

Thursday, March 21, 2019

CAPES revision

Best of luck with the written CAPES exams.

This weekend I will add some more recordings of classes.
I will also email you individually your homeworks with a few comments. Note that the mark I give is for the UE of the Master, it is not an estimation of a mark in the concours.

You will find at earlier dates (ie below) some other podcasts and PowerPoints from my classes, etc, including
-a corrigé of the Homework dossier on Ireland.
- some podcasts about the seventeenth century.
- a set of podcasts « Britain since the Romans »
- a collection of news articles on themes connected to « mémoires/héritages/ruptures »
- the class and PowerPoint on mémoire/héritages/ruptures.
- a long article on remembering world war one

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