

Monday, September 26, 2016

Préparation agrégation anglais civilisation britannique 24

Si vous pouvez vous organiser pour aller à Tours le 21 octobre, vous pourrez assister à une journée d'études sur la question de civilisation britannique, avec l'intervention d'une série d'historiens et civilisationnistes. Voici le programme:


One-day conference organised by Stéphane Porion, MCF (Université François Rabelais, Tours).

Friday October 21, 2016.

Université de Tours (site Tanneurs), 5e étage B.U., 3 rue des Tanneurs, 37000 TOURS.

9h30-9h45: Stéphane PORION, MCF (Université François Rabelais, Tours, ICD - EA 6297): “Opening remarks on the turbulent 1970s”

9h45-10h45: Keynote Address: Lord Kenneth MORGAN, Professor (The Queen's College, Oxford, and King's College, London):
“Britain in the 1970s: Homage to Wilson and Callaghan”

10h45-11h: Coffee Break


Chair: Marie-Claude ESPOSITO, PR (Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle, Paris III)

11h-11h30: Stéphane PORION, MCF (Université François Rabelais, Tours, ICD - EA 6297):
“Enoch Powell’s opposition to Edward Heath’s policies: a crisis of leadership within the Conservative Party? (1970-1974)”

11h30-12h: Marc LENORMAND, MCF (Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier 3, EMMA - EA741):
"“A mighty influence in the land”? The trade unions in crisis Britain, 1970-1979"
12h-12h15: concluding remarks

12h15-13h45: Lunch


Chair: Stéphane PORION, MCF (Université François Rabelais, Tours)

13h45-14h15: Susan FINDING, PR (Université de Poitiers, MIMMOC & FE2C) :
“Education from Plowden to Thatcher - red, yellow, black and blue building bricks. A decade of increased opportunities or of rising discontent?”

14h15-14h45: Imelda ELLIOTT, PR (Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale, HLLI - EA4030 LCEM-MUSE):
"Conservative Education Policy in England and Wales 1970-1979"

14h45-15h15: Duncan THOM, PRAG doctorant (Université Paris-Sud,  HDEA - EA 4086, Université Paris Sorbonne):
“The NHS in UK Election Campaigns, 1970-1979”

15h15-15h30: concluding remarks

15h30-15h45: Coffee Break

·         THE UK – THE UK & EUROPE

Chair: Lord Kenneth MORGAN, Professor (The Queen's College, Oxford, and King's College, London)

15h45-16h15: Philippe CAUVET, MCF (Université de Poitiers, MIMMOC & FE2C):
“The British State and the Northern Ireland Crisis from Wilson to Thatcher”

16h15-16h45: Edwige CAMP-PIETRAIN, PR (Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, CALHISTE - EA 4343):
“The Scotland Act (1978), a response to the SNP's electoral breakthrough”

16h45-17h15: Elizabeth GIBSON-MORGAN, MCF HDR (Université François Rabelais de Tours, ICD - EA 6297):
"The 1975 United Kingdom's referendum on Europe: A crisis momentarily averted"

17h15-17h30: concluding remarks

17h30: End 

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