

Friday, May 30, 2014

L3 Civilisation britannique

Si vous êtes amené ( e ) à passer l'examen en deuxième session de civilisation britannique, sachez que

1) il s'agit d'un oral. Vous aurez un texte à préparer pendant une vingtaine de minutes, ensuite vous ferez un court commentaire de texte

2) Il est rare que les étudiants réussissent cette épreuve après avoir échoué en première session. Si vous ne lisez pas des livres d'histoire d'ici là, vous n'avez aucune chance.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Si quelqu'un cherche à faire un doctorat tout en étant rémunéré...

Dans le cadre de l’école doctorale LISIT, le Centre Interlangues Textes Images Langage (EA4182) de l’Université de Bourgogne propose un contrat doctoral sur le sujet suivant :

La figure du détective dans la « crime fiction » sud-africaine depuis 1994 : vers une redéfinition des identités individuelles et collectives.

Un descriptif détaillé du projet peut-être téléchargé à l’adresse suivante : http://edlisit.u-bourgogne.fr/images/stories/pdf/contratdoc2012/DS6/Sujet%20Litterature%20anglaise.pdf

Le site de l’école doctorale LISIT donne plus d’informations sur les contrats doctoraux proposés à l’UB : http://edlisit.u-bourgogne.fr/presentation/financements.html

Pour toute demande de renseignements complémentaires, merci de contacter Sylvie Crinquand (sylvie.crinquand@u-bourgogne.fr ) et/ou Mélanie Joseph-Vilain (Melanie.Joseph-Vilain@u-bourgogne.fr )

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Second semester translation class : general mark for whole semester May 2014

L2S4 Thème Groupe de M Mullen,  Moyennes

Andriamanarivo      18
Baracadia       5,25
 Boudzoumou   13,75
 Brillet             14,75
 Chabanon      11
 Destrebecq    11,5
 Farges    12,5
 Faure             13
Foing               14,5
GGhlis             10
Gtiriani            13,75
 Hassani  4,75
 Hecht             9
 Joseph   9,25
 K abishi  5
 Kikabou  7,5
 Leplus            12,5
 Ludosky 8
 Majurel   13
 Mascarda       7
 Mohammad    6,25
 Monera   14,75
 Nattes            8,25
 Odonnat         5,25
 Paulo             4,75
 Picq                12,25
 Poidvin   5
 Pontois   10,25
 Rambil    15,5
 Renouvel       7
 Sarda            6,25
 Simon            12,5
 Svedaite (Eras)12,5
 T hirion   11,25

Tissot              8

L1 Panorama "Britain since the Romans"

I have started marking your scripts and some of them are very good. A couple of things people get confused about:

Before the Reformation, don't refer to the Christian religion as "catholicism". The word you are looking for is "Christianity". The distinction catholic/protestant will emerge during the reformation.

"Paganism" is not the name of a single religion : it is a name given by Christians to all older religions which were not Christian. As many of you have pointed out, the Christian church was able to integrate some pagan beliefs into Christianity in order to help convert some Pagans.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Experiencing music in the British home 1900-1925 | John Mullen - Academia.edu

Experiencing music in the British home 1900-1925 | John Mullen - Academia.edu

This is  a contribution of mine to a research workshop at the University of Lincoln. It looks at the question "How did British people experience music in the home, before the generalization of the gramophone and the radio?" It is an introduction to future research.

L2 Thème examen

I have begun marking your final translation exam... And the translations are better than I expected. #happyteacher.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Why were so many female artists airbrushed from history? | Art and design | The Guardian

Why were so many female artists airbrushed from history? | Art and design | The Guardian

Second world war in Google Street View | Cities | theguardian.com

Second world war in Google Street View | Cities | theguardian.com

L3 group civilisation: oraux/exposés

L3 civilization: important

You need an oral mark for your third year civilization class. I have put up on Eprel a series of documents in the file "0314 orals". If you don't have these documents, send me an email immediately. (john point mullen arobase wanadoo point F R)
The oral exams will be at the following times :
Jeu 22 mai 12h-14h
Lundi 26 mai 13h-15h
Mardi 27 mai  14h-16h30

Tomorrow, Wednesday, I will put up on the door of my office a signing up sheet, so you can sign yourself in for a time slot. If it is difficult for you to come in on the 26th or 27th, make sure you sign up early for  a time slot on the 22nd : there are a limited number of slots.

