

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

L1 tutorat - profitez-en!

Infos tutorat 2009 2010

Cette année le tutorat est assuré par trois étudiantes de Paris XII inscrites en master 1 ou 2 d’anglais.

Voici les créneaux pendant lesquels tout étudiant de première année d’anglais peut venir chercher de l’aide et travailler auprès de ces tuteurs, dès le 28 septembre 2009.

Claire Troisbé-Bauman, étudiante en master 2, répondra aux questions des étudiants tous les
lundi de 13 à 14h salle 143.

Emeline Dilichen, également étudiante en master 2 d’anglais, assurera l’accueil des étudiants de L1 tous les
mardi entre 12 et 14h salle 268.

Melody Gerbaud, inscrite en Master 1 recevra les étudiants tous les mercredi entre 13h et 14h
vendredi entre13h et 14h salle 315

Claire pourra également renseigner et aider les étudiants tous les
jeudi de 13 à 14 salle 215

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Saturday, September 19, 2009

More places to practise listening comprehension

Video: Make your own bento box | World news | guardian.co.uk

University life: bunk beds, night lectures, late loans | Education | The Guardian

University life: bunk beds, night lectures, late loans | Education | The Guardian

Being a university student in Britain...

Listening comprehension practice

Agrégation externe : compréhension orale session 2009

If you want to practise your listening comprehension in English, follow the link above. You will find there a series of passages which were used for the Aggrégation in France this year. The candidates were expected to note down every word, but if your English is not at that level yet, you can see if you understand most of what is said. Many of the passages are from news bulletins; you will of course need to listen several times.

Friday, September 18, 2009

For everyone - classic British comedy - Two Ronnies: Opticians

YouTube - Two Ronnies: Opticians

Follow this link to see on Youtube a classic comedy sketch from the British duo, the Two Ronnies.

L2 Civilisation britannique : Whig history - Wikipedia

Whig history - Wikipedia

As I will be explaining, one of the dangers of looking at history is seeing it as automatic and inevitable progress towards a better world. The technical term for this view is "the whig view of history" : click on the link above to read the wikipedia article which explains what this is.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

John Gielgud - Wikipedia

John Gielgud - Wikipedia

L2 Thème - votre meilleur ami!

Grammar is one of the most difficult parts about studying English. You can generally absorb vocabulary by reading, and improve your listening comprehension by watching films in English. You will not absorb grammar. You need to know this book very well indeed. It's not an easy book - each section will need to be read three or four times, and compared with other grammar books... but it is important work.

If one of your objectives is to get your degree, remember that poor grammar will lose you marks in every exam, not just in the grammar exam!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Quentin Crisp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Quentin Crisp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The biography of gay British raconteur Quentin Crisp.

The Mike Harding Show - folk music from Britain

BBC - BBC Radio 2 Programmes - The Mike Harding Show

Every week on BBC radio, available on the Internet, Mike Harding presents a programme on folk and acoustic music, mostly from the British Isles. Irish folk music is quite well-known internationally, but for people who are curious about English and Scottish folk music, this programme could be very interesting. Click on the link above.

Monday, September 14, 2009

L2 Civilisation britannique - British History Timeline

BBC - History - British History Timeline

Rappelez-vous les évènements marquants en lisant cette chronologie mise en ligne par la BBC.

Cours de L1 Bloc 2

Mes cours de L1 bloc 2 "Identités et conflits sociaux et ethniques en Grande Bretagne" auront lieu les vendredi, de 11h à 13h, dans l'amphi Vert. Ces cours ont lieu en français. Le programme, et d'autres informations, seront disponibles bientôt sur ce blog.

L2 civilisation britannique Groupe 1

I will be teaching British Civilization (Britain since 1900) to L2 group 1 this semester. The classes will take place on Fridays : from 1:30pm to 3pm in room 318; then from 4pm to 5:30pm in Prefab 902.

In addition, every second week from the 9th October, we will be having the computer and internet technology applied to civilization studies classes (TICE) on the 3rd floor at 8:30am on Friday mornings.

Attendance at all the classes is obligatory.

Further information (the programme, for example) will be available on this blog soon.

:: Michael Rosen - The Website ::

:: Michael Rosen - The Website ::
Michael Rosen, English children's poet...

Friday, September 11, 2009

Current affairs : Treatment of Alan Turing was “appalling” - PM | Number10.gov.uk

Treatment of Alan Turing was “appalling” - PM | Number10.gov.uk

The British Prime minister made this week an official apology for the treatment in the 1950s of the mathematician Alan Turing. Alan Turing played an important role in breaking nazi codes during the second world war, but in the 1950s he was arrested and mistreated for being a homosexual.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

British Health System Hits Back At U.S. Critics

British Health System Hits Back At U.S. Critics

As you probably know there is a major debate going on in the United States about the healthcare system, and the reform which president Obama is proposing. Some of the opponents of Obama have expressed some very harsh criticisms of the British health system, the NHS. This article talks of some people who want to defend the reputation of the British system.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Petit quizz - que trouvera-t-on si on suit la flèche?

Posted by Picasa

Cliquez sur la photo d'abord pour la voir en grand.

Petit test - savez vous traduire?

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The quest for the perfect pint: Britain's 25 best pubs - This Britain, UK - The Independent

The quest for the perfect pint: Britain's 25 best pubs - This Britain, UK - The Independent

La rentrée se profile, mais il reste un moment pour s'amuser. Cliquez sur le lien pour voir une liste des 25 meilleurs pubs au Royaume Uni, selon un quotidien londonien.

Phonetics - Sound Comparisons

Sound Comparisons

If you want to hear some words pronounced in English accents from different parts of Britain, America and other parts of the world, visit this fascinating site hosted by the University of Edinburgh.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Students celebrate best ever results - GCSEs - Education - News - Accrington Observer

Students celebrate best ever results - GCSEs - Education - News - Accrington Observer

This article from a local newspaper in Lancashire will show some things about the British education system today. Notice how schools are encouraged to specialize : a "business and entreprise college" a "sports academy" etc.

BFI | Features | The BFI 100 | 1-10

BFI | Features | The BFI 100 | 1-10

If you like cinema, this site gives you a list of the "hundred best British films" of the twentieth century...