique vénézuélienne (1999-2021). Présentation d’un ouvrage »

RV A 506. All welcome.

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