When you come to your appointment for the oral exam, there is no preparation time : you have prepared all the documents at home. I will give you one of the documents (you may not choose) and you have exactly ten minutes to comment on the document, showing that you understand the document, how it works, and its wide historical context. Remember the aim is to show me you know things.


Sunday, May 11, 2014

John Mullen- Teaching blog: L3 British cinema since 1945

MP3 file of the lecture on cinema here:

John Mullen- Teaching blog: L3 British cinema since 1945

A History of Horror: Hammer Films and the British Horror (legendado PT-BR) - YouTube

For many years, British cinema was famous for its horror films. Click on the link below. This documentary looks at British horror films from the fifties and sixties. Dracula, Frankenstein, witch burnings and Satan! Keep the light on !

A History of Horror: Hammer Films and the British Horror (legendado PT-BR) - YouTube

Saturday, May 10, 2014

L3 British civilization

Your four hour exam, which includes a text commentary and an essay, will contain questions focussed on the period since 1970. You may of course mention events before 1970 for reasons of comparison and perspective, but none of the questions will have as their main focus the period 1945-70.

Thursday, May 08, 2014

L3 British Art since 1945

You will find here the powerpoint slideshow you saw in class on British Art since 1945.

You will find here a lecture on British Art since 1945.

keywords: British Art; podcast; history of art; lecture; civilisation britannique; histoire de l'art 

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

British Film Forever - Sauce, Satire And Silliness - The Story Of British Comedy (Episode 7) - YouTube

In the last class on "Britain since 1945", we will be looking at British cinema. Here is a documentary on the history of British comedy.

British Film Forever - Sauce, Satire And Silliness - The Story Of British Comedy (Episode 7) - YouTube

Monday, May 05, 2014

séminaire 12 mai "Problématiques régionales dans les Antilles anglophones"

Le 12 mai de 14h à 16h en i3 218 (attention: horaire exceptionnel), le séminaire du CIMMA (séminaire d'études de civilisations anglophones) écoutera Jean-Paul Revauger , venu de l’Université de Bordeaux. Il nous parlera de
“Problématiques régionales dans les Antilles anglophones” 
Les étudiants qui s'intéressent à cette question sont les bienvenus.
Jean-Paul Revauger, parmi bien d’autres publications,  a dirigé le livre collectif  Villes de Caraîbe : Réalités sociales et productions culturelles, en 2006.

John Mullen  

Philip Tagg, Music’s Meanings: a modern musicology for non-musos, New York & Huddersfield: Mass Media Music Scholars’ Press, 2012. | QUADERNA

Quaderna has just published my review and analysis of an important book by Philip Tagg, founder of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music

Philip Tagg, Music’s Meanings: a modern musicology for non-musos, New York & Huddersfield: Mass Media Music Scholars’ Press, 2012. | QUADERNA

Plurilinguisme : de l’expérience multiculturelle à l’expérimentation | QUADERNA

Un groupe de collègues de l'UPEC, dont moi-même, publions chaque année la revue Quaderna. Le nouveau numéro vient de sortir et peut être consulté en ligne et gratuitement ici :

Plurilinguisme : de l’expérience multiculturelle à l’expérimentation | QUADERNA

Saturday, May 03, 2014

L1 panorama de la civilisation britannique : Britain since the Romans: Powerpoints

Vous trouverez dans les liens ci-dessous l'ensemble des powerpoints que vous avez vus en cours. Bonne révision!

1 Roman Britain
2 Invasions
3 The Middle Ages
4 Reformation and Civil War
5 Industrial Revolution and Empire
6 The twentieth century