

Thursday, December 10, 2020

BBC Class for Rouen, week eleven


BBC classes week eleven Rouen


You will find here the MP3 recording of this week’s live class. We did not have slides this week.


The journal presented in this class is available free online here :


It is up to each of you to decide  which articles are your top priority.


There is a video chapter here.


 I have numbered it 7b, because it is not really one in the series of video chapters for you in Rouen. It is a (somewhat briefer) version of my class on the BBC in the 1920s.

Next week last live class. There are  a number of video chapters still to come. 

In the concours blanc next week you may or may not have a subject on the BBC.

In the two one-hour classes in January on méthodologie de la dissertation, we will look at how to construct a dissertation on the subject "The BBC and competition", so make sure you prepare beforehand. Try to write a plan of such a piece of work. If you wish you may write a whole dissertation beforehand and send it to me, but I know you are busy people.

In the following months there will be a few hours of preparation for the orals, on the questions of the BBC (mostly commentary).



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