

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Several ways to improve your listening

One of the themes of this semester is listening. This is something you can practice outside class.

1) Go to see films in Version anglaise. Or watch your DVDs in English. Often the DVDs will allow you to have the fil in English with subtitles also in English.

2) The BBC world service site is an excellent place to learn listening, and they help you with the vocabulary etc. This week the featured story is about the delay in the new Sony Play station - so you can hear computing vocabulary too. Try it out


The BBC world service gives free online many other opportunities to practice your English - news bulletins, songs, etc.


If you follow this link you can listen to a show about today’s popular music, and you can download the script to help understand.

Si vous suivez ce lien vous pouvez écouter une émission sur le top 50. Vous pouvez également télécharger le texte de l’émission pour faciliter la compréhension.


3) Radio Netherlands allow you to download in MP3 format the latest news bulletin. You can put it on your MP3 player and listen to it all day!

John Mullen

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