

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Amazon.fr - Les prépositions en anglais - How Good are your prepositions ? - Harold J. Benjamin & Michael A. Riccioli - Livres

Pour tout étudiant, cet excellent livre sur les prépositions. Rappelez vous que vous pouvez le commander à la bibliothèque universitaire.

Amazon.fr - Les prépositions en anglais - How Good are your prepositions ? - Harold J. Benjamin & Michael A. Riccioli - Livres


Anonymous said...

Hello Mr Mullen and thank you for recommanding "How Good are your Prepositions" by Mr Benjamin and Riccioli. Actually, I am the publisher of this book and it would be nice not to mention only Amazon.fr but also the other booksellers? They do a great job and need a helping hand!



John Mullen said...

OK, feel free to mention some and I will publish your comment.