

Thursday, October 01, 2015

Advanced translation :marking scheme

This is the marking scheme I'm using. As I'm sure you can appreciate, it would be too long to write in the margins of your script "I'm afraid you have made a mistake here concerning the aspect HAVE + EN", so I just write "ASP". The work sent by mail gets much more information about errors, because it's partly automatized. This marking scheme can give you an idea about which kinds of mistake tend to be more dangerous. Note however that this is not how the actual exam is marked: a marking scheme is developed around all the mistakes which are likely to be made in translating that particular passage.

Marking scheme (these are of course, negative points)
NS       Non-sens                                            12
TGF Très Grave Faute de syntaxe                  12
CNJ: conjugaison                                           9
PRET/PF Erreur preterite/present perfect        9
SING singular/plural error                              8
COUNT Count/non count error                      8
CS: contre-sens                                              8
GFS grave faute de syntaxe                            6
GEN Genitive error                                        6
OMU: omission unité de traduction                6
AJU: ajout fautif unité de traduction              6
DEIX: Déixis                                                  6
MOD wrong modal or missing modal             5
CON Contraction error                                               4
BAR Barbarisme, mot ou locution inexistante           4
CAL: calque                                                   4
CONSTR: construction verbale, adv, prep…  4
LEX: insuffisance lexicale sauf mot rare       4
SRTR: surtraduction significative                   4
SSTR: sous-traduction significative                4
TEMPS: erreur de temps bal                           4
ASP erreur d’aspect                                 4
ART Erreur d’article défini/indéfini etc          4
PHON: phonétique/phonologie                      4
FS: faux sens                                                  3
O: omission de mot                                        3
AJM: ajout fautif de mot                                            3
LR insuffiSance lexicale mot rare                  2
REG Registre trop familier ou trop soutenu    2
CLUM Clumsy                                             2
QUOT: quotation marks (“” vs «»)                2
SP: orthographe 1 ou 2 selon rareté du mot    1 ou 2
MAJ Erreur de majuscules                             1
PUNC: ponctuation (sauf “”)                         1

Positive points
Unité de traduction très bonne                     +4

Unité de traduction excellente                      +8

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