

Friday, December 19, 2014

And the last powerpoint

On the history of gay identities

History of gay identities in the UK L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflict

Here are the recordings for the last class, on the history of gay identities in Britain.

Here is part one of the lecture (Oscar Wilde, Magnus Hirshfeld, homosexuality and the Left before 1930, Radclyffe Hall, Noel Coward, Alan Turing etc).

Here is part two (The Wolfenden report, the legalisation of homosexuality, the Kinsey report, the Gay Liberation movement, clause 28, AIDS, gay marriage).

Key words : podcast, British history, gay history, social movements

Option transversale pour le deuxième semestre

(Pause publicité!)

Si vous cherchez une option transversale pour le deuxième semestre, notez que je donne une option transversale "150 ans de musique populaire britannique". Les cours sont en français, mais les extraits de chanson, bien spur, en anglais. 

L'option est ouverte au L1 L2 et L3

John Mullen 

Blog 2 exam Social and ethnic identities and conflicts

L'examen aura lieu le vendredi 9 janvier à 11h en amphi numéro 6 (donc pas le même où a lieu le cours).

Notez que, si jamais vous êtes absent pour cet examen, même pour maladie, la seule possibilité est de passer l'examen en juin. En effet, avec un groupe si grand il y a toujours un ou deux malades. 

I will be putting up the final powerpoints and recordings in a few days' time. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

History of working class identities and conflicts L1 lectures Blox 2 "Social and ethnic identities and conflcts in Britain"

You will find here the MP3 recordings of lectures on the history of work and the working class.

Lecture one : Work before 1945

part one
part two

Lecture two: work since 1945

I did not record this class in 2014, but here is a recording from two years ago, which is almost the same.


Key words: podcast, history of work, trade union history, Great Britain, civilisation britannque, conférences universitaires.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Lecture L1 Bloc 2 Social and ethnic identities and conflicts : History of women in the UK

You will find here the four lectures (about 50 minutes each) on the history of women's identities and conflicts in the UK

Women before 1945 - part one

Nineteenth century conflicts, early feminists, the fight for the right to own property, women's education, the first suffragists.

Women before 1945 - part two

The "suffragettes". Direct action, prison and hunger strikes, the First World War, the arrival of women's suffrage.

Women since 1945 - part one

The campaign for abortion rights, the legalization of abortion, second wave feminism in the 1970s, different theories of women's oppression : patriarchy theory and marxist theory. Publishing and cinema.

Women since 1945 - part two
Greenham common, third wave feminism, the arrival of women's studies, the Fawcett society.

Keywords : podcast, civilisation britannique, histoire des femmes, British history, women's history, university, université.

L1 Bloc 2 : more powerpoints

For the exam in January you need to look over the powerpoints and listen again to the recordings, I would think. The following powerpoints and recordings will all be posted here before Christmas.

Powerpoints and recordings will be posted for each of the following topics:

Identities at work before 1945
Identities at work after 1945
Women's history before 1945
Women's history after 1945
Gay identities in Britain

Here are the first three powerpoints:
Identities at work before 1945

Identities at work since 1945

Women's history - powerpoint for both classes

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Information pour le 2ème semestre pour étudiants en L2 d'anglais, parcours communication

Lorsque viendra le moment des insciptions pédagogiques L2 pour le deuxième semestre, notez bien que les étudiants en parcours communication sont dans le groupe 3 sauf pour:
- littérature > groupe 1
- grammaire > groupe 2

N'oubliez pas que ces étudiants ne suivent pas les cours de linguistique et de civilisation de l'UE 16, mais seulement celui de littérature.