

Saturday, February 23, 2013

La décolonisation britannique Cercles 28 (2013)

Cette revue universitaire, disponible en ligne gratuitement, consacre son nouveau numéro au thème de La décolonisation britannique:

Cercles 28 (2013)

Diaporamas "Britain since the Romans"

You can find here the powerpoints I used in the British history lectures on "Britain since the Romans".

For lecture one (on Roman Britain) the powerpoint is here.
For lecture two (on Anglo-Saxon and Viking invasions) the powerpoint is here.
For lecture three (on 1066 and Norman Britain) the powerpoint is here.
For lecture four (on the Reformation and the Civil War) the powerpoint is here.

Moody's baisse la note de la Grande-Bretagne - Libération

Moody's baisse la note de la Grande-Bretagne - Libération

Friday, February 22, 2013

La lutte d'une famille afro-américaine : conference à Créteil

Les services culturels de l’Ambassade des Etats-Unis proposent une rencontre avec l’auteure Gail Milissa Grant, dont le premier ouvrage, At the Elbows of my Elders, a obtenu le Prix Benjamin Franklin et retrace la lutte d'une famille afro-américaine de Saint Louis pour les droits civiques aux Etats-Unis.


Nous accueillerons Gail Grant jeudi 28 février de 15h30 à 17h30 en salle I2-213.

Cette rencontre est ouverte à tous les étudiants de Licence et de Master.

Gail Grant présentera un pan de l’histoire afro-américaine plus méconnu : le mouvement pour les droits civiques qui précède l’arrivée de Martin Luther King, dans les années 30 et 40, mouvement qui a organisé la toute première Marche sur Washington en 1941. De nombreuses archives photographiques seront présentées. L'intervention sera exclusivement en anglais et les étudiants seront invités a poser des questions à l’issue de la présentation.

'Pride And Prejudice' Turns 200: A Cartoon Celebration : NPR

'Pride And Prejudice' Turns 200: A Cartoon Celebration : NPR

Banksy auction: London's anger over missing artwork

BBC News - Banksy auction: London's anger over missing artwork

‘World Without End’, ‘Chivalry and Betrayal’ and why the Middle Ages mattered… | Sam Gould | Independent Arts Blogs

‘World Without End’, ‘Chivalry and Betrayal’ and why the Middle Ages mattered… | Sam Gould | Independent Arts Blogs

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

English humour

Do you want to read serious research about English humour ?
Try here.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Les manuscrits de 1844, de Karl Marx

Aujourd'hui j'ai fait mon séminaire sur le jeune Marx, comment il est devenu marxiste, et les Manuscrits de 1844. Le powerpoint que j'ai utilisé en cours peut être téléchargé ici.

L'enregistrement du cours est ici. Faites un clic droit et choisir "enregistrer la cible sous". Attention, c'est un gros fichier, de 150 Megaoctets.

Minister was wrong to say obese children come from poorer homes - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent

Minister was wrong to say obese children come from poorer homes - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Revue Française de Civilisation Britannique

Je fais partie du comité de rédaction de la Revue Française de Civilisation Britannique. On vient de mettre en ligne, gratuitement, le dernier numéro. Vous le trouverez ici:


The Mark Steel Lectures-Karl Marx 1/3 - YouTube

Finally, the British political comedian , Mark Steel, who writes a column in The Independent newspaper, talks seriously, but with a lot of jokes, about Karl Marx. the humour can be very rapid.

The Mark Steel Lectures-Karl Marx 1/3 - YouTube

Karl Marx en manga - YouTube

 Karl Marx en manga - YouTube

Karl Marx, le grand gagnant de la crise financière - YouTube

Mercredi  je fais un séminaire sur le jeune Marx et ses écrits. Ce petit extrait d'un documentaire pose la question de savoir si Marx est encore actuel au XXIème siècle.

Karl Marx, le grand gagnant de la crise financière - YouTube

Monday, February 11, 2013

Attila the Stockbroker - Tyler Smiles - YouTube

Wat Tyler was a leader of the peasants' revolt against taxes in the 14th Century.
In the 1980s, when there was a mass movement against the Poll Tax proposed by Margaret Thatcher, the singer Attila the Stockbroker wrote this song, where he imagines Tyler being happy to see another revolt against an unjust tax. 

Attila the Stockbroker - Tyler Smiles - YouTube

Sutton Hoo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A lot more details about the discovery, at Sutton Hoo, of an Anglo-saxon ship burial.

Sutton Hoo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Opportunity (rover) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you're curious to know more about the mars rover we were translating about.

Opportunity (rover) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Scotland in the UK - best of both worlds

As you know, there will be a referendum next year, and Scottish people will be able to say whether they prefer to be independent or not. The Prime Minister, David Cameron, has just made a statement on the question. He is opposed to independence, of course. 

Scotland in the UK - best of both worlds

Thursday, February 07, 2013

What have the Romans ever done for us - YouTube

History of the Roman empire: humour. A sketch from Monty Python about the advantages and disadvantages of living in the Roman Empire.

What have the Romans ever done for us - YouTube

Monday, February 04, 2013

Sunday, February 03, 2013

M1 enseignement rappel des fondamentaux

You will find below your marks for the module "rappel des fondamentaux". They are made up, half and half, of the two marks from the two classroom tests.

The main weakness in the essay part is that many students did not distinguish between 1) British public opinion 2) the British government and 3) different organized minorities.

Remember the basic fact of studying British civilization: almost all sentences beginning "British people thought" are not useful, because you need to say which British people. This is particularly true of controversial questions. When Enoch Powell made his speech in 1968, *some* British people supported him - some dockers and civil servants even went on strike to support him, which is extremely rare on this kind of question. Other British people thought he was quite wrong. We don't have precise measures, but if the Prime Minister felt it necessary to sack him, it is a fairly good sign that the Prime minister thought a *lot* of votes could be lost by not sacking him.

Concerning the scripts for this exam, I will keep them in my office and you can have them back.  Having said that, the scripts for the commentaire are much more important. My comments on the rappel des fondamentaux  exam are along the lines of "No, it was a century before" and so on, which are not very enlightening. But on the Commentaire scripts there are many annotations which you need to spend hours studying.

M1 enseignement rappel des fondamentaux Moyennes

