

Thursday, April 21, 2016

L3 Popular Culture

The Classroom test next Tuesday will be two hours long. It will consist of a short commentary and a short essay. This is a rather British way of doing things (a two hour exam often contains three forty minute essays!) and I know that in France essays are usually much longer. But if you show that you have good information and are opening up good questions, you should have no problem.

The last class and the article on cultural studies, I have decided, will not figure in this classroom test, though it may figure in the four hour exam in May, if British civilization is chosen as the subject for this exam (as you know, British or US civilization is selected at random for this exam).

Remember that in the May session you also have the orals concerning the book lists. If you have not opened these books, do it now.

The exam in May, which will either be on British or US civilisation, might be easier if you revise this page https://www.lettres-et-arts.net/notions-techniques-definitions/methode-dissertation+51

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